View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 30th Jun 2006

07-03-2006, 10:13 PM
Smackdown Results - 30th Jun 2006
Roanoke, Virginia

Quick Results:
- Cruiserweight Title: Gregory Helms def. Super Crazy by DQ to retain
- The Pitbulls def. Marty Garner and Unknown
- Finlay def. Matt Hardy
- Mr. Kennedy def. Gunner Scott
- Vito def. Simon Dean
- US Title: Bobby Lashley def. Booker T to retain [Steel Cage]

This edition of Smackdown starts off with a video recap of Mark Henry’s match against Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship match last week, which he “lost” via disqualification. Remember that tonight; Lashley will defend the US Title against Booker T…in a Steel Cage Match!

In the arena:
First off, Mark Henry walks to the ring, but not for a match, he’s here to…speak (Oh, dear God!). Henry rambles on about how he should be the World Heavyweight Champion after last week, what with the beating he gave Rey. He then threatens Chavo with the same old spiel about destroying Batista, Kurt Angle (which got a small “ECW” chant) and Chris Benoit. He calls Chavo a “parasite”, along with all the other Guerreros, for “sucking” off Eddie’s fame. Chavo then comes out, mic in hand, to save this segment. He asks if Mark has been practicing his speech, and says he sees through Mark’s plan, and that he will not fight him, claiming the Guerrero name to be “bulletproof”. Henry comes back, saying that he spits on him and the Guerreros, and Eddie, too. This goads Chavo into storming the ring, and he tries to mount an offense, but Henry hits the World’s Strongest Slam, followed by the Death From Above (second-rope splash). He does for the DFA again, but Rey Mysterio hits the ring and takes the splash! Henry slams Mysterio into the apron and the steel pole, and does the same to Chavo, slamming him into the steel pole.

Cruiserweight Championship Match
Super Crazy vs. Gregory Helms (c)
Referee: Charles Robinson

The start:
To start, Crazy goes after the leg, but Helms gets the ropes. They lock up, and Crazy gets an arm drag, followed by a springboard dropkick. Crazy hits a springboard senton to the outside, but gets straddled on the way back in, as Helms hits a jawbreaker on the ropes, sending Crazy outside. Inside, Helms gets 2, followed up by some shin kicks to the head, with a running neckbreaker for 2.

The Finish:
Helms targets the head and neck with a Buffalo sleeper hold, but Crazy fires back with a head scissors takedown, followed by two tilt-a-whirl backbreakers, and a spinning heel kick for a 2-count. Helms is fed a kick, but hits a sit-out Rydeen Bomb for another 2-count. Helms goes up top for some right hands, but Crazy shoves him off, and it’s a missile dropkick followed by a standing moonsault for a close 2-count. Crazy locks in a satellite armbar, but Psicosis hits the ring and heel kicks Helms, disqualifying Crazy.

Winner by disqualification, and still Cruiserweight Champion: Gregory Helms

The Aftermath:
Psicosis immediately beats on Crazy, and they both brawl, until Crazy sends Psicosis outside with a sharp dropkick to the face.

Backstage, Booker T argues with the Steel Cage stipulation, and implores Teddy Long to council the Cage match, but Teddy says he doesn’t give a damn. Lashley vs. Booker in a Steel Cage, and that’s final!

Next Week:
Batista returns next week, finally!

The Pitbulls vs. Marty Garner and Unknown
Referee: Chris Kay

They show a video of Kash & Noble cutting a promo in their gimmick, which isn’t nearly as good as it should be.

The start:
Both men tear into the one guy with a double elbow, and Noble body slams him. He tags Kash, and they both chop him, and Kash hits a back suplex slam. Kash hits the reverse mounted punches, and he tags Noble, who hits a short-arm lariat. Noble gets a chinlock, and tags Kash, and they get a front/back kick, and Kash pounds on the kid some more.

The Finish:
Noble tags in, pounds on the kid, and tags Kash, who chops the kid, but the kid tags out to Garner, but Garner gets slammed, followed up with a clothesline, and Noble hits a powerslam, tagging out to Kash, who hits a top-rope clothesline from the powerbomb position on Garner for the pin.

Winners: The Pitbulls

Backstage, Kristal interviews Ashley, who says that the best thing about the Diva Search was making friends (like Kristal), and urges the contestants to have fun, and not worry about winning or losing. Kristal then gets mad at Ashley, and says “I finished 4th, bitch!” Meow.

Backstage, Lashley says that tonight, Booker T will not have his friends to help him, and he will leave as the US Champion.

Matt Hardy vs. Finlay
Referee: Nick Patrick

During Hardy’s entrance, the Little Bastard watches Hardy from under the ring…

The start:
Finlay uses his “smash-mouth” style to wear down Hardy, but Hardy quickly comes back with some offense, but is stopped by Finlay, who misses a secons-rope dive, and is thrown outside by Hardy. Finlay traps Hardy in the ring apron, and clubs away at Hardy, and takes him down with a sleeper hold inside. Hardy comes back with the Side Effect for a 2-count, and it’s the Leg Drop for another 2-count, before Hardy back drops Finlay outside.

The Finish:
Finlay gets dragged under by his Little Bastard, and the little guy kicks Hardy! The little man tosses JBL a beer (hilarious!), as Finlay goes for the shillelagh, but misses. Hardy goes to hit Hardy with it, but it gets confiscated, gvivng Finlay time to mash Hardy’s face into the (exposed) turnbuckle and hit the Celtic Cross for the win.

Winner: Finlay

Fear Factor:
A recap of The Miz’s foray into Fear Factor is played, in which he won (Hoo-rah!).

Gunner Scott vs. Mr. Kennedy
Referee: Chris Kay

Ken insults the crowd and Scott, before doing his thing.

The start:
Match starts with Scott going after the arm of Ken, but Ken gets the ropes. Ken gets his own armbar, which is reversed by Scott, but Kennedy gets out of it. Kennedy shoves Gunner into the middle rope, and delivers a stiff kick to the gut, continuing the smash-mouth offense, which earns a 2-count.

The Finish:
Kennedy straight up punches Gunner, and scoop slams Scott, before going for a second-rope dive, sidestepping the boot on the way down, but missing the elbow drop. Gunner attempts to come back, but Kennedy mat slams Scott, and mops up the former Brent Albright with the Kenton Bomb.

Winner: Mr. Kennedy

The Aftermath:
Before Ken can utter the final KENNEDY, the Great Khali’s music hits, and he stalks to the ring, as Kennedy high-tails it out of the ring. Khali then double-goozles Gunner Scott, and hits the release Choke bomb on him. Daivari then brings out a black body bag, and rolls Gunner Scott inside, and zips it up. Daivari gets on the stick, and plays up Khali’s dominance, and proclaims that Khali will face The Undertaker…in a Punjabi Prison Match (…I have no idea. I thought it was Hell In A Cell, but maybe not)! Khali then does the Undertaker worship pose, as the blue lights hit.

In the arena:
In the ring stands The Miz, recapping the night, and hypes up the Cage Match (Hoo-rah!)

Vito vs. Simon Dean
Referee: Charles Robinson

A small vignette is played of Vito going to a boutique in Roanoke, as he shopped for a dress. Who did he have to piss off to get this gimmick? Vito comes out with a green dress, looking much more flamboyant and jolly than normal. And out comes Simon, on his segue scooter, looking absolutely disgusted at the sight of a bald Italian man in drag. Vito shows his…leg…to Simon, and “flashes his chest” to Simon, who pie-faces Vito, only to get torn apart (physically) by Vito.

The match:
Vito body slams Dean, and misses a second-rope splash, EXPOSING HIS THONG. Dean stays on the offense, and double-stomps the chest, which earns a 2-count. Dean gets a headlock, but Vito comes back with a Russian leg sweep, as Vito continues to give the audience a FULL view (thankfully blurred in Canada), as he attacks with clotheslines and a back elbow for 2. Vito hits a vertical suplex, followed by an elbow drop, and locks in the chicken wing (with Dean’s head up his dress) for the tap out victory!

Winner: Vito

Backstage, we see Booker talking to Finlay and Regal, but it’s far away, so we can’t hear him.

Another promo is played of Sylvan’s new Quebec ambassador gimmick, as he plays up Montreal’s nightlife and dining. Trust me, Quebec is a great place.

United States Championship Match
Steel Cage Match
Booker T vs. Bobby Lashley (c)
Referee: Jim Korderas

The start:
Both men lock up, and Lashley tees off on Booker, and hits a big body slam. Lashley charges at Booker in the corner repeatedly, and he hits a vertical suplex on Booker T. Booker sends Lashley’s face into the cage, and Booker hits the sort-arm hook kick, as he peppers Lashley with right hands and chops in the corner.

Mid-match notes:
Lashley explodes out of the corner with another big body slam, and sends Booker over the ropes into the cage, and Lashley gets a front face lock. Booker gets out of it, only to eat a spinebuster, as Lashley goes for the door, but Finlay stands ready with the shillelagh, so Lashley stops, and the door gets smashed on his head by Finlay! Booker gets both arms out of the cage, but Lashley drags him back in, and hits another big slam after a short exchange. Booker hits a drop toehold on Lashley, who rebounds into the corner, as we return from the final break.

Booker tries to climb, and succeeds in knocking Lashley down, but Lashley bounds back, and pounds on Booker, kicking him off the cage. But Booker quickly takes out the legs of Lashley, stunning the champ for a 2-count. Booker lights up Lashley with chops, and hits the “Royal” Book End on Lashley on the rebound, and Booker makes triple-sure to hit the Scissors Kick, and Lashley is down. But 20 seconds later, Lashley is NOT down, and lays into a nearly escaped Booker with a strangle hold, and some big-time offense, but Booker gets the thumb-in-the-eye and stomps the injured knee of Lashley. Booker lies back on a Boston crab.

The Finish:
Lashley escapes, as Booker continues the onslaught, but Lashley hits the running powerslam, sending Booker down! Lashley tries to go over, but Regal and Finlay thwart him, and Lashley goes to the other side to stop Booker again, and both fight on the top rope. Lashley monkey tosses Booker 7 feet to the canvas, and Lashley escapes the cage to retain the title (decking Regal with a right hand!)!

Winner and still United States Champion: Bobby Lashley

Report By: Will Young