View Full Version : Punk Note

05-14-2009, 05:44 PM
The UK's Sky Sports interviewed CM Punk today, here are some of the highlights: On Wrestling's Appeal: Nowadays it's bigger and more insane than ever. It's literally the best entertainment for your dollar. It's part soap opera, part action movie. There's loud music like a rock concert, explosions like four or five pyro, gorgeous women, people you can get behind and root for, underdogs, people you want to see get their teeth kicked down their throat. To me, it's the greatest thing in the world. On the Veterans Helping Out The New Breed: There are plenty of veterans involved that don't actively wrestle: Arn Anderson, Ricky Steamboat, even though he just competed at WrestleMania and Backlash, Mike Rotunda [aka Irwin R.Schyster], Dean Malenko. These guys are still around even though they're not in the ring, they're still there with their wealth of knowledge and they're there for the young guys to pick their brains. It's important to have the connection with the past. Without them and what they did we're nothing. On Fracturing His Skull On The Indies: I thought I broke my neck at the time. I was giving a guy a neckbreaker and his head wound up on top of mine and everything just sandwiched and hit the mat at the same time and my head was turned. It felt like somebody took a pot of warm water and poured it inside my brain. Everything got hot so I thought I broke my neck. I still had feelings so like a knucklehead I continued to wrestle for 12 more minutes. Afterwards it was a chore to walk from the ring to the back and as soon as I got in the back I hit the floor and couldn't get up. I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't see and was throwing up. On His Inspirations: Ever since I can remember remembering this is what I have wanted to do. This is the only thing I have ever wanted to do. I generally equate watching Rowdy Piper smash a coconut over Jimmy Snuka's head thinking 'wow I want to smash stuff over people's heads and get paid for it'.