View Full Version : An Original Thought - Tommy Dreamer

Black Widow
06-06-2009, 08:11 PM
Well my time is almost up. I have spoken to the head of WWE.com and he said I will be able to blog for about a month after June 7th if I do not win the ECW title. So that way I will be able to set up some form of communication with everyone.

I want to thank everyone for all their amazing support. I have talked the talk and now I have to walk the walk as Ric Flair has said a couple thousand times wooo.

I make this promise to everyone that on this Sunday you will either see my last match in ECW or you will see me win the ECW title. Every match has a special stipulation but for me it is all or nothing. Hopefully I will be writing back to all of you as a champion and not as a out of work wrestler.

Thanks for watching one of the biggest matches of my life. I hope you enjoy Extreme Rules ppv this Sunday

Thanks for reading

Tommy Dreamer

06-06-2009, 08:16 PM
thanks for this Ryan