View Full Version : Florida Championship Wrestling TV Tapings with WWE Stars for 6/18/2009

06-20-2009, 08:40 AM
Championship Wrestling TV Tapings
June 18th, 2009 - Tampa, FL
Report by Michael Spears, PWInsider

*Sweet Papi Sanchez and Angela defeated Agent T and Rose Mendes when Papi pinned T following a big splash.

*Latham—not sure on the name—some 6’6” 300 lbs new guy debuting under a mask and dressed in black defeated Wes Brisco following a two handed sit-down chokeslam.

*FCW General Manager Abraham Washington introduced the Honorable Byron Saxton, aka the Journalistic Jedi, who went on to Yosh##atsu after interference from Agent T.

*Gabriel pinned Derrick Bateman (the former Agent D—no word on why he was dropped from the cabinet or if it is permanent since this wasn’t tv) after a reverse Alabama slam.

*Alex Riley (w/Beverly), Mr. Tarver, Bo Rotundo & Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus O’Shaunessy, Heath Slater, Johnny Curtis & Chris Logan was interrupted by FCW General Manager Abraham Washington because he was bored. He decided to make the match a 14-man battle royal. Order of elimination: 1) Bo Rotundo 2) Mr. Tarver 3) Chris Raaber 4) Kris Logan 5) Alex Riley 6) Aiden Frost 7) Ricky Ortiz 8) Sheamus O’Shaunessy 9) Dawson Alexander, Esq. 10) Heath Slater 11) Tyson Kidd – elimated accidentally by David Hart Smith 12) Smith 13) Drew McIntrye – Winner: Johnny Curtis wins a title shot next week.

*Ezekiel Jackson squashed Aaron Rodriguez using his Rock Bottom-like finisher.

*Justin Angel defeated Troy Jackman (w/Fletcher Chase) by DQ when Chase attacked Angel after he hit the 450 splash and was about to make the pin.

*Brett DiBiase pinned Dylan Klein with a backslide and his feet on the ropes – the exact same finish as last week only with a different winner.

*FCW Florida Tag Team Champions Caylen Croft & Trent Beretta fought Vic Adams & Duke Rotundo to a double count-out.

*FCW Florida Heavyweight Champion Tyler Reks pinned Lance Hoyt after hitting the “Big Kahuna” (reverse Death Valley Driver).

Notes: Ted DiBiase Sr. was among those in attendance....FCW General Manager Abraham Saddam Washington is absolute gold on the mic. Other than those that appear regularly on Raw/SD/ECW like Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith & Ricky Ortiz, Washington’s mic work is probably the most ready to hit the roster. His timing, mannerisms and inflexion are worth checking out....Gabriel was introduced as just Gabriel instead of D.J. Gabriel.....Derrick Bateman wrestled as “Derrick Bateman” and not “Agent D” from Abraham Saddam Washington’s cabinet....The Bateman-Gabriel match got really stiff toward the end after Bateman apparently did not get off Gabriel as he was choking him in the ropes. Gabriel gave him three stiff forearm shots to the face—the last one busting him open—and a nasty looking running European uppercut. Beverly looked fantastic as usual....Ezekiel Jackson looked to be in phenomenal shape....The crowd popped when Brett DiBiase hit the million dollar fistdrop....Trent Beretta drilled the new Diva timekeeper in the face with his jacket from across the ring—a very impressive shot....Next week’s (non-televised) title match will pit former FCW Florida Tag Team Champions Johnny Curtis & Tyler Reks against each other....There were a few programming issues that affected Alicia Fox’s ring announcing....Eric Escobar & Matt Martlaro did the commentary.

06-21-2009, 05:07 PM
Thanks For The Results :).