View Full Version : RAW Results from West Valley, UT 5/23

05-24-2009, 01:44 PM
Goldust defeated Chavo Guerrero. Goldust looks like he's dropped a lot of weight since the last time I saw him. Finish came when Chavo was going for a frog splash and Hornswoggle came out from under the ring and distracted him. Goldust hit a spinning vertical suplex for the pin. Post match, Dust helps Chavo up, DDTs him, and we get to see a tadpole splash.

The Miz beat Santino Marella. Miz started with his promo about being the best in the locker room. Santino came out, playing to the crowd and then acting shy. He then got on the mic and said that "Whootah" knew that Miz would get beat, that he told his sister that he would win, and that he was training with the Glamazon with weights and learning kung fu. Comedy match that saw Miz win with the DDT he used at Judgment Day (the Sheik Abdul Bashir WMDDT).

Sheamus beat The Brian Kendrick. Kendrick comes out and makes all the Utah jokes in the book, checking the polygamists of Salt Lake City, making other local religious comments, and saying that there is a young kid in the back that is not going to make a name at his expense. Sheamus needs to find a tanning booth badly, he was green in the ring and pale white. Crowd didn't know what to do here, not knowing who Sheamus was. Kendrick spent the match working the arm and had a number of near falls. Kendrick ended up getting caught in a uranage variation by Sheamus.

Carlito & Primo beat DiBiase & Rhodes (announced as Legacy rather than Priceless). This seemed to follow the old school tag match feel, Carlito playing the Ricky Morton role, Primo as Robert Gibson. Finish was DiBiase grabbing a chair, distracting the ref, Primo moving out of the way of a charging Rhodes and pinned him with a rollup.

Beth Phoenix & Maryse beat The Bellas. Mot much to it, and the crowd was not into it at all. Bellas threw a number of dropkicks as their primary move, Phoenix showed her power, and Maryse wins with her DDT.

MVP pinned William Regal in a three way with Kofi Kingston. Typical 3 way, brief moments of MVP-Kofi double team moves, breaking up each others pins. They all got their big spots in, with the Kofi spinning kick, Regal with the exploder suplex, and MVP pinning Regal with the Playmaker after Regal missed the running knee to the temple.

Batista & John Cena beat Randy Orton and Big Show. I guess this is the OVW Class of 2001-02 reunion with Orton, Leviathan, and Prototype. Orton came out and got in the face of a few fans and trashed a fan's sign. Batista got the biggest pop of the night, and Cena was close behind. Orton actually showed some charisma tonight, shushing the crowd, and when Show tagged him, he cringed and favored his hand. The end came when Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on Show, lifting him with no trouble.