View Full Version : CZW Blood Pressure Results and TOD and BOTB news and returns.

05-13-2009, 04:13 AM
MBA Results:

1. Jon Dahmer def. Simon Rhyme with that headbumpy move he does. (I still don't know if that has a name, if it does then tell me.)

2. Battle Royal - A relative of The Bloodhound def. Greg Excellent, Pinkie Sanchez, Blackie Sanchez, Chris Ansert, Izzy Kensington, Jon Dahmer, Erik C. Jones, and some other people that I forgot.

3. E.M.O. def. Rich Swan. Rich Swan gets the biggest reaction of the night, getting a "CZW" chant after the match. Zandig comes out onto the ramp while Swan is coming up and shakes his hand, which pops the crowd.

4. Notorious Inc. (Devon Moore & Drew Blood) def. "HD" Tyler Vertias & Adam Cole.

5. The Spanish Armada (LJ Cruz & Alex Colon) def. The Hellcatz (Jimmy Stars & Sexy Steve) and The Violence Party (Core & JT Roberts).

6. The Switchblade Conspiracy (Sami Callihan & Jon Moxley) def. Bruce Purcell & Samoan Tsunami after an assisted Spike Piledriver on Bruce onto Tsunami's stomach.

- After the match, Nicky Benz comes to the ring to interview Sami and Moxley. After a bit of chatter, Brain Damage comes to the ring with Billy Gram which leads to a brawl. Most of the people who were on the show, security, and ref's rush to the ring to break up the fight.

7. CZW World Heavyweight Championship - Drake Younger(c) def. Sabian.

- Maven said that they raised $770. Just for this show


CZW "Blood Pressure: Rising" Results


a. Sabian def. Rich Swan with a double stomp off the top rope. Fun, short match. Rich Swan got even more over with this match. Sabian shakes hands with Swan after the match.

Main Show:

- Maven Bently comes out as Larry Legend is about to announce the first match, and says that after last month when a fan jumped the guard rail and attacked Drew Blood, the guy who had the promoters license for CZW lost it, which means Maven is using his own for CZW and is back in charge. He says that after sweeping up the arena for over a year, he realizes what he has done wrong and won't do anything to piss off the crowd.
- Drew Blood then comes to the ring, telling Maven that it was bullshit how he lost last month with the fan interfering. He then says that he has found his own bodyguard that Maven knows pretty well. Cue DJ Hyde, who actually gets a "WELCOME BACK" chant. Maven tells Drew that DJ is still not employed by CZW, so Drew has to pay DJ himself, which leads us into..

1. Drew Blood def. Pinkie Sanchez after DJ Hyde attacked Pinkie right from the start, hitting him with a Steiner Screwdriver.

- Drew Blood and DJ beat down Pinkie for a minute, before JOHN ZANDIG walks to the ring with a barbed wire bat in hand, hitting DJ in the back with it and sending him and Drew out of the ring. Zandig says that if Drew has DJ as backup, then Pinkie has him as backup, and has the match restarted.

2. Pinkie Sanchez def. Drew Blood with a springboard sitting-on-Drew-as-he-sits-on-a-chair, which shatters the chair. Not as good as their usual matches, but not bad. Zandig then tells Drew that he's going to have to pay DJ again, because DJ is going to be in TOD.

3. Devon Moore def. Cole Calloway with a shooting star press. Usual homo shenangians from Calloway, crowd had fun with this match.

- After the match, Nick Gage runs to the ring and beats the shit out of Cole Calloway, calling him a flamer and beating him with some metal bucket. This eventually leads to The Best Around rush to the ring and attack Nick Gage. Nate Hatred then rushes to the ring, which leads us to..

4. CZW Tag Team Championships - The Best Around(c) vs The H8 Club comes to a no contest when all hell breaks loose and the match seemingly just ends on its own. Referee Brett Lauderdale was nailed with a chair twice by Nick Gage.

5. Best of the Best 9 Qualifier - "Quick" Carter Gray def. Drew Gulak after Rodney Rush held Gulak's legs down as Carter pinned him. Nothing special, kinda a crowd killer.

- Sabian, Ruckus, Robbie Mireno, and Chrissy Rivera come to the ring for the Sabian vs Ruckus match. Ruckus, who mumbles a lot, pretty much says that they shouldn't wrestle each other because all the fans want is for them to come out there and for them to boo and talk shit the entire time. Sabian then gets the mic and says since he won last years BOTB, he doesn't have to qualify, but Ruckus does, which leads to Sabian introducing Ruckus' opponent.

6. Best of the Best 9 Qualifier - Greg Excellent def. Ruckus with a Tiger Driver.

7. CZW World Junior Heavyweight Championship - Egotistico Fantastico def. Ryan McBride(c) with his vertebreaker variation. Good match. Crowd was hyped for Ego's title win.

- After the match, Sami Callihan and Jon Moxley rushed to the ring and attacked Ego, stealing the Junior Heavyweight Title afterwards.

8. CZW World Heavyweight Championship - Drake Younger(c) def. IWA-MS Heavyweight Champion Dingo after a Drake's Landing onto a chair. Really enjoyed this match, a lot of fun spots. Dingo did a good job working as a heel, definitely would like to see him back.

- Sami Callihan makes his way back to the ring, with both the CZW New Horror Championship and the CZW Junior Heavyweight Championship over his shoulders. He then begins to tell Drake that sooner or later, he's going to take the "CZW Title" from him and show everyone that the New Horror title is the most prestigious title in the company. Crowd was fucking with Sami the entire time, blowing the airhorn every time he went to talk, which went on for awhile but the crowd seemed to laugh every time it was done. Sami ends up saying "Maybe Cryhard Dustin Lee was right, all you are is a junkie", which leads to Drake snatching the mic from him and telling him not to bring personal lives into wrestling. He then goes on to say that he is the one who brought Sami into CZW. He also says "this is the only time I'll ever bring personal life into the ring, but Dustin Lee is a bitch". Sami then says that Drake is as worthless as his parents are, which leads to Drake attacking Sami. Jon Moxley hits the ring and beats down Drake with Sami. Brain Damage storms to the ring, leading us into..

8. Brain Damage def. Jon Moxley with a package piledriver. DISGUSTINGLY bloody match, blood was flying off of Jon Moxley everytime Damage would hit him. I wasn't expecting anything from this match, but it seriously was awesome to watch.

- Sami Callihan hits the ring again, stomping away at Brain Damage for a little bit, before the lights go out. When they come back on, Trent Acid is standing behind Sami, hitting him with a yakuza kick. Trent goes for a pin as the bell rings, and before the ref's hand gets down for an almost three count, the lights shut out again. A guy with a bandana over his face comes onto the ramp with a chainsaw once again distracting Trent. When the lights come back on, Moxley throws a chair at Trent's face. Damage, Moxley, and Drake eventually get to the back, which ends up with..

9. Sami Callihan def. Trent Acid after jumping off of a cherrypicker, hitting Trent with a leg drop through a table for the three count.

- Jon Moxley comes to the ring after the match to help out Sami and I believe to beat down Trent too. Brain Damage and Drake come back to the ring and send Moxley and Sami out of the ring. Zandig gets on the mic on the eagles nest and says that if Damage wants him at TOD, he can have him, (I'm assuming Moxley).


- Thumbtack Jack was announced for TOD.
- CZW will have an internet TV show called "Wired", which is being produced by Pancoast Productions. JOHN HOUSE will be hosting/announcing for this show.
- Confirmed for BOTB thus far: "Quick" Carter Grey, Sabian, and Greg Excellent.
- Confirmed for TOD thus far: Brain Damage, DJ Hyde, Thumbtack Jack, Nick Gage, Deranged.