View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Results, 5/9 - Youngstown, Ohio

05-10-2009, 11:50 AM
WWE RAW Live Results
Youngstown, Ohio - May 9th, 2009
Report by Jared Hawkins, F4Wonline

Just got back from the WWE show at the newly christened Covelli Center (formerly the Chevrolet Centre) in Youngstown, Ohio, and figured I'd give you the results.

Show was close to, if not, a sellout, which means at least 6,000 in attendance if I have my figures correct on that. Hot crowd for most of the night as well, likely due to the large number of kids in attendance.

Howard Finkel does the ring announcing and actually got one of the best pops of the night, partly because the show was starting, and partly because it's Howard Finkel.

1. Mickie James pinned Maryse with the MickieT in 9:28. Non-title, of course. Maryse appears to have gone to the Larry Zbyszko School of Stalling, which I guess is better than the Terry Garvin School of Self-Defense. Decent opener once it got started.

Kelly Kelly is your host and she did the usual "Answer the easiest WWE trivia question in the world and we'll move you to the front row" contest.

2. Chavo Guerrero pinned Festus with the Frog Splash in 1:38. Before the match, Guerrero cut a promo about being a big deal because of who his aunt is, then asked for the bell. Festus responded by singing, and he's surprisingly pretty good (much better than he came off on Raw). Entertaining while it lasted, and the added gimmick of the singing might be enough to get Festus over until it wears thin.

3. Seamus O'Shaughnessy pinned Jamie Noble with a backbreaker out of a Rock Bottom position in 7:49. Noble gave his opponent a chance to leave the ring unharmed, which was declined as usual. The match was mostly Noble working the leg, which Seamus sold well, but overall I wasn't impressed with him. One of the worst matches of the night.

4. The Miz pinned Kofi Kingston with a short DDT in 9:34. Miz cut a promo before the match, basically telling anybody who hasn't been watching TV what he's done since the draft and saying he'll go through the entire roster until he gets to Cena. The match itself was pretty good, with the crowd really into Kofi during his comebacks.

5. MVP pinned William Regal in 15:01 with his mafia kick to retain the US Title. The good news is this was probably the second best match of the night. The problem is nobody was paying attention. Somebody spotted who they thought was John Cena walking through the crowd and taking a seat in the second row. I only saw him from the back but it didn't make sense since there's no angle, but people bought it, especially considering Regal challenged the "lookalike" into the ring on more than one occasion. The crowd was more concerned with the imposter than the match, which is a shame because they missed a pretty good match.

Kelly Kelly came out with two fans to throw T-shirts out to random kids, then it was time for the intermission.

6. Matt Hardy pinned Goldust with a cast to the head at 4:22. Hardy was once again wrestling under protest. Pretty much all stalling with a little armwork by Goldust before the finish. Worst match of the night but it almost had to be.

7. Primo and Carlito defeated Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase by disqualification in 13:48 to retain the Unified Tag Team Title. After the hot tag, Primo appeared to be on his way to beating Rhodes when DiBiase hit Primo with a chair for the DQ. Legacy beat the champions down after the bell. Best match of the night.

8. John Cena and Batista beat The Big Show and Randy Orton in 18:36 when Cena pinned Show with the Attitude Adjustment. Good match with insane crowd heat, as the crowd was about as pro-Cena as you could get, and as a result Batista was super over as well.

Overall a very good show.