View Full Version : ECW on Sci-Fi Report for May 12th, 2009

05-13-2009, 05:42 AM
We start off and Christian and Jack Swagger are in Tiffany’s office. Tiffany mentions that this is the return of the Peep Show for the first time in four years. This is a good way to help their match at the pay per view but she is afraid of the chaos that can happen. Since they are ECW’s main event, they cannot do anything to jeopardize their match. There can be no contact during the Peep Show and she asks if they understand. Christian says that he understands and leaves. Tiffany tells Jack that she is serious and Jack says that he heard her.

We are live on tape from Dayton, Ohio and your announcers are Matt ‘Shoulder Massage and a Sprite’ Striker and Josh ‘Yes, he is my driver’ Mathews.

Match Number One: Mark Henry with Tony ‘Sleeves’ Atlas versus Tommy Dreamer

We are told by Matt Striker that Tommy is taking care of some injuries before they lock up and Henry with an elbow into the midsection and a biel. Dreamer with punches and then Henry Irish whips Dreamer under the ropes like he was Rey Mysterio. Dreamer drops Henry’s arm on the top rope and then Dreamer goes up top and hits a double sledge. Henry with a short arm clothesline and Dreamer is dazed. Henry works on the neck and then he stands on Dreamer’s chest. Henry with punches to the neck and then he returns to the neck to wear down Dreamer. Dreamer gets to his feet and then he hits a jawbreaker. Mark with a kick and head butt followed by a near fall. Henry with an Irish whip and Dreamer slumps into the corner. Henry with head butts in the corner. Henry charges into a boot from Dreamer and then Dreamer comes off the turnbuckles but Henry catches him. Henry with a body block and Dreamer goes down again. Henry misses an elbow drop and Dreamer with a drop kick to Henry that puts the big man on his back. Dreamer with a series of elbow drops to Henry and he gets a near fall. Dreamer with the E . . . C. . . W baseball slide to Henry. Dreamer with a DDT but Henry gets his foot on the rope. Tony gets on the apron and that allows Henry to recover. Henry sends Dreamer into the corner and then Dreamer tries for a school boy but Henry with a leg drop onto Dreamer’s arm and then he hits the power slam for the three count.

Winner: Mark Henry

Gregory Helms is with Tyson Kidd and Natalya in the interview area. Helms mentions that Natalya is banned from ringside. Natalya says that Tyson does not need any help. Tyson says that Finlay might love to fight, but at the Hart Dungeon, they learn to fight. Tyson goes to the ring and Helms asks Natalya to watch the match in the back with him and Natalya walks away. Helms lets out a watupwitdat.

We are back and we see footage of Finlay costing Tyson Kidd his match against Evan Bourne by using his illegal shillelagh.

Match Number Two: Tyson Kidd versus Fit Finlay in a No Natalya at ringside Match

They lock up and they move around the ring in the collar and elbow tie up until Finlay with a side head lock and take down. Finlay gets a near fall and he stays with the arm and gets a near fall. Kidd with a forearm but Finlay with an elbow to the arm followed by a side head lock. Finlay with an elbow to the top of the head followed by a European uppercut. Kidd with a step over toe hold as he works on the leg but Finlay tries to block the effectiveness. Kidd works on the ankle but Finlay kicks Kidd off. Finlay with a cloverleaf into a back breaker and Kidd rolls to the floor. Finlay with a kick to Kidd from the apron and then Kidd trips Finlay as Finlay tries to return to the ring. Kidd tries for a baseball slide but Finlay uses the ring skirt to stop Kidd. Finlay with punches but Kidd does hit the baseball slide. Kidd with a drop kick on the floor that sends Finlay into the ring steps.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kidd works on Finlay’s arm and wrist and Kidd with an arm bar and he has the neck isolated. Kidd with a knee to the arm but Finlay with a chop. Kidd with a kick and he continues to work on the arm. Kidd with a key lock to Finlay and then he turns it into an arm bar. Kidd with a shoulder breaker but Finlay hits a shoulder tackle with his bad arm. Finlay with a kick to the head followed by forearms. Kidd with a boot to Finlay but Finlay pulls Kidd off the turnbuckles. Finlay with clotheslines and then he hits the fireman’s carry slam for a near fall. Finlay with an Irish whip followed by a shoulder into the corner. Finlay sets for the Celtic Cross and DH Smith hits a big boot and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Fit Finlay by disqualification

After the match Smith with punches and forearms to Finlay in the corner followed by a kick. Finlay fights back but Kidd hits Finlay in the back of the leg with the shillelagh. Smith throws Finlay out of the ring and then he sends Finlay into the announce table and the ring steps. They hit the Hart Attack on Finlay. Natalya joins Kidd and Smith in the ring and they celebrate over Finlay.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did you Know that people go to WWE.com more than a lot of other websites.

We have a moments ago moment of the return of DH Smith.

We go to a Raw Rebound.

Zack Ryder is in Tiffany’s office and she asks Tiffany if she can go to the gym. He leaves when Paul Burchill and Katie enter. Paul comments on how he is not on this week’s show and Tiffany apologizes. Paul asks if that is how things are going to be and he leaves. Katie tells Tiffany that when her brother has too much time on his hands, he gets into trouble.

Time for a Vladimir Kozlov video package.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Vladimir Kozlov versus Chad Collyer

Collyer with a waist lock but Kozlov with a hip lock take down into a side head lock and Collyer gets to the ropes. Kozlov with a kick to Collyer and Collyer with a kick of his own. Kozlov with head butts to the chest. Collyer comes off the turnbuckles and Kozlov with a head butt followed by a boot. Kozlov with the Red Square Spinebuster for the three count.

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

After the match, Josh Mathews enters the ring to interview Vladimir Kozlov and he says that Russian martial arts are the best in the world. He says that he will dominate ECW.

We go to commercial.

It is time for your main event and it is a talk segment. Christian comes to the ring for the Peep Show and remember that his guest is Jack Swagger and neither can make contact during the segment. Christian welcomes everyone to their show . . . the Peep Show. Christian says that he is happy to bring back the show tonight and it is his first show as ECW Champion. He brings out his guest, the former ECW Champion Jack Swagger. Christian welcomes Jack to the Peep Show. Jack says that this is stupid and Christian wants to know why Jack has to be like that because people will think he is a sore loser, instead of realizing that he is a loser. Jack says that he doesn’t want to talk about Judgment Day. He wants to talk about Backlash when Christian cheated to steal his title. Jack says that he has a clip and we see what happened at Backlash.

Jack wants to know what Christian has to say for himself. Christian points out that Jack just showed how Christian beat him for the title. Christian says that Jack conveniently left out Swagger trying to expose the turnbuckle. Christian says that he has a video package and we thee what he hath to thay.

Jack wants to know what that proves. Christian says it does not prove anything and that he just wanted to make Jack look stupid. Jack says that on Sunday they will be in his world and he says that Christian will not be smiling when Jack takes his title back. Jack says that Christian will be fading off into nothing and he hopes that Christian enjoys the spotlight again because in six months, Christian will be sitting at home regretting his comeback. Jack points out the edict from Tiffany about no contact during the show. Christian says that he can say when the show is officially over and Christian hits Jack with the mic and Jack leaves the ring.

We go to credits.