View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Event Results, 6/19: Des Moines, Iowa

06-20-2009, 09:39 AM
WWE RAW Live Event Results
June 19th, 2009 - Des Moines, Iowa
Report by Zach Gargus, F4Wonline

A sparse crowd. There were a lot of different activities going on around downtown Des Moines but also the Des Moines area in general this weekend, not a good weekend to book. About 70% full in the lower bowl.

MVP/Hardy pulled the curtain with a chance to face Kofi later in the show by "orders of Trump". MVP wins a pretty bad match. Hardy looked awful, but no sleep and a plane delay will do that I suppose.

Miz/Goldust was decent. Miz played to the crowd like a champ, typical from Miz. The kid really needs a single's title run. Miz wins it. Hornswoggle was with Goldust.

Sheamus/Koble was ok. Sheamus wins it. Knoble got a loud reaction coming out and throughout the match. Sheamus looked pretty good, don't know what they are waiting on with him.

Santino/Kendrick another decent match. Nothing to write home about here. Both of them seemed to be in good spirits and happy to be there. Kendrick won it.

MVP/Kofi for the US title. Kofi was pretty over and reacted well to the crowd. One of the better matches of the night. Kofi retains.

Intermission with two young kids in the ring shelling Cena tshirts and autographs. BTW, Lyina Yada was the announcer for the evening and seemed completely lost from beginning to end. (Note from Marc: Not sure about this one.)

Miz/Cena. Yes both Miz and MVP wrestled twice tonight. Big Show was advertised but not mentioned nor did he "Show". Cena wins in a basic squash. Miz got some offense but not enough.

Legacy/Colons for Unified Tag Titles. Both teams worked your basic paint by numbers tag match. Nothing bad, but like everything else this evening just your standard match. Colons of course retained. The Ring bell was laying right in the middle of the pads on the outside. Ted Jr. and HHH both landing on it very hard, Ted JR. more so with his forearm. If you know a spot is coming wouldn't you move the bell instead of just leaving it laying?

Maryse/ Bre Bella for Diva's Title. Maryse looked awesome as always. The Bella twin worked a solid diva's match. Entertaining but like everything else, nothing spectacular. Maryse retains.

HHH/Orton for the Title. Orton retains when Legacy interfers and causes the DQ. Legacy beats HHH down, Cena makes the save. Entertaining, nothing risky by either party. HHH enjoyed my "What if you weren't HER husband" sign and jacked his jaw in my direction :).

Overall a solid evening, kinda odd having two wrestler's wrestle twice. Haven't seen that one in awhile. The merchandise stand needs an update as most of the tshirts are outdated and have been on the scene for almost six months now. It seemed very TNAish viewing the offerings.

06-21-2009, 05:07 PM
Thanks For The Results :).