View Full Version : Florida Championship Wrestling TV Report with WWE Stars for 6/14/2009

06-15-2009, 09:24 AM
Florida Championship Wrestling TV Report
Airing June 14th, 2009
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We are live on tape from Tampa, Florida and your announcers are Dusty Rhodes and Byron Saxton.

Match Number One: Jon Cutler and Lance Hoyt versus Duke Rotundo and Vic Adams

Cutler and Rotundo start things off and they lock up with Rotundo with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Cutler goes to the apron and then he returns to the ring. Cutler with a kick and a wrist lock but Rotundo with a reversal and a side head lock. Rotundo steps on Cutler’s back before hitting a side head lock take down. Cutler stomps on Rotundo’s foot and then Hoyt tags in and he kicks Rotundo. Hoyt misses a clothesline and Rotundo punches Hoyt and runs him into the corner and Adams tags in. They hit a double suplex. Adams works on the arm but Hoyt with a knee and forearm. Hoyt misses a big boot and Adams with a flying shoulder tackle for a near fall. Adams with a front face lock. Cutler hits Adams when the referee deals with Hoyt. Hoyt with an overhead choke slam suplex and then he tags in Cutler who connects with an elbow drop for a near fall. Cutler with a reverse chin lock but Adams with shoulders. Hoyt makes the tag and Hoyt hits a big boot for a near fall. Hoyt punches Adams for a near fall. Adams with punches but Hoyt with a back elbow. Hoyt with a reverse chin lock but Adams with elbows but Hoyt with a forearm to the back. Hoyt is kicked off by Adams and Cutler tags in and keeps Adams from making the tag. Adams with a sunset flip for a two count. Cutler misses a clothesline and Rotundo tags in and hits a short arm clothesline and a back elbow followed by a running power slam. Rotundo with a back senton splash for a two count since Hoyt comes in to break up the cover. Hoyt is sent to the floor and Adams tags in. Hoyt pulls Rotundo out of the ring and Cutler holds Adams for Hoyt but Rotundo pulls Hoyt off the apron. Adams hits an uranage for the three count.
Winners: Duke Rotundo and Vic Adams

Dusty and Byron talk about the situation between Abraham Saddam Washington and Fletcher Chase.

ECW General Manager Tiffany comes out and she brings Johnny Prime to the ring. She also brings out Alex Riley and Beverly. Tiffany tells Alex and Johnny that it is no secret that there has been a long battle between the two of them. She says that she talked to Steve Keirn and she has been given authority to make a match to end this feud. Next week, they will meet in a Last Man Standing Match.

Riley slaps Prime and then he holds Prime for Beverly to slap him.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Abraham Saddam Washington versus Fletcher Chase with Guest Referee Sheamus O’Shaunessy

Instead of locking up they have some words at first. Then they lock up and Washington with a kick and shoulders in the corner. Sheamus pulls Washington out of the corner and they argue. Chase sends Washington into the turnbuckles and then he chokes him on the rope. Washington with a rollup and a handful of tights that Sheamus sees. Chase does the same and Sheamus stops him too. Washington with a kick and he sends Chase into the turnbuckles
and kicks Chase. Chase with an Irish whip and shoulders in the corner and then he chokes Washington with his boot but Sheamus pulls him off. Sheamus with a bicycle kick to Chase and Washington thinks he has things under control but Sheamus hits the Fiery Red Hand on Washington.
No Contest

Match Number Three: Ezekiel Jackson versus Lupe Santiago

They lock up and Santiago with a side head lock and kick. Jackson with a forearm but Santiago with a drop kick. Jackson swats a second drop kick aside and then Jackson with a clothesline followed by an uranage for the three count.
Winner: Ezekiel Jackson

After the match, Jackson gets on the mic and he says that this will happen again and again and again. He says that there will be Domination.

Match Number Three: Sweet Papi Sanchez versus Trent Beretta and Caylen Croft

Sanchez starts with Beretta and Sanchez offers his hand but Beretta swats it away. Beretta pushes Sanchez but Sanchez with a punch. Croft tags in and he punches Sanchez but Sanchez with a head butt and Croft goes to the floor. He tags Beretta back in and he tries for a cross body but Sanchez catches and slams him. Sanchez with a back body drop to Beretta and then he sends Croft to the mat and both men go to the floor. Sanchez punches Croft but Beretta with a clip and drop kick for a near fall. Beretta punches Sanchez and has him in a front face lock before tagging Croft back in and he punches Sanchez. Croft gets a near fall. Croft with a front face lock and Beretta tags in and he hits a double sledge for a near fall. Beretta with a rear chin lock. Beretta with kicks to the head and Croft is tagged back in. They hit a double clothesline to the front and back. Croft goes to the turnbuckles but French Man Trois comes out with a baguette and the tag title belt. Croft is distracted long enough for Sanchez to recover and connect with a boot to Croft as he comes off the turnbuckles. Beretta goes to the floor and Sanchez hits the big splash for the three count.
Winner: Sweet Papi Sanchez

We see footage of Ricky Ortiz pleading his case after being disqualified in his FCW Title match against Drew McIntyre.

Match Number Four: Ricky Ortiz versus Drew McIntyre for the FCW Title

The bell rings and they have some words between each other. McIntyre pushes Ortiz and Ortiz with a leg trip and leg lace as he tries for the quick victory but McIntyre makes it to the ropes. McIntyre with a kick and punch and Ortiz with a Japanese arm drag and McIntyre goes to the floor. Ortiz chases after him and Ortiz hits a flying shoulder tackle for a near fall. Ortiz works on the arm and shoulder and follows that with an overhead take down. Ortiz with an arm bar submission but McIntyre with a near fall. Ortiz with a hammer lock and slam. Ortiz with a kick to the biceps but McIntyre throws Ortiz to the mat by his hair and Ortiz returns the favor. Ortiz with a baseball slide to McIntyre on the floor. Ortiz comes off the apron but McIntyre with a power slam on the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and McIntyre with a rear chin lock but Ortiz escapes the hold. McIntyre with a power slam for a near fall. McIntyre works on Ortiz’s back and then he chokes Ortiz and sends Ortiz to the floor. McIntyre runs Ortiz’s back into the apron and they return to the ring. McIntyre kicks Ortiz I the head. McIntyre takes Ortiz to the mat and he works on the neck and has the arm isolated. McIntyre rubs Ortiz’s face in the mat and then he hits a drop kick to the head as Ortiz tries to recover. McIntyre with a leg drop on the apron and then he connects with a forearm across the chest. McIntyre with knees and a snap mare followed by a rear chin lock. McIntyre with a knee to the back followed by a belly-to-back suplex. McIntyre with kicks to the arm. McIntyre with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. McIntyre returns to the rear chin lock. Ortiz backs McIntyre into the corner and connects with elbows but McIntyre with a clothesline for a near fall. McIntyre punches Ortiz and the referee admonishes him. McIntyre with a knee to the back while he has the chin lock applied. Ortiz with a knee and a sunset flip but Ortiz can only get a two. McIntyre with a big boot for a two count. McIntyre with a kick to the head. Ortiz with a Saito suplex for a two count. Ortiz punches McIntyre and he follows with head butts. Ortiz with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Ortiz with punches in the corner and then Ortiz with a shoulder tackle from the turnbuckles for a two count. Ortiz gets another two count with a back slide. Ortiz with an inside cradle for another near fall. McIntyre with a DDT for a two count. McIntyre puts Ortiz on the turnbuckles but Ortiz pushes him off. McIntyre recovers and hits a super Scot Drop for the three count.
Winner: Drew McIntyre