View Full Version : Florida Championship Wrestling TV Report with WWE Stars, 5/17/2009

05-18-2009, 07:12 AM
We start off with a look back at Abraham Washington being impeached from the FCW Arena by Steve Keirn.

We are live on tape from Tampa, Florida and your announcers are Dusty ‘Mah Thun was on the PPV tonight’ Rhodes and Josh ‘I was on the PPV too’ Mathews.

Match Number One: Dylan Klein versus Brett DiBiase

They lock up and Klein backs DiBiase into the corner and Klein with a kick and side head lock. Klein with a shoulder tackle but DiBiase with a hip toss. Klein slaps DiBiase but DiBiase slaps back and then he hits a side head lock take down. Klein gets out of the hold but DiBiase reapplies the side head lock. DiBiase with a shoulder tackle but Klein with a kick and then he sends DiBiase into the turnbuckles where Klein kicks and punches him. DiBiase with a sunset flip attempt but Klein with a stomp to the head and then Klein celebrates among himself. DiBiase with a rollup for a near fall. Klein with a flying clothesline for a near fall. Klein with knees to the back and a knee drop for a near fall. Klein works on the neck but DiBiase gets out of the hold and he hits a flying shoulder tackle and a flying back elbow. DiBiase with a springboard cross body followed by a forearm. Klein with a kick but he charges into a boot from DIBiase. Klein is pushed off the turnbuckles and DiBiase hits a missile drop kick for the three count.
Winner: Brett DiBiase

Fletcher Chase is with Sebastian Slater and Fletcher says that they appreciate Slater and he asks about Sebastian’s surprise tag team partner. Slater says that his surprise partner is a WWE Superstar and we will find out later.

Steve Keirn is in the ring and he says that since Abraham Washington set foot in an FCW ring, he has run down Steve Keirn. Steve is interrupted by Fletcher Chase, who comes to the ring to talk to Steve. Fletcher says that as the network representative, it is necessary to consider a third party candidate who is unbiased and impartial. He says that the choice for General Manager is obvious. The most intelligent and most articulate man in FCW, himself.

Byron Saxton comes to the ring and he apologizes for interrupting. He says that he has an important document for Steve Keirn. He has a writ of habeas corpus. He tells Keirn that he needs to immediately and indisputably revoke the ban on the president of sports entertainment Abraham Saddam Washington.

Washington enters the building with security and he comes to the ring. Washington says that it is good to be back and he says that it has been a long time. Washington comments on Keirn’s physical appearance. He wants to talk about Keirn’s abuse of power.

Keirn says that Washington got an opportunity to see the power of the FCW president when he was removed from the building. Keirn says that he made a decision that there is a need for a general manager in FCW. Keirn says that he will give both men an opportunity to speak for one minute to find next week who will be the FCW General Manager.

Before the next match, we hear from Sweet Papi Sanchez and Kafu and they talk about teaming for the first time (even though they were in a tag match against Troy Jackman and Dylan Klein on the April 26 episode)

Match Number Two: Troy Jackman and Jon Cutler versus Sweet Papi Sanchez and Kafu

Sanchez and Cutler start things off and Cutler punches Sanchez. Sanchez blocks a kick and he hits an atomic drop followed by a choke slam set up. Sanchez with a hot shot followed by a clothesline. Kafu is tagged in and he gets a near fall. Kafu with a snap mare and kick to the back. Kafu with a hip toss to Cutler and then he kicks Jackman when he tries to interfere. Cutler charges at Kafu but Kafu misses and Cutler hits his tag team partner and they both go to the floor. Cutler pie faces Kafu and then Cutler runs out of the ring and Kafu chases after him. Kafu is pulled down by Jackman while the referee deals with Sanchez on the apron. Cutler with a forearm to the back and then Jackman is tagged in and he punches Kafu. Jackman sends Kafu into the turnbuckles and then he wraps Kafu’s arm in the ropes. Cutler is tagged back in and he punches Kafu followed by a snap mare and an arm bar. Cutler grabs Kafu’s leg but Kafu escapes and he tags in Sanchez who hits a thrust to the throat followed by an elbow that flips, flops, and flies. Sanchez with a back body drop for a near fall. All four men are in the ring and Kafu clotheslines Jackman over the top rope and they both go to the floor. Sanchez with a big boot to Cutler followed by a splash for the three count.
Winners: Sweet Papi Sanchez and Kafu

Fletcher Chase is with Drew McIntyre and Fletcher says that the network is proud to be their champion. Drew says that he wants to talk about partying and that is why he moved to the United States. Drew says that Fletcher should be kissing his feet because he is the prince of ratings. We go to commercial.

We are back and Fletcher is with Alex Riley and Beverly. Fletcher tells Alex that ratings go through the roof when he is on television. Fletcher and Alex talk about title shots, but Johnny Prime enters the room and he is more interested in shots to Riley’s face.

Match Number Three: Sheamus O’Shaunessy versus Justin Angel

They lock up and Sheamus with a side head lock but Angel with a hammer lock but Sheamus with an elbow. Angel with a kick to the chest and then he kicks Sheamus again. Angel tries for a drop toe hold but Sheamus does not go down. Sheamus misses a boot to Angel on the mat and he also misses an elbow drop. Angel with a drop kick to the knee but Sheamus with a back breaker and clothesline for a two count. Sheamus with a kick to Angel followed by a forearm to the back. Sheamus with an Irish whip and a snap mare followed by a reverse chin lock with the arm isolated. Angel punches Sheamus and then he hits a rana. Angel charges into the corner but Sheamus catches him and hits a fallaway slam for a near fall. Sheamus returns to the neck. Sheamus with a forearm to the back of the neck. Angel with a drop kick. Angel misses a spin kick but he hits a kick to the back of the head. Angel with a kick to Sheamus and then Angel hits a springboard moonsault for a two count. Angel punches Sheamus and Sheamus misses a bicycle kick and then Angel with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Angel tries to slam Sheamus but he has problems. Angel with an STO and then he goes up top but Sheamus rolls to the floor. Angel with a corkscrew pescado onto Sheamus on the floor. Angel with a springboard move but Sheamus connects with a bicycle kick and then he hits the Fiery Red Hand for the three count.
Winner: Sheamus O’Shaunessy

Match Number Four: Caylen Croft and Trent Beretta versus Sebastian Slater and Festus

The bell rings and Festus goes crazy. He goes after Beretta and Croft. Festus throws Beretta into the ring and Slater with clotheslines. Slater with an arm drag into an arm bar. Festus tags in and Festus with an uppercut. Festus sends Beretta into the turnbuckles and then he punches Beretta. Festus with a biel to Beretta and then Festus with a forearm to Beretta for a near fall. Festus with a slam and Slater is tagged in. Festus slams Slater onto Beretta for a near fall. Slater works on the arm and a drop kick for a near fall. Beretta with a kick but Slater with a clothesline for a near fall. Slater with an arm bar. Festus tags in and Slater kicks Beretta. Croft comes in without a tag and he gets thrown over the top rope by Festus. Slater clotheslines Beretta over the top rope to the floor.

We are back and Beretta and Croft are on the floor. Beretta comes in and he tags in Croft. Croft with a shoulder from the apron and then he tries for a sunset flip but Slater rolls through and hits a drop kick. Slater with clotheslines but Croft sends Slater into the ropes and then Croft kicks him in the head while the referee is out of position. Croft with a near fall on Slater followed by punches. Croft with a snap suplex for a near fall. Croft with punches and then he tags in Beretta. Croft with a slam and Beretta with a slingshot elbow drop for a near fall. Beretta with a front face lock on Slater. Beretta keeps Slater from making the tag and then he drives Slater into the mat and gets a near fall. Beretta with an Irish whip and Slater floats over and gets a near fall with a rollup. Beretta with a clothesline and Croft is tagged in. Croft with a snap mare and leg drops for a near fall. Slater with an inside cradle for a near fall. Croft with a clothesline for a near fall. Croft with a chin lock and the arm is isolated. Slater gets out of the hold. Beretta tags in and keeps Slater from making the tag. Beretta with a knee drop for a near fall. Beretta with a front face lock.

Slater gets to his feet but Beretta keeps Slater in the center of the ring to prevent the tag. Slater with a back body drop but he is unable to tag in Festus. Croft is able to tag in and he punches and chokes Slater. Slater fights of Beretta but Croft punches Slater and gets a near fall. Croft with a knee to the back and a kick to the chest. Croft misses an elbow drop but he does not miss with a punch. Beretta tags back in and he hits a double sledge to the back. Slater with punches and Beretta tries a cross body but Slater ducks down and Beretta hits the ropes hard. Slater tries to make the tag but he has to get past Beretta. Croft tags in and he tries to clothesline Slater but Slater ducks and he makes the tag to Festus.

Festus pushes Croft down and then Festus with a series of punches and an Irish whip and a running butt splash and flying shoulder tackle. Festus with a boot to Beretta that sends him out of the ring. Festus with a Kane like uppercut and then it is time to slap his rear end because it is Thesz Press time on the mat. Festus with an Irish whip but he charges into the boot. Festus with an uppercut and a flapjack for the three count.
Winners: Sebastian Slater and Festus

We go to credits with the announcement of two matches for next week including a ‘one on one’ match that is advertised as a ‘mixed tag team match’