View Full Version : Decision on Denver's Raw made by Vinnie Mac

05-21-2009, 12:17 AM
Today, here in Denver, Vince McMahon appeared on our NBC affiliate, channel 9 KUSA, and said that they will be moving all WWE events for this next week in Colorado to Los Angeles. This includes the Loveland non-televised show, Raw on Monday, and Tuesday's Smackdown in Colorado Springs. He said that he wanted to make everything right with the fans and will be back in Denver on August 7th, for a non-televised Friday event at the Denver Coliseum. He will also make the situation right at a later date for the Springs and Loveland fans, but it was not logistically possible to do anything in L.A. and Colorado in three consecutive days, with L.A. being the middle date.
Ticketmaster reported to 9News that they would give refunds to all ticket holders.

On a personal note, I am very disappointed and will not hold my breath for a Raw to ever be here again, as Vince seems to be very upset with Stan Kroenke and as far as I can see, he has little reason to trust him again.

05-21-2009, 01:04 AM
If I where Vince I'd never ever go back there again... why fund a guy who don't even have faith in his own team - why give him money and give him the pleasure of having a successful business be in his arena? I sure as hell wouldn't.

05-21-2009, 06:31 AM
thanks for this