View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for May 29th, 2009

05-30-2009, 05:27 AM
WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report
Airing May 29th, 2009
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We are live on tape from Los Angeles, California and your announcers are Jim ‘Penguins in 7’ Ross and Todd ‘Gavin’ Grisham.

Rey Mysterio comes to the ring and he has something to say before he gets ready for his main event tag match tonight. Rey says that it is good to be back in California and then he speaks in Spanish. In a bit more than a week, it will be better when he bashes Chris Jericho’s head in a No Holds Barred match at Extreme Rules. Some have told him that he shouldn’t have chosen a No Holds Barred match because he can hit Rey with any move possible. Rey runs through the area codes in Los Angeles. He says that he will do anything to shut up Chris Jericho.

He won’t be shutting up Chris Jericho tonight because Jericho comes out to the ring. Chris stares at Rey before asking Rey if he thinks the No Holds Barred match will be off the hook. Will it be off the hook when he hits Rey with a chair to give him permanent brain damage? He says that Rey does not know what he is getting himself into. Rey’s false act of bravado will have repercussions forever.

Rey tells Chris to shut up because his words don’t mean anything. Rey reminds Jericho about Jericho’s promise that Rey would not be able to hit the 619 or win the Intercontinental Title. Rey reminds Jericho about what he said about Mickey Rourke and Rourke knocked him out. We see Mickey in the crowd.

Jericho says that if Rey wants to pander to Mickey Rourke, he will do the opposite. Jericho says that he is too much of a professional to punch Rourke in the face. He also calls Rourke worthless. Jericho says that Rey and his fans live in a worthless world. It is a world where a man conceals himself behind a mask. Chris points out that honest men do not hide behind masks. Jericho wants to know what Rey is hiding and then he vows to rip the mask off Rey’s face to expose him for what he really is.

Jericho tries to attack Rey but Rey stops him and Rey sets up for the 619 but Jericho gets out of the ring.

Khali is lumbering in the back with Runjin Singh as we go to commercial.

We are back and we see how the feud between Khali and Dolph Ziggler started.

Match Number One: R Truth and Great Khali with Runjin Singh versus Dolph Ziggler and Mike Knox

Truth and Ziggler start things off and we are asked what’s up before locking up. Truth with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Truth with a leap frog into a split and then he gets a rollup for a near fall. Truth with a hip toss and arm drag into an arm bar. Khali tags in and Ziggler moves to his corner to tag in Knox. Knox pushes Khali and Khali chops back. Khali with a big boot and Knox goes down. Truth tags in and he hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Truth with a kick but he runs into a clothesline. Ziggler tags in and he kicks Truth followed by a series of elbow drops finished by a leaping elbow drop for a near fall. Ziggler with a rear chin lock but Truth escapes and he punches Ziggler. Each man tries a cross body and both go down. Knox and Khali tag in and Knox tries to stop him before he gets into the ring but Khali with clotheslines. Khali sends Knox into the turnbuckles. Ziggler tries to interfere but Khali grabs him by the throat. Knox attacks Khali from behind but Khali with a spinning back kick. Ziggler leaves the ring and that leaves Knox alone and Khali with the vertical choke slam for the three count.
Winners: R Truth and the Great Khali

After the match, it is time for the special dance party.

Melina is walking in the back and she is happy because she cannot see what is going on in the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Smack of the Night: Alicia getting slapped by Melina last week.

Match Number Two: Melina versus Alicia Fox with Michelle McCool

Melina with a top wrist lock but Alicia pulls the hair and connects with a clothesline. Melina slaps Alicia and then Melina with a matrix move and then she kicks Alicia. Alicia goes to the floor and Melina brings her back in. Michelle distracts Melina to allow Alicia to hit a baseball slide. Alicia with a hard Irish whip followed by a back breaker. Melina with a kick to Alicia followed by forearms and a clothesline and drop kick. Melina with a back heel kick for a two count. Michelle get on the apron and Melina pays attention to the woman she is not wrestling and Alicia pulls Melina off the turnbuckles. Melina with the screaming leg lariat drop for the three count.
Winner: Michelle McCool

After the match, Michelle grabs the title belt and she gives it to Melina before leaving the ring.

Josh Mathews is in the interview area with John Morrison. Josh asks John about his match against Umaga. John says that Umaga is a moron. John tells Josh that he is going to outsmart Umaga.

Shelton Benjamin interrupts and he tells John that if he beats Umaga tonight, they have unfinished business. John points out that he has beaten both members of the World’s Greatest Tag Team.

Jeff Hardy is walking in the back and we will hear him talk when we get back from commercial.

We are back and it is time for a Jeff Hardy ladder match video package.

Now it is time for Jeff to come to the ring to talk to the fans. Jeff says that some people think that he is crazy for choosing such a dangerous and career threatening match, but ladder matches are his comfort zone. Him and Edge were part of the first tag team ladder match and since that time, their careers have changed. Their feud will end at Extreme Rules in a ladder match. He will prove that his title win was not a fluke.

Umaga comes out and he has a strap with him while Jeff Hardy goes up the ramp.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Umaga versus John Morrison

The referee tells Umaga to put his strap down. Umaga throws Morrison down after they lock up. Umaga with an elbow to Morrison followed by an Irish whip but Morrison moves out of the way when Umaga charges. Morrison with punches in the corner but Umaga pushes Morrison off and then Umaga with a running shoulder tackle. Morrison ducks when Umaga charges and Umaga goes to the floor. Morrison with a double jump cross body and both men are down on the floor. Morrison with a kick when Umaga returns to the ring. Morrison tries for a sunset flip but Umaga tries to drop down but Morrison moves. Morrison with a Shining Wizard for a near fall. Umaga charges into a boot from Morrison but Morrison charges into an alley oop Samoan drop. Morrison goes to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Umaga with an arm bar and chin lock combination. Umaga with a head butt to the neck as he continues to wear down Morrison. Morrison with knees to get out of the hold and Morrison tries for a suplex but he cannot get Umaga up. Umaga drops Morrison on the top rope and then Umaga with a thrust kick that knocks Morrison off the apron. Umaga pulls Morrison back to the apron but Morrison drops Umaga on the top rope. Umaga with a clothesline that flips Morrison. Umaga with a snap mare and nerve hold. Morrison with a spin kick that staggers Umaga but Umaga catches Morrison and hits an uranage. Umaga with a kick to the back. Umaga with a head butt and he returns to the nerve hold. Morrison with a forearm but Umaga with a knee. Morrison with a DDT and both men are down. Umaga misses a clothesline and Morrison with punches and a running forearm and a dropsault but Umaga stays on his feet. Morrison with a drop kick to the knee, but Umaga with a thrust to the throat. Morrison with a springboard spin kick and Umaga goes to the floor. Umaga happens to fall in the corner where he threw his strap so he hits Morrison with it. The referee calls for the bell.
Winner: John Morrison by disqualification

After the match, Umaga straps Morrison and throws him into the ringside barrier. Umaga puts Morrison in the Tree of Woe and he ties Morrison up with the strap. Umaga kicks Morrison in the back.

CM Punk comes to the ring with his briefcase and he hits Umaga twice with it. Punk with a running knee into the corner and then he bulldogs Umaga onto the briefcase.

Todd Grisham interviews CM Punk in the ring and he asks Punk for his strategy at Extreme Rules. Punk says that he is not the type to strategize. He says that he does not know how to plan or strategize for that match. He says that he always finds a way. He became a World Champion. He won Money in the Bank . . . twice. Many say that there is no way that he can drag Umaga around the ring and touch all four turnbuckles. Punk points out that Umaga is bigger and stronger than him, but Umaga is not CM Punk.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look back at Cryme Tyme interfering in the match between the Colons and the team of Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin.

Match Number Four: Cryme Tyme versus Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin

Haas and JTG start things off and Haas runs JTG into the corner and he punches JTG. JTG with a kick but Haas with a single leg trip. JTG with a knee and a leap frog leg drop for a near fall. JTG with shoulders in the corner before tagging in Shad. Shad gets sent into Haas in the corner. Shad with an Irish whip but he leaps into Haas’ knees. Benjamin tags in and he punches Shad. Benjamin with a waist lock and Shad backs Benjamin into the corner. Shad with a flying shoulder tackle. JTG tags back in and Cryme Tyme with a wheelbarrow slam onto Benjamin for a near fall. JTG jumps into the corner but Shad distracts the referee and they hot shot JTG onto the top rope. We go to commercial.

We are back and Haas keeps JTG from making the tag and he hits a slam for a near fall. Benjamin tags in and he kicks JTG and gets a near fall. Benjamin kicks and punches JTG in the corner and the referee pulls him off. JTG turtles in the corner and Benjamin continues the attack. Benjamin with a near fall and then he works on the neck. Haas tags back in and he hits a double sledge to the back. Haas with knees to the head. JTG punches back but Haas with a knee as he yells at JTG for what happened on Superstars. Haas with punches to JTG and then he tags Benjamin back in. Benjamin punches JTG but JTG punches back. They exchange punches and then Benjamin misses a Stinger Splash. JTG tries to make the tag but Benjamin hits a German suplex for a near fall. Haas tags in and he returns to the knees but he misses a knee drop. JTG with a clothesline and then he tries to make the tag and he succeeds. Shad with clotheslines to Benjamin followed by a back elbow. Shad with kicks to Haas. Shad catches Benjamin on a float over attempt and Shad with a power slam. Shad with the money money elbow drop for a near fall. All four men are in the ring but JTG with a clothesline to take care of Haas. Shad tries for the STO but Benjamin blocks it. Benjamin with Paydirt for the three count.
Winners: Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin

We see the history between Eve Torres and Layla.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that WWE is broadcast in a lot of countries in a lot of languages.

Match Number Five: Eve Torres versus Layla

Layla charges at Eve and punches away. They roll around the ring and they go to the floor. Eve punches Layla on the floor and then Layla runs Eve into the apron. Layla rolls Eve back into the ring and she works on Eve’s back with a double sledge and knee followed by a near fall. Eve with a forearm but Layla with a snap mare and then she works on Eve’s back. Layla with a kick and snap mare and drop kick to the back. Layla with an Irish whip and a running butt splash. Layla and Eve both try to take the other down by the hair and they both go down. They exchange forearms and Eve with a clothesline and drop kick. Eve with a sunset flip for a two count. Layla with a knee and forearm to the back and head. Layla with a cross body but Eve rolls through and gets the three count.
Winner: Eve Torres

After the match, Layla tries to attack but Eve throws her out of the ring.

Edge is walking in the back and he sees Chris Jericho and they exchange pleasantries. Edge tells Jericho to follow his lead in the ring. Jericho says that worked so well last week. Edge reminds Jericho that he is the champion. Jericho says that he does not listen to what anybody says. Jericho says that Edge should have the match by himself tonight because he is done. Jericho walks away and we go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage from last week’s Name the Stipulation Match between Jeff Hardy and Edge.

Edge is going to say something before the main event. He says that if he can pick two words to describe Jeff Hardy, it is ‘wasted opportunities’. Jeff had the break of a lifetime last week to choose the stipulation for their match at Extreme Rules and Jeff picks a match that Edge owns. Edge says that he is the most successful in the WWE at ladder matches. Edge says the difference between him and Jeff is that Jeff always makes the people’s jaws drop. Edge says that he always wins. Edge says that the big difference between this ladder match and the rest. Those were tag team or Money in the Bank ladder matches. This is the first one-on-one ladder matches for the WWE Championship. Edge calls Jeff a loser while he says that he is a winner. Edge says that Jeff wastes his opportunities while Edge is the ultimate opportunist. Edge says that he will walk out of Extreme Rules as the WWE Champion.

Jericho’s music plays but he does not come to the ring Match Number Six: Edge and Chris Jericho versus Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio is attacked by Chris Jericho who attacks Rey from the crowd and slams him and kicks Rey in the back. Jericho sends Rey into the barrier and then he rips Rey’s mask but Jeff Hardy makes the save for Rey’s mask. The medical staff checks on Rey as we go to commercial.

We are told that Jeff Hardy will make this an ‘Epsenhart Special’ Handicap Match. Hardy punches Jericho. Hardy holds onto the ropes when Jericho tries for a drop kick and Hardy with a leg drop for a near fall. Jericho charges into the corner and Hardy with a gourdbuster driver. Hardy goes up top and he hits a double sledge on Edge who tries to interfere. Hardy with a drop kick to Edge that knocks him off the apron and then he hot shots Jericho. Hardy with a pescado onto Edge and both men are down.

Jericho with the springboard drop kick to Hardy and then Edge kicks Hardy on the floor before returning to his corner. Jericho brings Hardy back into the ring and he gets a near fall after a knee drop. Jericho with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Edge is tagged in and he kicks Hardy. Edge with a head butt to Hardy and then he connects with knees to the ribs. Edge with a cross body to Hardy’s back for a near fall. Edge with a chin lock and arm bar. Jericho tags in and he hits a springboard splash for a near fall. Hardy runs Jericho into the ropes and he punches Jericho. Hardy tries for a drop kick and Jericho is the one to grab the ropes this time. Jericho tries for a Lionsault but he lands on Hardy’s knees and Jericho is favoring his quadriceps. Edge tags in and Hardy with a clothesline. Hardy with a mule kick and a series of clotheslines. Hardy with a reverse atomic drop and then he runs Edge into the corner and Hardy with the hesitation baseball slide for a near fall. Hardy sends Edge into Jericho and Hardy gets a near fall with a rollup. Jericho hits Hardy from behind and then they try to double team Hardy but Hardy with a Whisper in the Wind to both men. Hardy with a Twist of Fate to Jericho but Edge with a spear for the three count.
Winner: Edge

After the match, Edge goes under the ring and he finds a ladder. Edge hits Hardy in the head with the ladder. Edge puts Hardy in the ladder and then he closes it on Hardy. Edge stands over Hardy like the conquering hero.

The medical staff checks on Hardy as we go to credits.