View Full Version : WWE Personality Blasts Obama

05-18-2009, 04:48 AM
In light of Barack Obama's speech today at the University of Notre Dame, Joey Styles posted some comments today on his Twitter account belittling the United States President.

Styles wrote: "The (Catholic) University of Notre Dame should be ashamed of themselves for having pro-abortion President Obama speak at their graduation."

He subsequently added: "Even those misled Americans who voted for the Marxist Barack Hussein Obama are invited to join the Judgment Day Live Chat


Before The Beginning
05-18-2009, 04:52 AM
I'm Catholic, but what do you expect Notre Dame to do, tell the president to stick it? Yeah, that would have garnered a lot of bad press and I can only imagine the Notre Dame is racist campaign....

05-18-2009, 05:34 AM
Completely agree. I'm Catholic as well. Notre Dame should have never asked him to come speak.