View Full Version : ECW on Sci-Fi Full Results for April 28th, 2009

04-29-2009, 06:33 AM
We start off tonight with footage from the match between Jack Swagger and Christian from Backlash when the boyhood dream of winning a major title finally came to Christian (based on the WWE announcers).

We are live on tape from New York and your announcers are Josh ‘A Capital Idea’ Mathews and Matt ‘Bower-Lovey’ Striker.

The new ECW Champion is introduced by Tony Chimmel and Christian comes to the ring. Christian says that since he came back to the WWE, he said that he would be the ECW Champion. He says that it is sinking in right now. Before Jack Swagger comes out to interrupt him, because it will happen, this is the greatest day of his career. He is before all of his peeps in Madison Square Garden as a champion. He tells Swagger that it is time for him to interrupt him.

Christian is interrupted, but it is not by the man he defeated for the title, but the man who was the face of the Original ECW. Dreamer comes to the ring in a suit. Tommy congratulates Christian while the crowd chants ‘ECW’. He says that for the first time in three months, there is finally a champion who is what ECW is all about. Tommy mentions that they have been friends for a long time. He says that he is not only here to congratulate Christian. Tommy says that he vowed to win the ECW title one more time before his contract runs out. Dreamer says that his time is running out. He has less than six weeks until his contract expires. Dreamer says that he is in the building that made him love the business to challenge Christian for the ECW Title. Christian says that he will give Dreamer the title match tonight in Madison Square Garden.

Now the former champion comes out and Jack Swagger is not in a good mood. He says that he was willing to let this farce go on because the moment is fleeting but enough is enough. Swagger says that Christian is the champion only because he cheated and that is not fair. Swagger says that it is a joke that Dreamer is asking for an ECW Title match and he calls Dreamer a joke. The only thing saving both men from being beaten up is that in three weeks, he will win the title back when he gets his rematch. They can talk about title matches all they want, but no one gets a title match until he does.

Tiffany comes out and interrupts Jack. She wants to welcome everyone to ECW and she tells Swagger that he has a title match at Judgment Day. Jack is wrong about being the next person to have a title match. Tiffany says that there will be an ECW Title match tonight.

Tyson Kidd is in the back getting his hair done by Natalya. We go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage of the mixed tag match from Superstars when Finlay cheated with a shillelagh to get the victory over Natalya and Tyson Kidd.

Match Number One: Tyson Kidd with Natalya versus Fit Finlay

They lock up and Finlay backs Kidd into the corner but Finlay with a clean break. Finlay with an wrist lock take down. They lock up and Finlay with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Kidd rolls to the ropes and then he goes to the floor to discuss strategy with Natalya. Kidd returns to the ring and Finlay with a kick when it appears that they are going to have a test of strength. Kidd gets his boots up when Finlay charges and then he comes off the turnbuckles but Finlay blocks it and then he puts Kidd in a single leg crab. Kidd tries to get to the ropes but Finlay pulls Kidd into the center of the ring. Kidd gets to his feet and he misses an enzuigiri and Finlay clotheslines Kidd over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Finlay with a seated splash for a near fall. Finlay tries for a short arm clothesline but Kidd with a drop kick to the knee and then Kidd with a series of elbows to the knee and then he works on the leg. Finlay tries to get out of the hold by raking the eyes but Kidd holds on and he applies more pressure to the knee. Kidd with a step over toe hold and then he falls back to the mat to add more damage to the knee. Kidd works on the ankle. Finlay finally escapes the hold but he is showing the effects of the work that Kidd did on the leg. Finlay with forearms and a side head lock but Kidd with an atomic drop onto the knee. Finlay responds with a clothesline. Kidd charges into a boot from Finlay but Finlay misses a knee drop. Finlay blocks an attempt by Kidd to go for the knees and Finlay gets a near fall with a backslide. Finlay with clotheslines and a neckbreaker. Kidd with a kick but Finlay with a power slam for a near fall. Finlay with a shoulder in the corner and then he tries for the rolling fireman’s carry slam but he cannot get Kidd up because of the damage to the knee. Kidd with a corkscrew drop kick and Finlay goes to the floor. Kidd tries for a baseball slide but Finlay pulls up the ring apron and he punches Kidd. Finlay rolls Kidd back into the ring and then Natalya distracts the referee and that allows Kidd to use the shillelagh that Finlay left on the apron on Finlay’s injured leg and Kidd gets the three count.

Winner: Tyson Kidd

We are back and Vladimir Kozlov comes out and he is dressed to patrol the Berlin Wall. He says that he is the product of the Russian army and Russian athletics. There is no one in Double Double E or entire world who can beat him. It will be a matter of time until he achieves Global Domination.

Matt Striker introduces the newest member of the ECW announce team and we go to interviewer Gregory Helms. Helms is in the back and he says that he is excited to be here. Helms interviews Evan Bourne. Gregory asks Evan about the new day that is dawning in ECW. Evan mentions that the draft brought some new faces and there was a new champion crowned at Backlash. If you stop for a second, your moment will pass you by. Evan says that Tommy Dreamer is not the only person with championship aspirations.

Evan is interrupted by Paul Burchill and Katie Lea and Paul says that those championship aspirations are going to have to be put on hold. They have a rematch on Thursday night. Paul tells Evan that he was lucky last week and this week Evan’s luck runs out. Helms with a Watupwitdat.

Match Number Two: Tommy Dreamer versus Christian for the ECW Title

They shake hands as the match begins and then they lock up. Christian with a clean break. They lock up again and Dreamer with a waist lock but Christian with a hammer lock. Dreamer with a shoulder tackle. They lock up again and Dreamer with a side head lock. Dreamer and Christian each block hip toss attempts and Christian with an arm drag into an arm bar but Dreamer reverses and has Christian in an arm bar. Christian with a hammer lock but Dreamer with a side head lock. Christian with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Christian with a side head lock and then Christian hits the Pendulum kick. Dreamer is able to escape an attempted Killswitch and Christian avoids the DDT.

They lock up and Dreamer with a side head lock and shoulder tackle followed by a near fall. Dreamer with a back slide for a two count. Christian with a kick but Dreamer catches Christian on a float over and hits a power slam for a two count. Christian with a punch that staggers Dreamer and sends him to the canvas. We go to commercial.

We are back and Dreamer with an Irish whip but Christian moves when Dreamer charges into the corner and Dreamer hits the ring post. The referee checks on Dreamer while Christian waits for him to emerge. Christian works on Dreamer’s arm and then he applies a key lock. Dreamer with punches to get out of the hold and then Dreamer tries for a DDT but Christian escapes and hits a Divorce Court for a near fall. Christian drops Dreamer’s arm across the top rope and then Christian goes up top for a missile drop kick and a near fall. Christian with an arm bar into a key lock. Christian with forearms and he continues to wring the arm. Christian goes up top but Dreamer stops him. Dreamer with a superplex and both men are down and Dreamer gets a near fall. Christian with a kick and then he returns to the injured arm. Dreamer with a kick and then he hits a Mick Foley clothesline that sends both men over the top rope to the floor.

Christian goes up top but Dreamer punches Christian in the midsection and Dreamer with a clothesline and then he drops Christian face first on the canvas. Dreamer with an inverted DDT for a near fall. Christian tries for a sunset flip but Dreamer stays up and gets a near fall. Christian with a near fall and Dreamer with another near fall of his own. Christian runs Dreamer into the turnbuckles but Dreamer with a clothesline that flips Christian. Dreamer puts Christian in the Tree of Woe but Swagger attacks Dreamer before he can hit a drop kick. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: No Contest

Swagger attacks both men and then he hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Dreamer. Swagger sends Dreamer into Christian who is still in the Tree of Woe. Swagger turns his attention to Christian and then he hits a Doctor Bomb on Christian. Swagger stands over both men as we go to credits.

Kenpachi Zaraki
04-29-2009, 09:29 AM
only 2 matches :eek:

04-29-2009, 08:33 PM
ya what the?