View Full Version : WWE Superstars TV Report for May 28th, 2009

05-29-2009, 07:14 AM
WWE Superstars Report
Airing May 28th, 2009
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We are live on tape from Los Angeles, California and your announcers are Todd ‘Alex English’ Grisham and Jim ‘Doug Moe’ Ross for the Smackdown match, Michael ‘Michael Adams’ Cole and Jerry ‘Kiki Vandeweghe’ Lawler for the Raw match, and Josh ‘Dan Issel’ Mathews and Matt ‘Todd Lichti’ Striker.

Match Number One: Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin versus Carlito and Primo in a Non Title Match

Primo and Benjamin start things off and they lock up and Benjamin with a waist lock into a side head lock. Benjamin follows that with a fireman’s carry into an arm bar. Primo kips up but Benjamin with a forearm and then he Irish whips Primo but runs into boots and then Primo with a springboard cross body for a near fall. Benjamin runs Primo into the corner and Haas is tagged in and he punches Primo. Primo with an elbow and he sends Haas into the turnbuckles before punching Haas in the corner. Primo with a kick to Haas and then Carlito is tagged in. They hit a double kick followed by a double drop kick to the head for a near fall. Haas sends Carlito into the turnbuckles and then he kicks Carlito. Haas with a forearm and then he tags in Benjamin.

Benjamin with a kick followed by a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Benjamin with an elbow to the head and then he returns to the reverse chin lock. Carlito with elbows but Benjamin with a power slam for a near fall. Benjamin with a front face lock and forearm to the back. Benjamin tries for a German suplex but Carlito blocks it and gets a rollup for a near fall. Carlito with a back body drop and then Primo is tagged in and he punches Benjamin followed by a back elbow and a drop kick to the knees. Primo with a rana for a near fall. Primo with a punch and kick to Benjamin. Benjamin is sent to the apron and Haas’ distraction allows Benjamin to drop Primo’s arm on the top rope as we go to commercial.

We are back and Haas with an arm bar to Primo and then Benjamin is tagged in and he slingshots into the ring and stomps on the arm. Benjamin with forearms and kicks to Primo. Benjamin sends Primo shoulder first into the ring post. Haas tags back in and he kicks the arm from the floor. Haas continues to work on the arm and then he applies an arm bar submission. Haas with a knee to the shoulder. Primo with a kick and desperation punches but Haas stops Primo from making the tag and he hits a spinebuster for a near fall that is broken up by Carlito. Benjamin tags in and he kicks Primo in the shoulder. Primo tries for head butts to stop Benjamin but Benjamin with a punch to the head and he returns to the arm with an arm bar. Benjamin tosses Primo in the air and he lands hard on the mat.

Cryme Tyme come out and they have a few yo-yos for the fans to take away from the match. Primo with a rollup for a two count thanks to the distraction. Benjamin with forearms to Primo but Primo with a belly-to-back suplex. Carlito and Haas tag in and Carlito with a missile drop kick and a knee lift and clothesline. Carlito with a springboard back elbow for a two count. Benjamin tells Cryme Tyme to leave and Carlito knocks Benjamin off the apron. Carlito with a springboard moonsault into a backstabber for the three count.
Winners: Primo and Carlito

We have a video package from the band that makes the song that is the theme for Superstars.

Jack Swagger is looking at himself in the mirror before he walks into commercial.

We are back and Mike is not happy about the WWE Did You Know Stat.

Match Number Two: Finlay versus Jack Swagger

Swagger runs Finlay into the corner and he connects with a series of knees before Finlay responds with a punch. Swagger with forearms to the back followed by an Irish whip. Swagger sends Finlay to the floor from the turnbuckles and Finlay favors his shoulder as Swagger does push ups in the ring. Swagger with kicks to Finlay as he returns to the ring. Swagger with a double jump splash for a near fall. Swagger with a waist lock. Swagger with a forearm to the back and then Swagger tries for an abdominal stretch but Finlay stays out of the hold. Swagger hits Finlay in the back but Finlay sends Swagger over the top rope to the floor. Swagger runs Finlay’s back into the ring post. They return to the ring and Swagger gets a two count. Swagger tries for another splash but Finlay gets his knees up. Finlay with a near fall on Swagger. Swagger runs Finlay into the turnbuckles and hits the Oklahoma Stampede for a near fall. Swagger grabs the shillelagh and the referee stops him. Finlay with an inside cradle but the referee was not in position and he could only get a two count. Finlay runs Swagger into the turnbuckles and then Swagger hits the Doctor Bomb for the three count.
Winner: Jack Swagger

If you missed the first twenty minutes of Raw, you are able to get a recap of what helped Raw get its first hour ratings.

We are back with a look at Randy Orton and his reign of IED Terror.

Match Number Three: John Cena versus Ted DiBiase

They lock up and Cena with a side head lock take down and they go into the corner. DiBiase with a side head lock and take down to Cena. DiBiase with a shoulder tackle but Cena with a hip toss and slam. Cena with an elbow drop for a near fall. DiBiase with a kick and punch to Cena followed by kicks in the corner. DiBiase chokes Cena in the corner. DiBiase punches Cena in the head. Cena with an Irish whip and bulldog for a near fall. Cena misses a charge into the corner and then DiBiase punches Cena. DiBiase continues to punch Cena and Cena goes down and DiBiase gets a near fall. DiBiase punches Cena but Cena blocks the punch and he responds with punches of his own. DiBiase with a cross body but Cena rolls through and then he gets DiBiase on his shoulders but DiBiase gets out of the hold and goes to the floor to regroup. Cena chases after him but DiBiase drops Cena on the top rope. DiBiase with an Irish whip into the ring steps and we go to commercial.

We are back and DiBiase with a rear chin lock but Cena tries to escape and gets an inside cradle. DiBiase with a clothesline to Cena and Cena goes down again. DiBiase with a series of fist drops that some might say are vintage. DiBiase with a drop kick for a near fall. DiBiase with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb and it is time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena with an Attitude Adjustment set up but DiBiase with a rollup and a power slam for a near fall. Cena with a back body drop and then Cena tries for the Attitude Adjustment but DiBiase grabs the ropes. Cena kicks DiBiase in the solar plexus but DiBiase with a clothesline from the turnbuckles. DiBiase with a gut buster on the shoulder and DiBiase is only able to get a two count. DiBiase tries for a superplex but Cena knocks DiBiase off. Cena with the vintage leg drop and then he applies the STF and DiBiase taps out.
Winner: John Cena

We go to credits.