View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for April 30th, 2009

05-01-2009, 11:25 AM
We are live on tape from Bridgeport, Connecticut with your announcers Jerry ‘Varlamov’ Lawler and Michael ‘Crosby’ Cole; and from New York, New York with your announcers Jim ‘Ovechkin’ Ross and Todd ‘Lundqvist’ Grisham for the Smackdown match and Todd ‘Avery’ Striker and Josh ‘Green’ Mathews.

Match Number One: Gail Kim and Maria versus Alicia Fox and Michelle McCool

Alicia tries to kick Gail before the bell rings but Gail blocks it and Gail with a monkey flip. Gail with a cross body into the corner and then she goes up top for a cross body for a near fall. Gail with a forearm and kick followed by a rana. Maria tags in and Gail with a snap mare and Maria with a leap frog neckbreaker for a near fall. Maria with knees to the midsection followed by a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Alicia gets to the ropes and the referee pulls Maria away. While the referee is distracted by Alicia, Michelle with a kick to the back and Alicia gets a near fall. Michelle tags in and she kicks Maria in the corner followed by a European uppercut. Alicia tags back in and she kicks Maria followed by forearms. Michelle is back in and she kicks Maria and she has Maria in a cravate with knees for added impact. Michelle with a side Russian leg sweep and float over into a near fall. Michelle with a sleeper but Maria gets to her feet and she backs Michelle into the turnbuckles. Michelle with a clothesline from behind that takes Maria down again. Michelle attacks Gail on the apron and then Michelle turns into a kick and both women are down. Gail tags in and she hits a leaping clothesline in the corner and then she hits a blockbuster for a near fall. Gail goes to the turnbuckles again but Michelle sees it coming and kicks Gail and gets the three count.

Winners: Michelle McCool and Alicia Fox

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Mark Henry video package.

Match Number Two: Paul Burchill with Katie Lea versus Evan Bourne

They lock up and Burchill uses his size advantage to back Bourne into the ropes and he hits a knee followed by a slam and a forearm. Burchill sends Bourne into the turnbuckles followed by a snap mare and kick to the back. Bourne with a drop toe hold and elbow drop for a near fall. Bourne with kicks to Burchill but Burchill blocks a kick and hits an overhead suplex. Burchill with a brainbuster for a near fall. Bruchill with a reverse chin lock and Burchill tries to escape. Burchill with a knee and European uppercut but Bourne with kicks. Burchill works on the ribs. Bourne with a kick to the back of the head but he runs into the turnbuckles. Bourne with an uppercut to Burchill and Burchill blocks a rana and Bourne lands hard on the knee. We go to commercial.

We are back and Burchill with an atomic drop on the knee followed by a Saito suplex. Burchill uses the ring post to add to the injury to Bourne’s leg. Katie does the same when the referee deals with her brother. Burchill with a leg lace and Bourne tries to get to the ropes but Burchill is able to keep Bourne in the center of the ring. Bourne with a kick to get out of the hold. Burchill tries for another suplex but Bourne with punches and a head scissors. Bourne with a punch and a knee to Burchill that sends Paul to the floor. Bourne with a jumping spin kick to Burchill. Bourne with a kick and a leaping clothesline for a near fall. Bourne goes up top but Burchill stops him and Burchill tries for a superplex but Bourne with a chop, punches, and forearms. Bourne hits a shooting star press for the three count.

Winner: Evan Bourne

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Did you know moment about WWE’s ability to sell out shows in Europe along with footage of the tour.

It is time for the Raw Rebound.

Josh Mathews is in the interview area with Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes and Cody has custody of the shirt this week. They ask Cody and Ted about Randy’s match with Shane McMahon on Monday night. Cody says that Shane’s actions were those of a desperate man. He knows that their family’s time is over. Ted says that Monday is the final step for the McMahons. Tonight is their first step to join Randy Orton with gold. Ted talks about how the Colons come from a wrestling family. Ted says that the Colons are the tag team champions . . . for now.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Ted DiBiase with Cody Rhodes versus Carlito with Primo

They lock up and Carlito with a clean break but DiBiase attacks Carlito and punches him in the corner. Carlito with punches and kicks to Ted in the corner and the referee pulls Carlito away. Carlito with an Irish whip but Ted with a kick. Ted runs at Carlito and Carlito with a back body drop for a near fall. Carlito with an arm bar but Ted pulls Carlito down by the hair. Ted misses a fist drop. Carlito with an arm drag into an arm bar. Ted with a punch and then he sends Carlito into the turnbuckles. Carlito tries for a monkey flip but Ted puts Carlito on the ropes. Carlito with a rana and both men go to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Carlito hits a drop kick that sends DiBiase to the apron. Carlito hip tosses DiBiase into the ring but DiBiase with an arm drag and a kick to the head. DiBiase continues with the kicks to Carlito. DiBiase with a snap mare and a chin lock and arm bar combination. Carlito punches DiBiase and then he kicks him. DiBiase with a hot shot to Carlito and DiBiase gets a near fall. DiBiase with a series of elbow drops to Carlito and then it is time for the vintage and patented DiBiase fist drop for a near fall. DiBiase with a slam and then he goes for the second turnbuckle for a double stomp and he gets a near fall. Carlito with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Carlito with punches to DiBiase followed by a knee lift. Carlito hits a clothesline to DiBiase and then he hits a DDT. DiBiase with a slam for a near fall. Carlito with a jawbreaker and he tries for the springboard back elbow but DiBiase sees it coming and he hits the Million Dollar Slam for the three count.

Winner: Ted DiBiase

We go to credits.