View Full Version : Vince Pulls Live Prank On Jim Ross With Santina Segment

Black Widow
04-28-2009, 10:08 PM
In classic Vince McMahon fashion, Jim Ross was not told ahead of time about the segment at Backlash where a cross dressed Santino Marella, aka Santina, announced his love for the legendary announcer.

McMahon has a history of “ribbing” Jim Ross and the segment was completely for Vince’s personal entertainment. At the time the Oklahoman could well have believed that Marella may try and lock lips with him! After all Vince did pull things out of a replica JR ass on TV.

Although the happily married straight laced Ross appeared a little annoyed on air, he’ll probably just take it on the chin; however one has to wonder why the owner of the company would go out of his way to humiliate the promotion’s top announcer, especially when Tazz only recently departed, and Mick Foley left due to Vince’s antics before that.
