View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for May 8th, 2009

05-10-2009, 11:56 AM
We start off tonight’s show with a look back at the Four Way Elimination match that determined Edge’s opponent at Judgment Day that was won by Jeff Hardy.

We are live on tape from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and your announcers are Jim ‘Super Bowl’ Ross and Todd ‘Fish that Saved Pittsburgh’ Grisham.

Teddy Long is in the ring doing the Teddy Shuffle and then he welcomes everyone to Smackdown. He says that it is his honor and privilege to bring out a man who came home to Smackdown to be the face of Smackdown. Teddy brings out Rey Mysterio. Rey thanks Teddy for the introduction and then he says that it feels good to be back home on Smackdown. He says that on his first night back he came close to earning a title match against Edge, but Jeff Hardy was the better man that night. Rey says that it is okay because he will get another chance to be World Champion again. Rey says that he will continue to defend the Intercontinental Title against anyone willing to face him.

Chris Jericho’s music plays and pyro goes off and Chris is dressed for action. Chris has a mic and he tells Teddy that if he wants to introduce the face of Smackdown, he will give Teddy the chance to introduce him since he is the face of Smackdown. Teddy says that he is not going to do it and he throws out a playa. Chris says that he did not think Teddy would do it because Chris does not share the same prejudiced views that Teddy has. Chris points out that he is a five time World Champion and an eight time Intercontinental Champion and the Superstar of the Year in 2008. His presence in the ring makes Smackdown a higher profile show and the top show in WWE. He talks about the disrespect that he receives from the jealous sycophants in the locker room, the fans, and inept fly by night General Mangers. Teddy tries to interject but Jericho shoots down his playa with a playa of his own. Chris tells Teddy to apologize and he wants reparations because of what the referees did to him last week by disqualifying him in a Fatal Four Way Match because it never happened before. Chris says that Rey had no chance to win so he wants a title match for having it taken away last week.

Rey tells Jericho to shut up and that makes Chris smile for the first time in the segment. Jericho tells the little man to watch his mouth. Rey tells Jericho to shut up again and then he pushes Jericho to the mat. Rey tells Jericho to accept the fact that he lost. Rey says that the fans don’t need to hear Jericho’s crap and neither does he. Rey leaves the ring and heads to the back.

Jericho tells Rey not to walk away and he tells Teddy that this is the disrespect that he was talking about. Jericho . . .

is interrupted by Jeff Hardy who comes to the ring. Jeff asks Chris if he wants respect, competition, and a title match; Jericho has to beat him because he is the number one contender. Jeff says that if it wasn’t for the fans, Jericho would not be where he is today but he calls the fans liars and hypocrites. Jeff tells Jericho that Chris is the biggest hypocrite he has ever seen in his life. Jeff suggests that they make things interesting. If Chris can win their match tonight, Jericho is in the title match at Judgment Day and he can show that Jericho is an extremely sore loser. Jericho misses a punch but Jeff does not miss with a slap.

Teddy makes it official and we go to commercial.

Match Number One: R-Truth with rap through the crowd versus Mike Knox

Truth with punches and a side head lock but Knox picks up Truth and runs him into the corner and connects with punches. Knox adds knees and elbows. Truth with a split to avoid Knox and then he staggers Knox with a kick to the head. Truth with a punch and kick but Knox sends Truth into the ropes and then he slams Truth to the mat. Knox with knees to the head. Knox with a side head lock but Truth with a drop kick to the head and one to the knees. Truth with a scissors kick for a near fall. Truth goes up top and he hits a missile drop kick but he can only get a two count. Truth with punches in the corner but Knox blocks them and then when the referee pulls Truth out of the corner, Knox with a bicycle kick and then he hits the corkscrew DDT for the three count.

Winner: Mike Knox

Gail Kim and Michelle McCool (with Alicia Fox) walk in the back in split screen as we go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that a lot of people looked at wwe.com after Wrestlemania.

Match Number Two: Michelle McCool with Alicia Fox but no dancing versus Gail Kim

Michelle pushes Gail in the back and then they lock up. Michelle with a take down and then Michelle channels Scott Steiner and does push ups. Michelle with a kick and punches followed by an Irish whip. Gail with a drop kick and leg sweep for a near fall. Gail with a forearm and Michelle goes to the floor on an Irish whip and Alicia checks on Michelle. Gail goes after Michelle and Michelle uses Alicia as a human shield and then she sends Alicia into Gail, but Gail pushes Alicia aside. Gail with a kick and then they return to the ring. Gail with a kick and then Michelle counters a wheelbarrow move with a hot shot to Gail on the top rope. Michelle punches Gail and then she puts Gail in a figure four head lock but Gail escapes. Gail with an elbow to Michelle followed by a kick and then she sends Michelle into the turnbuckles followed by clotheslines. Gail with an Irish whip and a cross body into the corner. Gail goes up top and hits a Blockbuster but Alicia puts Michelle’s foot on the rope to stop the referee’s count. Michelle misses a boot. Gail tries for a rana and Michelle counters with the McCool Clash for the three count.

Winner: Michelle McCool

We go to commercial.

We are back and Josh Mathews is in the interview area with Jeff Hardy. Josh asks Jeff about his match against Chris Jericho. Jeff says that the only thing running through his head is the World Title match. He says that Chris Jericho is a distraction because of everything he does and says. It ends tonight. The only thing they will be saying after Judgment Day is how he became the World Champion.

Ricky Ortiz and Maria are discussing Maria’s fashion designs in Teddy’s office and Teddy is there too. Ricky says that things are going to turn around for Maria and he tells her to ‘Rally up’. That comment is heard by Edge as he enters the office and he does not know what to say in response. Teddy asks for a moment with Edge. Edge wants to know who Teddy thinks he is. Teddy reminds Edge that he is the general manager and he wants to know what he can do for Edge. Edge says that he wants to know why Teddy is giving Chris Jericho a shot at the title. Teddy says that Edge is lucky to even have the title because CM Punk was about to cash in his Money in the Bank before Umaga attacked Punk. Edge says that he had Punk taken care of. Teddy says that Edge will be facing CM Punk again tonight. Edge says that it is a non-title match. Teddy says that it is the case unless Punk cashes in his Money in the Bank briefcase tonight.

We see footage from the Superstars Match between John Morrison and Chris Jericho which featured a distraction by Shelton Benjamin on the SuperStarTron.

Match Number Two: John Morrison versus Charlie Haas with Shelton Benjamin

They lock up and Haas with a waist lock into a take down and front face lock. Haas with a side head lock and Haas with a punch to Morrison followed by a knee and forearm. Morrison sends Haas into the turnbuckles followed by a European uppercut. Haas pushes Morrison into the corner but he misses a charge into the corner. Morrison with a springboard drop kick for a near fall. Morrison with a back body drop and then Morrison looks at Benjamin who is sitting at the announce table. Morison with a European uppercut but Haas with a hard Irish whip. Haas with a kick to the back and the head. Haas puts Morrison in the ropes and he connects with cross faces. Morrison with an elbow to Haas but Has with punches and forearms. Haas with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Morrison with punches and forearms but Haas with a boot and a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Haas with a knee in Morrison’s back as he stretches Morrison. Morrison gets to his feet and he hits a mule kick. Morrison with forearms and a drop kick. Morrison follows that with a clothesline. Haas sends Morrison into the turnbuckles. Morrison stop s a charge by Haas and then Morrison with a knee to the head and then Morrison goes for the split legged corkscrew moonsault for the three count.

Winner: John Morrison

After the match, Morrison wants Benjamin to enter the ring but Benjamin walks away.

CM Punk is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with the Smack of the Night: Umaga attacking CM Punk last week.

Match Number Three: CM Punk versus Edge in a non-title match

They lock up and Edge with a side head lock and hammer lock but Punk reverses. Edge gets to the ropes and Punk releases the hold. They have a Greco-Roman knuckle lock and Edge with knees and then he sends Punk into the turnbuckles. Edge misses a charge into the corner and Punk with an arm drag into an arm bar. Punk sends a charging Edge over the top rope to the floor and then Punk hits a suicide dive. They return to the ring and Punk tries the springboard clothesline but Edge moves out of the way but Edge does not miss with a big boot to the head. Edge with an elbow drop and then elbows to the head and back. Edge puts Punk in a full nelson but Punk gets to his feet and he escapes the hold and gets Edge up for the Go To Sleep but Edge with elbows and then he has Punk in a crucifix. Punk escapes the hold and then he kicks Edge but they both go down when each man tries for a cross body at the same time.

Punk with forearms but Edge with a kick and then Edge tries for a suplex but Punk escapes the hold and he connects with a kick and a running knee lift. Punk with a leg lariat and then he goes to the apron for the springboard clothesline and he hits it but he can only get a two count. Edge avoids the knee into the corner and Edge gets Punk on his shoulders but Punk with a victory roll for a near fall. Punk tries for the Go To Sleep but Edge escapes the hold. Punk with the knee in the corner and then Edge gets out of the bulldog attempt but Punk gets Edge on his shoulders. Edge grabs the ropes and gets out of the hold. Edge goes for a spear but Punk leap frogs Edge and Edge goes to the floor. While Edge waits on the floor he decides that he has had enough and heads to the back and gets counted out.

Winner: CM Punk by count out

After the match, Umaga comes into the ring and he attacks Punk. Umaga with a savate kick and then he hits a uranage. Umaga with the Samoan Spike to Punk.

We are back and there are some members of the Pittsburgh Steelers
in the front row.

There is an arm wrestling table in the ring and Cryme Tyme comes out.

JTG and Shad throw out some yo-yos and then they talk about the Brooklyn Break Down from last week. JTG says that they are going to do something different this week. They want to settle the beef between Eve and Layla. This arm wrestling match has a Cryme Tyme twist to it.

Layla and Eve come to the ring for the arm wrestling match. Layla claims that she hurt her elbow and calls for a time out. Shad asks Layla if she is okay. They lock up again and Layla is about to win but Eve is able to summon the strength to go Over the Top. Layla with a kick and a neck breaker to Eve before she leaves the ring.

Dolph Ziggler sees Jimmy Wang Yang and Festus talking in the back and he pushes Festus aside and then asks them what they are doing here. Dolph says that they might want to hear what he has to say in the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that more people might have watched NBC, CBS, or ABC than Smackdown, but not the other two broadcast networks.

Dolph Ziggler comes to the ring and he has something to say. Dolph says that now that he is on Smackdown, he is going to rip through the entire roster and show everyone what a real winner is. He says that he is a real winner. To make his point, tonight he is issuing an open challenge to anyone in the Smackdown locker room. Dolph says that tonight he cements his place as the premiere superstar. No one will forget the name Dolph Ziggler.

Match Number Four: Dolph Ziggler versus The Great Khali in the Dolph Ziggler Greatness Open Challenge

Ziggler with a clothesline that hurts him more than Khali. Ziggler comes off the ropes again and Khali grabs Ziggler by the throat and then he hits a clothesline. Khali sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles and then he chops Ziggler. Khali tries for a big boot in the corner but Ziggler moves. Ziggler works on the hamstring and Ziggler grabs a chair. Ziggler hits Khali with the chair and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Great Khali by disqualification

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

Edge comes to the ring to do commentary with Jim Ross and Todd Grisham.

Match Number Five: Jeff Hardy versus Chris Jericho in an If Chris Jericho wins, he gets a spot in the World Title Match at Judgment Day . . . but if he loses, nothing else happens to him Match

Jericho with a kick and forearm followed by punches. Hardy with a spear and punches to Jericho and then he puts Jericho in a reverse chin lock. Hardy holds on to the ropes when Jericho tries for a drop kick. Hardy with a leg drop and a near fall. Jericho punches Hardy and tries to slam Hardy but Hardy counters and he slams Jericho. Hardy goes up top but Jericho rolls out of the ring. Rey Mysterio comes out as Jericho starts walking to the back. This allows Hardy to ambush Jericho from behind and send him into the ringside barrier.

They return to the ring and Hardy punches Jericho and kicks him in the corner. Jericho with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Jericho goes to the floor. Hardy with an Irish whip that sends Jericho into the ringside barrier. Hardy moves the ring steps to use them to propel him into Jericho with a modified Poetry in Motion and Jericho moves and Hardy goes into the ringside barrier. Hardy tries to get back into the ring and he barely makes it in before the referee’s ten count. Jericho gets a near fall as Hardy returns to the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho is choking Hardy in the ropes and then Jericho has some words for Edge at the announce table. Jericho catapults Hardy into the middle rope. Hardy punches Jericho but Jericho with a knee to Hardy for a near fall. Jericho with a reverse chin lock with the arm isolated. Hardy gets to his feet and he punches Jericho but Jericho with a knee. Hardy with a short arm clothesline to Jericho. Hardy with a running forearm to Jericho. Hardy tries for Whisper in the Wind, but Hardy slips on the turnbuckles. Jericho works over Hardy on the turnbuckles but Hardy punches Jericho off and Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind but he can only get a two count. Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate but Jericho blocks it. Hardy misses the mule kick and Jericho puts Hardy in the Walls of Jericho. With Edge’s encouragement at the announce table, Hardy is able to man up and get to the ropes to get Jericho to break the hold. Jericho begs the referee to help him. Jericho waits for Hardy to get up but Hardy with a kick and gourdbuster driver and then Hardy goes up top but misses a Swanton. Jericho with a Lionsault but he can only get a two count.

Jericho punches Hardy but Jericho misses an enzuigiri. Hardy cannot hit the Twist of Fate but Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho but Hardy sends Jericho off the ropes and they each get near falls with inside cradles. Hardy clotheslines Jericho over the top rope and both men go to the floor. Jericho throws Hardy over the announce table and into Edge and Todd Grisham. Jericho brings Jeff back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Edge gets on the apron to yell at Jericho and Hardy with a School boy for a near fall. Edge takes his belt and goes to the back. Jericho with a cover but he uses the ropes and Rey Mysterio narcs out Jericho for using the ropes. Jericho yells at Rey and then Jericho turns around into a Twist of Fate and then Hardy hits the Swanton for the three count.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

After the match, Edge backs up the ramp while Hardy follows him.

While Jeff celebrates at the top of the ramp, Rey hits a seated splash on Chris Jericho.

We go to credits.