View Full Version : Shad Gaspard Blog

04-21-2009, 07:02 AM
WWE star Shad Gaspard posted the following (language edited for content) as part of a Q&A blog on his official Myspace in regard to Internet reporting:

Is it true WWE wants to release you and keep JTG?

No. I don’t know who started this dumb sh**, but it’s not true. I don’t read wrestling news websites or magazine (excluding WWE Magazine) for one simple reason. They are bulls***. Just like you all before I got into WWE I did read them, but ones I got in I learned that the people who write and control these publications aren’t reporters or journalist, they are ass holes who write 5% fact and 95% bull s*** (I’m being generic). Their sources usually give them half info so they have to make up the rest and they always contradict what they print later. I remember reading an article from PWI saying WWE was going to release Batista and put Golddust with a new group HHH was going to star t. Really PWI? …I have read articles about my friends and other that are just dumb. And we don’t respond to them because we know they are not true. So the next time you read “PWBull S***”, or “Lords of I Don’t Know What’s Going On”, just know that what you read on their web pages is 5% fact and 95% bulls***.

These web sites are going to probably start writing a lot of bull s*** about me because I’m saying this and it’s all true. So this is what I say to you as wrestling fans. Don’t buy into there bull; enjoy the entertainment of professional wrestling. Let it take you to a place where you just want to cheer, boo, and feel excitement.

And if these web sites have a problem with what I am saying I challenge them to step up there game, do some real reporting/ journalism, take real fan poles (PWI) on best ”””” of 20?? (Don’t just make your friends #1), name your sources (If they are so credible), and stop printing crap. Now I know they wont but the ball is in there court.

Since a few readers forwarded the blog over to us, a few things to note:

*While Gaspard used the "PWI" initials (something we have never used ourselves, we are PWInsider.com), I have no idea if Gaspard is referring to anything he believes PWInsider.com has written in the past, but we've certainly never reported any member of Cryme Tyme was going to be released, that Triple H was adding Goldust to a group, or that WWE was looking to release Batista. I tend to think he's not actually referring to this website as it's laughable that anyone would think any of these things were written by anyone at this website.

*That said, given that Gaspard did namecheck one writer who runs around on a lot of different websites posting stories that are completely made up or partially derived from stories originally published on legitimate websites. In both cases, the writer credits legitimate websites as his "sources", whether they were or not. If that lead Gaspard (or anyone else) to think the writer may be associated with PWInsider.com, they are sorely mistaken. The person in question is not and never has been associated with this website.

*I probably don't need to point this out, but I will for the record- If you don't see a story reported here on PWInsider.com, we have no connection to it, no matter what may be credited to us elsewhere.

*I want to note that Gaspard does make a good point in regard to different online outlets that lack credible, reliable sources and I absolutely agree with him - every website that wants to be taken as a serious news outlet should be doing their groundwork and should be working to insure that everything they report is correct. Mistakes will happen and when they do, they should be corrected. At the same time, you can't broadly paint the entire Internet with one big brush - there are outlets that do exactly what Gaspard says he wants websites to do - and I firmly believe PWInsider.com is chief among them.

*One final thing I do want to note is that WWE can have an open door for public communication with PWInsider.com any time they would like, but beyond WWE issuing press releases to the site, they choose to keep the doors closed. Whether we or you agree with it or not, that is their right.