View Full Version : Howard Finkel - WWE Draft Thoughts..Part 1

04-11-2009, 07:19 PM
I hope that everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend. Happy Easter and Happy Passover to those of you who celebrate these respective holidays.

Now, down to business. With the 2009 WWE Draft taking place this Monday night as part of a big three-hour special on the USA Network, I want to offer you my thoughts on those superstars that I feel should be drafted, where they should go, and why. Let's get busy!


Originally locked in as a tag team performer, the Gold Standard has hit his stride over the last year+ as a singles competitor, which for a spell garnered him the United States Championship. Yet there are still some skeptics who believe that he has been luckier than not in what I would call his "breakout" ascension. I disagree. Benjamin has always had the pure talent and confidence, and sometimes it takes the right opportunity to showcase it; SmackDown gave him that chance. I think that a move to Raw would be great for him. New rivalries, new challenges, and fresh opportunities for Benjamin to continue his quest to attain overall greatness.


The Blackpool, England native has always been a steady performer in my eyes, and I've always had the utmost respect for him as both a superstar and as an individual. However, I think that he is in "cruise control" mode in his current Raw position. Being drafted to ECW serves a few purposes. He would bring a veteran presence to their roster, of which the younger superstars competing there could greatly benefit by. Also, if you remember, Regal has been General Manager of Raw in the past, so from his experience on that front, that too is a potential benefit for the ECW brand, as they are currently seeking a permanent GM.


Fresh start. A new beginning. Unfortunately, Candice has been snake bit by the injury jinx through the last few years. When she entered WWE, lshe learned and applied well, and her attitude and energy has always been most admirable. She is about ready to return to action once again, and to me, from a perception standpoint, I think a move to SmackDown would serve her well. Start all over again with a new brand, and show them that you mean business; it doesn't take long to get noticed!


When the main "peep" returned to WWE, he chose ECW to hang his hat, and thus far he has enjoyed a modicum of success there. But to be honest, I think that it's time for Christian to shift gears and make the move to Raw. I can certainly see him vying for an Intercontinental Championship opportunity out of the gate. I've known Christian for about a dozen years now, and have always been a big booster of his in-ring work and presence. Being drafted to Raw would be great for him, and I believe that he would definitely surprise many with how well he would do there.



OK, so actually my last move involves two superstars. Personally speaking, I think that Miz and Morrison have gone about as far as they can with their tag team. They continually have impressed me with their in-ring work, and more so with their vocal skills, which is so paramount in making a name for yourself. Both men were good for each other, but to me, now the time is right to have them continue to carve their niche in WWE from a solo standpoint. Say what you want about the Shaman of Sexy and the Chick Magnet, but going the individual route respectively is something that I feel both men would excel at greatly.

That's it for my first grouping. Come back tomorrow for my remaining choices of those who I would like to see drafted this Monday night. And I'd like to know how you feel about some things as well: Do you agree / disagree with my thoughts? Who would you like to see get drafted? And also, would you like to see the respective GM's make their selections, or would you like to see the picks be randomly generated, as they have been for the past two drafts. Feel free to leave a comment; they're always welcomed!

Thanks, and I'm out.......

04-11-2009, 07:27 PM
I disagree, I think Morrison should go to RAW and Miz stay on ECW and Shelton stay on SD. I agree with everything else though, especially Christian to RAW and Regal to ECW.

04-11-2009, 09:25 PM
^ so agree, thanks for the post John