View Full Version : WWE Superstars TV Report for June 4th, 2009

06-05-2009, 08:29 AM
WWE Superstars Report
Airing June 4th, 2009
Report by Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net

The opening video aired... Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler introduced the show and hyped the main event...

1. Goldust and Hornswoggle beat The Brian Kendrick and Jamie Noble in 3:40. "Boy, that Hornswoggle is a character," said Cole following a forced laugh. Kendrick made Horny slap himself, but Horny came back with a kick. Goldust did the bulk of the work for his team, though. He eventually tagged in Horny, who hit the Tadpole Splash on Kendrick and scored the clean pin...

The announcers hyped the Big Show vs. John Cena match for Sunday's Extreme Rules pay-per-view. Cole actually said Cena needs a miracle to win the submission match...

Josh Matthews and Matt "Beer Can" Striker took over on commentary and were joined by Christian...

2. David Hart Smith (w/Natalya, Tyson Kidd) beat Tommy Dreamer in 8:45. Christian hyped the ECW Triple Threat match for the pay-per-view while on commentary. The Hart Dynasty approached Christian, only to have Dreamer dive off the ring apron with a clothesline that caught Smith.

Striker accused Christian of cheating when he wrestled Jack Swagger. Christian admitted he did and asked, "So what?" He said he sees the ring as a chessboard and said he simply outsmarted Swagger. He also said there are some people who will cheer for Dreamer and others who root against him so they don't have to listen to him "cry through another interview." Home run!

As for the match, Dreamer was in control of the action late. He locked in the Sharp Shooter on Smith. Christian said it was a Texas Cloverleaf. Striker said he wouldn't argue. Christian stood up and stopped Natalya from sliding a chair inside the ring. The ref got caught up in that. Meanwhile, Kidd kicked Dreamer in the head and Smith scored the pin...

The announcers hyped the tag team main event...

Todd Grisham and Jim Ross took over the broadcast. They set up an Edge vs. Jeff Hardy video for Extreme Rules... Grisham and Ross ran through the pay-per-view lineup. Ross said it would take a miracle for Randy Orton to even survive inside the cage match... Chris Jeircho's ring introduction for the main event took place. The announcers ran through Jericho's spectacular attack on Rey Mysterio from Smackdown...

In the ring, Jericho said WWE Superstars is now his show because he's the ultimate superstar. He said he's the WWE Superstar of the Year and he didn't get that title by pandering to the fans. He raved about his own "pure, unadulterated talent." He bragged about his sneak attack on Mysterio last week...

Dolph Ziggler made his ring entrance. He shook hands with Jericho and they went face-to-face. Jericho said something to him and then patted him on the back. R-Truth made his full entrance through the crowd. Jeff Hardy got the rock star pop. He came out in heavy makeup. Ross hyped a "ladder edition" of The Cutting Edge. He said he didn't know what that meant, but he was looking forward to seeing it...
3. Jeff Hardy and R-Truth beat Chris Jericho and Dolph Ziggler in 11:35. Hardy and Ziggler started the match. Hardy jumped out to the early advantage, but Jericho pulled him off the ring apron. Ziggler took control of the offense from there and eventually tagged in Jericho. Hardy ended up hitting the Whisper in the Wind and then tagged in R-Truth. Dolph snuck in and caught R-Truth with a dropkick from behind.

After the break, Jericho worked over R-Truth and asked: "What's up, huh? What's up?" Funny. Late in the match, R-Truth clotheslined illegal man Jericho over the top rope and then dove onto him. A short time later, Hardy finished off Ziggler with the Twist of Fate and the Swanton for the win...