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04-24-2009, 07:15 AM
WM Returning to Floria - Inside

The Tampa Tribune reported today that Tampa has been invited to bid on holding a WWE Wrestlemania event sometime between 2011-2014. Tampa Bay & Co., Hillsborough's visitors' marketing bureau, is preparing bids for both Wrestlemania and the soccer World Cup, according to the article.
Wrestlemania was held in Florida for the first time last year in Orlando and Orlando officials have pushed for a return engagement.
Wrestlemania 26 will be held in Glendale, Arizona in 2010. No additional Wrestlemania sites have been confirmed, although Las Vegas and Indianapolis are among the cities that have been bandied about for Mania 27 so far.
Tampa is the home of a number of people in the wrestling business as well as the base of operations for WWE developmental league Florida Championship Wrestling.