View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for April 23rd, 2009

04-24-2009, 11:32 AM
We are live on tape from London, England and your announcers are Jim Ross and Todd Grisham for the Smackdown match; Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler for the Vintage Raw match; and Matt Striker and Josh Mathews for the ECW match.

We see footage from Rey Mysterio’s match against Big Show from Raw. We also see footage from CM Punk’s match with Kane.

Match Number One: Rey Mysterio and CM Punk versus Big Show and Kane

Rey and Kane start things off and Kane with a punch after he backs Rey into the corner and he connects with an uppercut and a head butt. Kane sends Rey into the turnbuckles and then he punches Rey and kicks him in the corner. Rey avoids a kick from Kane but he does not miss another kicks. Rey is thrown under the bottom rope and then Kane tries to come out to the floor but Rey returns to the ring and Rey with a baseball slide to Kane and he follows it with a seated splash from the apron. We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane tries for a side slam but Punk escapes the hold and he drop kicks Kane. Rey is tagged in and Kane sends Punk to the apron and Rey with a blind 619 to Kane’s midsection followed by a springboard seated splash. Rey goes after Show and Show throws Rey aside. Kane with a big boot to Rey and then Show is tagged in. Show picks up Rey and tosses him down to the mat. Show with a chop to Rey and then he connects with a head butt. Show hits a leg drop for a near fall. Kane tags back in and he connects with a boot in the corner. Kane with a side slam with authority for a near fall. Kane with a bear hug. Rey with punches as he tries to get to Punk, but Kane runs Rey back into his corner and Show is tagged back in. Show picks up Rey by the mask and then he chops Rey. Show walks across Rey’s chest. Rey with a jawbreaker followed by a kick in the corner but Show catches Rey and he tosses him back to the mat. Kane tags back in and he hits an Irish whip and he puts Rey back in a bear hug. Rey with punches but Kane with a kick. Rey with an enzuigiri and Punk tags in and Punk with a springboard clothesline and a series of kicks. Punk avoids a big boot and Punk with a series of kicks. Punk with a knee into the corner and then he hits a second one. Punk goes up top but he sees Show. Punk turns his attention to Show and that allows Kane to hit a choke slam for the three count.
Winners: Kane and Big Show

Hornswoggle and Finlay are in the locker room and they get ready for their match and then they hug.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Jeff Hardy video package.

We see footage from what happened last Tuesday with Hornswoggle, Finlay, Natalya, and Tyson Kidd.

Match Number Two: Finlay and Hornswoggle versus Tyson Kidd and Natalya

Finlay and Kidd start things off and Finlay with a waist lock and a fireman’s carry slam. Hornswoggle tags in and hits a satellite head scissors. Kidd goes to the floor to regroup. Hornswoggle juggles in the ring and then he throws his balls at Kidd. Kidd chases Hornswoggle around the ring and Finlay with a body block to Kidd. Hornswoggle with a spear to Natalya. They return to the ring and Hornswoggle with a seated splash for a near fall. Natalya makes the save and the referee is out of position so he misses Finlay hitting Kidd with the shillelagh. Hornswoggle with the frog splash for the three count.
Winners: Hornswoggle and Finlay

After the match, Finlay gets on the mic and he says that this will probably be the last time that him and Hornswoggle will be in the ring together. Finlay wants everyone to join him in singing Hornswoggle’s favorite song ‘Irish Eyes are Smiling’.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Raw Rebound.

Time to run through the card for Backlash.

Jim Ross and Todd Grisham show us what happened to John Cena on Raw.

Todd Grisham has made it from the announce table to the interview area at light speed to talk to John Cena. John is all serious and he says that he is supposed to be saying that this is where he says that he is ready to go for Backlash. John wants to address the viewers. He says that the footage they just saw was overly graphic. Cena says that it was a necessity. The rivalry between him and Edge has nowhere else to go. They have walked down every road and told every story. This is one of the greatest rivalries in Sports Entertainment history. He says that they have manufactured each other’s career through this feud. This the Yankees versus the Red Sox. He asks what if the Yankees and Red Sox only play one more game. Would they risk their career to win that last game? Would they put it all on the line and gamble because they might be victorious. Cena says that is how serious it is to him. You will probably hear from Edge and he will be cocky and confident about how he will win at Backlash. Cena says that he is thirsty for a brawl. They know that only one will be able to walk out. Only one can be the better man and at Backlash, there will be only one ‘last man standing’.

Match Number Three: Edge versus Kofi Kingston

Edge with a waist lock but Kofi with a wrist lock but Edge with a kick and punch. Edge with a side head lock. Edge with a shoulder tackle but Kofi with an arm drag into an arm bar and key lock. Kofi with a knee to the elbow and a near fall. Kofi returns to the arm bar but Edge with a forearm. Kofi floats over and then he leaps onto the turnbuckles for the punches and a European uppercut and Kofi gets a near fall. Kofi returns to the arm. Edge with a kick to Kofi followed by an elbow to the back of the neck. Kofi with forearms to Edge and he returns to the arm.

Edge backs Kofi into the corner and he connects with a shoulder. Kofi with an Irish whip but Edge sends Kofi onto the apron and Kofi sends Edge into the turnbuckles from the apron. Edge stops Kofi on the top turnbuckle and Kofi lands on the ropes and we go to commercial.

We are back and Edge with a splash onto Kofi while Kofi is in the ropes. Edge gets a near fall and then he applies a body scissors. Edge with a knee to Kofi’s midsection. Edge with a gutbuster for a near fall. Edge tries to put Kofi on the top turnbuckle but Kofi is able to escape. Edge charges into a kick and he goes down. Kofi goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall. Kofi with punches and a standing drop kick followed by a leaping clothesline. Kofi with the boop boop leg drop but Edge moves. Kofi with a DDT and he gets a near fall. Kofi with a flip STO for a near fall. Edge hits a flap jack and then he sets for the spear and Kofi avoids it. Kofi with a spin kick that sends Edge to the floor. Kofi rolls Edge back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Edge with a rollup for a near fall. Kofi with a kick and then he tries for a sunset flip but Edge rolls through and tries for a Sharpshooter but Kofi counters with a rollup. Edge hits a spear for the three count.
Winner: Edge

We go to credits.