View Full Version : UFC Undisputed Demo Arrives Today

04-23-2009, 09:01 PM
Anyone whose interest in UFC Undisputed was piqued by David Ellis' endorsement on last week's Listen Up will be delighted to hear that a demo for THQ's mixed martial arts game arrived on the Xbox Live Marketplace this morning. The 530 MB demo allows players to enter the octagon as either Chuck Liddell or Mauricio Rua, although if it's at all representative of what went down at UFC 97 last weekend, you might want to stick with Rua.

A PlayStation 3 version of the demo was promised on the game's community site last week, so PS3 owners should expect to get their hands on it along with the PlayStation Store update later today. Until then, do your best not to toss any elbows at your neighbors in excitement -- unless they're into that sort of thing.