View Full Version : ECW on Sci-Fi Report for June 16th, 2009

06-17-2009, 04:40 AM
We are live on tape from Roanoke, Virginia and your announcers are Matt ‘Virginia is for lovers’ Striker and Josh ‘I hope not to have to return to Tampa’ Mathews.

We see footage from last week’s match where the Hart Dynasty defeated Christian and Jack Swagger after Swagger turned on his partner.

Match Number One: David Hart Smith with Tyson Kidd and Natalya versus Christian

They lock up and Smith backs Christian into the corner and Smith with a clean break. Christian with a waist lock and Smith goes for the arm and he applies a wrist lock into a hammer lock but Christian with a reversal into a side head lock. Smith with a shoulder tackle and Christian rethinks his strategy. They lock up and Smith does not have a clean break this time as he pushes Christian. Christian with a slap and then he gets a rollup for a near fall. Christian with another slap but Smith with a slam or two. Smith with a hip lock take down into a side head lock. Christian with a spinning heel kick and Smith goes to the apron. Smith with a shoulder from the apron and he tries to suplex Christian to the floor but Christian is able to block it and he pulls Smith off the apron and then he hits a drop kick that sends Smith to the floor. Christian has to look out for Kidd and that allows Smith to hit a uranage onto the apron and then he runs Christian into the apron. Smith with elbow drops to the back followed by knees as he works on the injured part of Christian’s body. Smith pulls Christian down to the mat and he kicks him. Christian with punches but Smith punches back. Christian with a kick but Smith kicks back. Smith with a delayed vertical suplex and can only get a two count despite the damage done to the back. Smith with elbows but he charges at Christian and Christian ducks down and Smith goes to the floor. Christian with the springboard cross body and we go to commercial with both men down on the floor.

We are back and Smith with a rear chin lock into a sleeper. Christian gets to his feet and he punches Smith but Smith with a forearm and Christian falls to his knees. Smith with a back breaker and another one to the upper back for a near fall. Christian with a slap to Smith but Smith runs Christian’s injured back into the turnbuckles. Christian is placed on the turnbuckles and Christian with a missile drop kick and both men are down. Christian rolls to make the cover and gets a near fall. Christian with punches but Smith with an Irish whip. Smith misses a charge into the corner but Christian does not miss a pendulum kick. Christian hits a second pendulum kick and Christian hits a back elbow from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Christian with a drop toe hold that sends Smith into the ropes in that position that Rey Mysterio loves. Christian stands on Smith’s back and then he slingshots to the floor and punches Smith. Smith with a clothesline when Christian returns to the ring but Smith can only get a two count. Christian escapes a power slam attempt but Smith avoids the Killswitch. Smith runs into the turnbuckles and Christian with a sunset flip for a near fall. Smith avoids another Killswitch and Christian puts Smith in a sleeper but Smith is able to counter and he hits the running power slam but Christian is able to kick out. Christian goes to the floor on a suplex attempt and Christian drops Smith on the top rope and then Natalya gets on the apron to allow Kidd to knock Christian off the top turnbuckle. Smith gets the three count after a Saito suplex.
Winner: David Hart Smith

After the match, Finlay comes to the ring to make the save for Christian. It turns out that Finlay was not there to help Christian, but to hit him with the shillelagh.

Josh and Matt are at a loss for words after what just happened with Christian and Finlay.

We see footage from last week when Evan Bourne beat a Hall of Famer. Will he see the same result against the Olympian?

Mark Henry and Evan Bourne are walking in split screen as we go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of the attempted Hart Attack Version 2.0 that was stopped by Finlay who had plans for Christian.

We go to Gregory Helms who is with Finlay. Finlay says that he tried to break up a fight between Christian and Dreamer. Where he comes from it is an Eye for an Eye and that is what it will be.

Match Number Two: Mark Henry with Tony Atlas versus Evan Bourne

Bourne avoids a charge from Henry and Bourne with kicks but Henry sends Bourne to the floor. Atlas approaches Bourne on the floor but Henry tells him to back off. Henry with a head butt and then he returns Bourne to the ring. Bourne with a drop kick to Henry and then he kicks Henry. Henry pushes Bourne into the turnbuckles and then Henry misses a charge into the corner. Bourne runs into a boot from Henry. Henry with a head butt and then he sets for a leg drop from the first turnbuckle but Bourne moves out of the way. Bourne with kicks to Henry but Henry with a body block that has Bourne in a lot of pain. Henry thinks he has things under control and he tries for a splash but Bourne moves out of the way. Bourne with kicks to Henry and a drop kick but Henry kicks out. Henry blocks a kick from Bourne and Bourne tries for a crucifix but Henry turns it into a standing power slam and he gets the three count.
Winner: Mark Henry

After the match, Henry picks up Bourne and walks around the ring before hitting another standing power slam.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound, brought to you by Trump Casinos . . . here is my prototype for running Raw.

Jack Swagger waits for Gregory Helms to arrive for the interview. Swagger says that he does not know what is a bigger joke. Having to fight for a title match or Dreamer being the champion. Swagger says that Dreamer is the bigger joke, but he will win tonight and get his title back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that you cannot escape the WWE Universe.

Match Number Three: Jack Swagger versus Tommy Dreamer in a Non-Title Match

Swagger tries for a take down but Dreamer blocks it momentarily until Swagger gets a front face lock take down. He backs Dreamer into the corner but Dreamer with knees. Swagger charges into a boot and Dreamer with a clothesline from the turnbuckles. Dreamer with a leap frog neck breaker followed by a drop toe hold and elbow drop for a near fall. Swagger with a take down on Dreamer and then he punches the champion. Swagger with a kick to the ribs followed by a front face lock. Dreamer with a kick and punches to Swagger and then he clotheslines Swagger over the top rope to the floor. Dreamer with a baseball slide that sends Swagger into the ringside barrier. Dreamer waits for Swagger to get up and Swagger hits a power slam as Dreamer comes off the apron. Swagger has some words for Dreamer as we go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger is stretching Dreamer’s face and working on the neck. We see footage from during the commercial of Swagger taking control of the match. Dreamer punches Swagger after Swagger has some words for him. Swagger avoids the bulldog and then he puts Dreamer in an abdominal stretch. Swagger grabs the ropes for extra leverage and the referee sees it. Dreamer with a hip toss followed by a sunset flip. Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Swagger punches Dreamer in the corner and then he connects with a clothesline. Swagger with a waist lock on Dreamer but Dreamer gets to his feet. Dreamer runs Swagger into the turnbuckles and Dreamer with a clothesline. Dreamer with an Irish whip and bulldog. Dreamer with a swinging neck breaker and Dreamer has his second wind and hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Swagger counters a DDT with a Northern Lights suplex and bridge for a near fall. Swagger puts Dreamer on the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex but Dreamer knocks Swagger off. Dreamer comes off the ropes and Swagger with a kick but he cannot hit the Doctor Bomb. Dreamer with an inverted DDT for a two count. Dreamer goes up top for a frog splash but he misses. Swagger with an Oklahoma Roll for the three count.
Winner: Jack Swagger

After the match, Finlay comes to the ring and Swagger escapes. It looks like Swagger was not the target since he hits Dreamer. Christian comes to the ring and he goes after Finlay. Swagger attacks Christian and throws him over the top rope. Finlay may have been targeting Swagger because Finlay hits Swawgger with the shillelagh.

We go to credits.