View Full Version : Boo Fucking Hoo..

Black Widow
06-07-2009, 11:35 PM
There was this thing on TV were there was kids (as in teens) in prisons and there was one crying his eyes out like a little whiny bitch about how alone he feels and how his dad re married and moved away.. Hes crying about how alone he is and how hard prison is and how he could be there for 9 years..

Boo Fucking Hoo..

These TV shows wanna put these little pricks on TV for people to feel sorry for them eh eh, I dont feel sorry for any mother fucker who kidnaps, holds his girlfriend at gun point, rapes her and then attemped murder and part of a gang fuck no as a matter of fact him being in prison is pretty damn lucky because to be honest id have that bastard hung for what he did..

Do I feel sorry for him, not a damn feeling what so ever.. Call me heartless for my thoughts on him its cool but any scum bag like him should be served the death penalty I dont care what age he is..

A Blissful Ass
06-07-2009, 11:43 PM
So fucking true! Smelly lil cocksucking rapist

06-13-2009, 09:26 AM
Absolutely true. I'm sure these some kind of advocacy group whining for them somewhere.