View Full Version : Jim Ross Comments On Passing Of John Tolos, Wwe Release Of Ken Kennedy & More

05-31-2009, 04:42 AM
Jim Ross has posted the latest entry to his blog at www.jrsbbq.com. Highlights of the blog include:

Ken Kennedy's WWE Release: "Sorry to hear that 33 year old Mr. Kennedy was released at the end of the week by WWE. Kennedy got the old "future endeavored" send off that has happened to many. If Kennedy can remain healthy, one would like to think that he his string of injuries is behind him, and can continue with his career in the relatively near future many feel Kennedy has the skills to be a main eventer on a consistent basis. Kennedy is a studious guy and likely won't find it difficult to secure work. Sometimes a fresh start is good for a wrestler and I hope that's the case for Kennedy or what ever his next wrestling name will be."

Finlay's Eye Issues: "Finlay has a scratched cornea from what I understand but don't expect the tough, veteran from Belfast to miss much in ring time. WWE could use more experienced hands like Finlay to help teach the young guys right from wrong inside the ropes. "

Flair and Hogan Overseas: "Perhaps Hulk should try and be Ric Flair's opponent on some of the international destinations Ric has spoken about to various media outlets including China and South Africa. Or, better yet, what about a tag of Flair and Hogan vs. (fill in the blank)? Hey, it's just an idea and please don't tell me that it wouldn't garner big PR and sell tickets especially in international lands or even in the states for a special occasion."

John Tolo's Passing: "Our condolences to the family and friends of former wrestling great John Tolos who passed away at the age of 78 a day or so ago and who is considered one of the best hands on the mic ever and especially in his hey day. Tolos is famous for his run in Southern California and his 70's rivalry with WWE HOF'er Classy Freddie Blassie. Neither man was ever considered to be a fabulous in ring performer but all they did was sell tickets because what they did they did well and both could verbalize and paint vivid word pictures that enhanced the all important emotional investment from the paying customers and sold tickets. Wrestlers who can verbalize and especially those that can ad lib and be spontaneous on the mic greatly enhance their opportunities to become stars. That art form seems to be fleeting which is not a good thing. "


05-31-2009, 06:35 AM
thanks for the post Kellie