View Full Version : Clarification Of MVP's Shirt On Raw

06-16-2009, 07:03 PM
- WNW reader sophianorth sent the following… Hi there, I was reading your report on Raw and noticed your reference to MVP's "AIG insurance shirt". Some people in the States may have missed this, but it was actually an offical Manchester United (hugely famous British soccer team) shirt - they are sponsored by AIG.MVP has mentioned that he is a big fan of the team, but I think the shirt was actually a clever reference to recent events at the side. Christiano Ronaldo - their best player - has caused a storm as he has just been sold to another team for 80 million pounds. This has smashed world transfer records, as nobody has ever paid anything close to that amount of money for a player before. Man United have been left with a huge 'war chest' of over £100 million to spend on players and so people are waiting for them to make a huge signing.As MVP is the Most Valuable Player - he's obviously worth all of the cash!!