View Full Version : ECW on Sci-Fi Report for June 2nd, 2009

06-03-2009, 05:49 AM
ECW on Sci-Fi Report
Airing June 2nd, 2009
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We are live on tape from Memphis, Tennessee and your announcers are Matt ‘I can’t top what Dave called him today in his audio hotline’ Striker and Josh ‘Does someone need their SATs taken’ Mathews.

Match Number One: Evan Bourne versus
Mark Henry with Tony Atlas

They lock up and Henry sends Bourne into the turnbuckles and Evan goes into the ropes and Henry with a clean break. Bourne escapes and he kicks Henry, but Henry with an elbow that sends Bourne to the mat. Bourne with a sleeper but Bourne is knocked off. Bourne with a drop kick to the knee but Henry with a body block that dazes Bourne. Henry with a forearm to the back and then he works on Bourne’s back some more. Henry throws Bourne into the turnbuckles and then he stretches Bourne using the ring post. Henry with a chin lock as he works on Bourne’s back. Henry with a head butt to the back followed by a kick. The referee threatens to disqualify Bourne if he does not observe the count. Henry misses a splash onto Bourne when Evan moves out of the way. Bourne with a series of kicks including a drop kick that take the big man down. Henry with an emphatic kick out. Bourne tries for a cross body from the turnbuckles and then Henry with a fallaway slam that sends Bourne out of the ring. Bourne goes up top but Atlas grabs Bourne’s leg and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Evan Bourne by disqualification

After the match, Bourne avoids Henry and Henry goes to the floor. Mark yells at Tony and says that he blew it and that he had Bourne beat. Tony says that he was just trying to help.

We see footage from last week’s main event when Jack Swagger pinned Christian during the handicap match only to see Tommy Dreamer attack Swagger. Then we see the Hart Attack.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Zack Ryder versus Dustin Carwile

They lock up and Ryder with a knee and shoulder tackle and kicks. Ryder sends Carwile into the turnbuckles and then Ryder with a forearm in the corner. Ryder slaps Carwile and Carwile with a sunset flip. Ryder with kicks to the ribs followed by a rear chin lock. Ryder misses a charge but he connects with an elbow and a missile drop kick. Ryder with a neckbreaker for the three count.
Winner: Zack Ryder

Gregory Helms is with Fit Finlay and he asks Finlay when he is coming back. Finlay says that he believes in the saying a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

Match Number Three: Tommy Dreamer versus Paul Burchill with Katie Lea

Before the match starts, Katie tells Tommy that it is his honor to face her brother in Dreamer’s last match on ECW.

Dreamer with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Dreamer with an elbow drop and then he returns to the side head lock. Burchill with punches in the corner. Dreamer with a hip toss and arm drag into an arm bar. Burchill gets to the apron and Katie distracts Dreamer so Burchill sends Dreamer into the ropes and gets a near fall. Burchill works on the shoulder with knee drops. Burchill with a reverse chin lock. Dreamer with a sunset flip but Burchill with an elbow and knee to the back of the neck. Burchill with a reverse chin lock and he adds a body scissors. Burchill sends Dreamer to the mat. Dreamer with chops to the chest but Burchill with a front face lock and Irish whip followed by a running clothesline into the corner. Burchill with a choke on Dreamer. Dreamer with a side Russian leg sweep and both men are down. Dreamer with a punch to the midsection followed by an Irish whip and bulldog followed by a rollup for a two count. Dreamer with an inverted DDT but Burchill is under the rope. Burchill with an elbow to the back of the head and then Burchill with a brainbuster for a two count. Burchill charges into the corner but Dreamer moves and Dreamer hits a DDT for the three count.
Winner: Tommy Dreamer

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tommy Dreamer is still in the ring. He says that he wanted to take the time to say thank you because that might have been his last match on ECW television. Dreamer says that he will try to make sure that it is not his last match.

Dreamer is interrupted by Jack Swagger who says that Dreamer is the last ECW original and then he mocks Dreamer’s potential farewell address. Swagger says that the only person who cares is him. Swagger reminds Dreamer about his announcement that he will leave if he cannot win the title. Swagger says that it is only a way to keep him relevant. Swagger says that we have been hearing about it for months but he will take care of it on Sunday by winning the title on Sunday in Dreamer’s match, a hardcore match. He will make sure that Dreamer never appears on his show.

Dreamer says that he hopes that Swagger understands that this is not about his glory because it means something that he is willing to put his career on the line. Dreamer says that he would never grasp for any glory that he thought he had. Dreamer says that he will stand in the ring next week as the new ECW Champion.

It is time to run through the card for Extreme Rules.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Weekly Striker about how more people watched ECW than baseball on ESPN last Tuesday.

Match Number Four: Tyson Kidd with Natalya and David Hart Smith versus Christian

They lock up and Christian backs Kidd into the corner and Christian with a clean break. They lock up again and Kidd with a waist lock but Christian with a hammer lock but Kidd reverses to the approval of Natalya. Kidd with a side head lock. Christian with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Christian works on the arm but Kidd reverses and works on the arm and applies an arm bar. Christian reverses and then Kidd does the same and turns it into a cross arm breaker but Christian escapes into a side head lock. Christian with a series of shoulder tackles and near falls. Kidd backs into the corner and then he connects with a back kick and a drop kick to Christian’s head. Kidd sends Christian’s head into the turnbuckles. Christian blocks a move off the turnbuckles and hits a flapjack for a near fall. Kidd with forearms to Christian and an Irish whip but he charges into boots from Christian followed by a back elbow. Kidd sends Christian to the floor and he tries for a kick from the apron but Kidd misses. Christian pulls Kidd of the apron but Kidd with a spear into the ring steps and we go to commercial.

We are back and Kidd with a series of elbows to Christian’s back and then he chokes Christian in the ropes. Kidd with a kick to the head but Christian punches back and slaps Kidd. Kidd with a Maple Leaf but Christian rolls through to try to escape but Kidd holds on. Kidd holds on and stomps on the chest. Christian with an inside cradle to Kidd for a near fall but Kidd with a clothesline for a near fall. Kidd works on the back again and then he connects with a knee. Christian escapes a suplex attempt and then each man was thinking clothesline and they both go down. Christian with punches to Kidd followed by a running forearm. Christian with a drop toe hold and Christian stands on Kidd’s back while he is in the ropes. Christian goes to the apron and then he drops Kidd’s back on the top rope. Christian with a missile drop kick for a two count. Kidd avoids the Killswitch and then he blocks the tornado DDT. Christian tries for a sunset flip but Kidd drops down for a near fall. Kidd with a hard Irish whip followed by a back kick. Christian with a power bomb for a near fall. Christian catches Kidd on a springboard move and gets a two count with a power slam. Christian with the pendulum kick to Kidd and then he goes up top.

Jack Swagger comes out and he distracts Christian to allow Kidd to knock Christian off the turnbuckles. Kidd with a leg drop from the turnbuckles but Christian kicks out. Tommy Dreamer comes out and he knocks Swagger off the apron and then he hits a cannonball onto Smith and Swagger.

Kidd kicks Dreamer but Christian sends Kidd into the ring post and then hits the Killswitch for the three count.
Winner: Christian

After the match, Dreamer comes into the ring to applaud Christian’s victory. They fight over the title belt for a second and then they shake hands, but it was a trap since Dreamer hit a DDT on Christian. Dreamer kisses the title belt as we go to credits.