View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Results, 5/22 - Boise, Idaho

05-24-2009, 07:57 AM
WWE RAW Live Results
May 22nd, 2009 - Boise, Idaho
Report by Matt Hartgrave, LordsofPain

The superstars of Raw came to the Gem State for a live event and the arena
was pretty full considering it being one of the biggest travel days of the
year. Good show put on by the cast & crew and a new venue this time from
last, a smaller venue that suited a house show better. Show started with
Chimmel on the mic having us stand for the national anthem and reminding us
about the PPV and merchandise, then on to the first match.

*Goldust vs. Chavo Guerrero*
Goldy got a great crowd reaction, being the first one out and when that
un-mistakable music hit the crowd went nuts. Chavo came out to boos, and ran
around the ring complaining that Goldust was freaking him out, finally the
match got going and was back and forth with a lot of throws and technical
moves, Chavo gained the upper hand with the three amigos and went up for the
frog splash but Hornswaggle came out and danced like chavo on the apron,
which distracted chavo just enough to get goldust the opening he needed and
finished him off. Goldust held Hornswaggle for a while after the match and
they waved and posed for a while as Chavo was helped to the back.

Kelly Kelly's shown in the upper level with a fan and asks him if he can
name what type of match Orton & Batista will have at Extreme Rules, he
answers correctly and his family gets moved to the front row for the rest of
the show.

*The Miz vs. Sanino Marrella*
The Miz come out, grabs the mic, talks about being awesome, his
accomplishments, gets some good heat and then Santino comes out, gets the
mic, tells miz he & his "Spuds" here in Idaho would beat him tonight, once
the match started Santino kept running from Miz to walk off his injuries,
and that gave Sanitino the upper hand at one point, but momentum quickly
shifted and the Miz picked up the win by quickly out of no-where hitting the
Mizard for the pinfal victory. As Santino left he kept walking the wrong way
as if he was a little messed up in the head, but Chimmel and the ref finally
got him straightened out and headed back the right way.

*The Brian Kendrick vs. Shamus*
Kendrick ran down Idaho and his opponent before he came out by calling him a
simple dirt farmer like us idahoans, great stuff Kendrick, Shamus came out
to little to no reaction, nobody knew him, but the Pasty White kid with Red
Hair & Beard is a big dude and ended up winning the match, Kendrick worked
his left leg most of the match but got kicked off a few times and Shamus got
the advantage and ended up picking the victory. No reaction through this
match, a lot of people used this as their intermission sadly.

*WWE Unified Tag Team Championship Match*
*Legacy vs. The Colons*
Long technically well done match, lots of flipping around by the colons and
lots of heal heat for the orton drones.Carlito worked the bulk of the match
unable to get a tag while legacy switched back and forth several times
utilizing the double team. Finally Primo got the hot tag and started
cleaning house, throwing Dibiase over the top rope as he ran in from the
apron, thus leading to Dibiase getting a chair, carlito taking it away and
Primo finishing off an arguing Cody Rhods with a roll up and a 3 count.
Legacy stormed around for a while and Chimmel announced it was intermission,
so everyone dispersed.

*The Bella Twins vs. Beth Phoenix & Maryse*
Pretty good match, took a while to get going as Maryse kept getting out of
the ring to keep them away from her. Finally it started, Maryse got the
upper hand and tagged in Beth who continued to destroy the starting bella
keeping her from tagging. Once she finally did, the hot tag momentum led to
the bella's going on a tear. It ended with one Bella getting Beth's finisher
for the pinfal win and more taunting from Maryse after thier win, she really
didn't contribute that much but felt the need to pose, a lot.

*Triple Threat, U.S. Championship Match*
*MVP vs. Kofi Kingston vs. William Regal*
Kofi & MVP start by double teaming a cocky Regal, they work well together
until Kofi covers Regal for a near fall, then its on, and all three men
spent some time on the floor outside ring, at the end it was Kofi who was
knocked to the outside giving MVP enough time to finish him off for a win.
After the match Kofi & MVP shook hands and walked out, MVP posed for a while
and got out of there.

Tony Chimmel thanked us for coming tonight and reminded us of the PPV again
and to watch Raw for more developments, then started to announce the
participants for the Main Event.

*John Cena & Batista vs. Big Show & Randy Orton*
Pretty decent reaction for big show, huge boos for Orton, Enormous pop for
Batista and Cena. Cena & Show start the match, the heal team works Cena over
with double teams keeping him from tagging, finally he gets the tag and
Batista comes in and the process starts all over on him. Finally after being
held back by Orton for the 3rd time, Orton with Batista in a sleeper, gets
lifted off his feet and dragged across the right for the hot tag to Cena who
clears things out, hits the 5 knuckle shuffle, then the Attitude Adjustment
got broken up and all men are in the ring, Batista gets the big chops from
Show and then Batista takes orton out, Cena gets Show up and hits it finally
for the 3 count, big pop, great show.

After the match, everyone left but Cena, he got Chimmel up in the ring and
got the mic and said, he bet chimmel before the show that we wouldn't be
half as loud as we were at Taco Bell Arena, and we were twice as loud, he
said it was the best $20 he ever spent, that sent the crowd home on a high
note, end of show. All Raw champs in the house, that's been a while comin,
great matches, very entertaining to the crowd.