View Full Version : WWE Financial Notes

07-07-2006, 11:11 AM
As of July 1st, the McMahon family started paying for personal use of "Air McMahon," the company's jet. Last year, it was estimated the McMahons totaled $194,000 in non-business flights.

- WWE averages 9,160 fans to international events for about $633,689 gates. In the U.S., its 4,990 fans for $186,327.

- 24% of WWE's incomes comes from outside of North America.

- Total ad revenues dropped from $127,200,000 to $109,100,000 due to the move to the USA Network.

- Average TV taping for Raw and Smackdown is $527,451.

- The company took in $24 million in DVD sales.

- WWE only has 13,000 subscribers in North America for its 24/7 VOD service.

- WWE has 460 office employees and 165 wrestlers under contract.

Wrestling Observer Newsletter

07-09-2006, 07:40 AM
Hey thanks a lot for the financial info. I apreciate it. Really interesting for a big wwe fan