View Full Version : WWE Smackdown/ECW In Binghamton, Ny Results

Black Widow
06-14-2009, 03:35 PM
I had a very good time at the Smackdown/ECW show in Binghamton last night.
There were probably 4000-5000 people at the Broome County Veterans Memorial Arena last night to enjoy a really solid show. Here are the results:
Match 1 - John Morrison defeated Mike Knox. Still a few boos for Morrison)

Match 2 - Hart Dynasty defeated Evan Bourne and The Hurricane. Hurricane took the Hart Attack.

Match 3 - Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat defeated Drew McIntyre with a high cross body off the top rope. The Dragon still has it!

Match 4 - The Great Khali defeated Dolph Ziggler with the Punjabi Plunge.(this was a squash)

Match 5 - Melina, Gail Kim, and Eve Torres defeated Natalya, Alicia Fox, and Layla. It wasn't great but fun to watch)

Match 6 - Tommy Dreamer defeated Jack Swagger with a DDT. Swagger really knows how to work a crowd)

Match 7 - CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs Jeff Hardy for the World Heavyweight Championship ended with CM Punk hitting the Go To Sleep on Jeff Hardy for the win. After the match, Hardy gave Punk the Twist of Fate and the crowd went home happy.

Biggest pop:
Rey Mysterio
CM Punk
Ricky Steamboat
Jeff Hardy

Most heat:
Mike Knox
Dolph Ziggler
Hart Dynasty
Jack Swagger

Thanks for the great site and keep up the excellent work.=