View Full Version : ECW on Sci-Fi Report for June 23rd, 2009

06-24-2009, 04:42 AM
ECW on Sci-Fi Report
June 23rd, 2009 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We are live on tape from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and your announcers are Matt ‘Cheese Log’ Striker and Josh ‘Badger’ Mathews.

We see footage from last week’s match between Evan Bourne and Mark Henry when Mark was able to get a measure of revenge during and after the match.

Match Number One: Evan Bourne versus Tyson Kidd with David Hart Smith and Natalya

They lock up and Bourne with a hammer lock as he takes Kidd to the mat. Kidd backs Bourne into the corner and he connects with a forearm. Bourne with an Irish whip but Bourne is sent to the apron. Smith gets on the apron and Bourne moves out of the way. The referee sees Smith on the apron and Natalya as well. The referee sends both of them to the back.

Bourne with a drop kick to Kidd and Kidd goes to the floor. Bourne goes up top and hits a cross body onto Kidd and Bourne is holding his ribs. They return to the ring and Bourne gets a near fall. Kidd backs Bourne into the corner and he connects with shoulders to the injured ribs. Kidd with a kick to Bourne in the ribs that lifts him off the mat. Kidd with a near fall and a seated abdominal stretch. Kidd with a kick and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex, but Bourne counters with a cross body. Kidd with a kick to the ribs and he follows with knees to the injured area. Kidd with a hard Irish whip. Kidd drops Bourne’s midsection onto the top rope and Kidd gets a near fall. Kidd with an Irish whip but Bourne with a shoulder and then he hits a version of Shadows over Hell and both men are down. Bourne with a kick and a rollup for a near fall. Bourne with kicks to the chest. Kidd with a kick and he goes to the apron but he misses a springboard move. Kidd with a head scissors and a flying clothesline for a near fall. Kidd with a back kick but Bourne with a kick of his own and he goes up top. Bourne hits the Shooting Star Press for the three count.
Winner: Evan Bourne

Josh and Matt talk about Finlay’s return last week on ECW and his attacks on the members of the ECW roster.

Finlay is walking in the back and he has his shillelagh as we go to commercial.

We are back and Finlay comes to the ring to explain himself and why he did what he did to Christian and Tommy Dreamer. Finlay reminds everyone that he broke up a fight between them and he injured his eye. Finlay says that he got a text message from Dreamer and Christian, not a phone call. Finlay says that he was worried about whether he will be able to wrestle again. He wondered how he would take care of his family. Finlay says that it was an eye for an eye.

Zack Ryder’s music plays and he interrupts Finlay and he reminds Finlay that he is wrestling him tonight.

Match Number Two: Fit Finlay versus Zack Ryder

We join the match in progress and Finlay with a shoulder tackle and Ryder goes into the ropes to avoid Finlay. Finlay pulls Ryder’s face and he connects with an elbow and puts Ryder in a side head lock. Finlay with an arm bar take down into a side head lock. Ryder with shoulders in the corner. They lock up again and Finlay with a wrist lock and he connects with an elbow to the arm and a top wrist lock. Finlay with a knee to the elbow and then he hits a short arm clothesline and a kick. Finlay with a European uppercut to Ryder. Ryder responds with knees to Finlay followed by a forearm. Finlay with an elbow to the arm and then he works on the wrist. Finlay with a knee drop to the head. Ryder with an Irish whip but Finlay and Ryder bump heads. Ryder with a kick to the head and then he works on the head. Finlay is sent into the turnbuckles and Ryder follows that with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Ryder with cross faces to Finlay as he tries to work on the eye. Finlay tries to get to his feet but Ryder takes Finlay back to the mat. Ryder punches Finlay in the eye and he follows it with a kick to the head. Ryder with a knee to the head and Finlay tries to get away but Ryder goes for the eye. Ryder with a clothesline and then he goes to the turnbuckles but he connects with Finlay’s boot. Finlay with a reverse atomic drop but Ryder with a forearm. Finlay with a kick to the chest and a clothesline or three. Finlay with a fireman’s carry slam for a near fall. Finlay with a back body drop but Ryder sends Finlay into the ropes. While the referee checks on Finlay, Ryder tries to expose the turnbuckle. While the referee deals with the turnbuckle, Finlay gets a rollup and a handful of tights for the three count.
Winner: Fit Finlay

We go to commercial.

We are back and they are already hyping Raw’s rating from last night.

We have a Raw is Trump for 90 Minutes Rebound.

It is time to recap the card for The Bash.

Matt Striker is in the ring and he has his magic blackboard back. He explains the rules for the Championship Scramble match at The Bash.

Gregory Helms is in the back with Mark Henry. He asks Mark about his match but there is someone stuck under a case. We go to the man in trouble and then we cut back to the interview area. Helms is gone. We see the Hurricane save the man and Helms is back with Henry. We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Jack Swagger and Mark Henry with Tony Atlas versus Christian and Tommy Dreamer

Swagger and Christian start things off and they lock up. Swagger backs Christian into the corner and he has a clean break. They lock up again and Swagger with a take down into a waist lock and he rolls through on the mat. Christian gets to his feet but Swagger with a forearm to the back. Christian with a side head lock and he holds on. Christian hits a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Dreamer is tagged in and he goes to the turnbuckles for an elbow. Swagger with an arm drag take down but Dreamer holds on to the arm bar. Swagger with a leg sweep and he punches Dreamer before tagging in Henry. Henry with a kick and punch. Henry with an Irish whip and then Dreamer with a drop toe hold to Henry followed by a drop kick and Henry goes to the floor. Swagger charges at Dreamer and Dreamer with a back body drop that sends Swagger to the floor. Dreamer with a cannonball to Henry from the apron while Christian hits a cross body from the turnbuckles onto Swagger. We go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger and Henry are in control as Swagger works over Christian. Christian with a kick and punches to Swagger and he goes to the turnbuckles and hits a back elbow. Dreamer tags in and hits a swinging neck breaker before hitting a drop kick on Henry that sends him to the floor. Dreamer misses a bulldog but he hits a neck breaker for a two count. Dreamer puts Swagger in the Tree of Woe and it is time for the E-C-W Drop kick. The referee sends Christian to the corner and that allows Mark Henry to hit Dreamer from behind. Swagger punches Dreamer and then he stomps on Dreamer’s chest. Henry tags in and he steps on Dreamer’s chest. Henry with a body block to Dreamer. Henry punches Dreamer and Swagger drops Dreamer on the top rope before re-entering the match. Swagger with punches and a snap mare. Swagger with a knee and then he slams Dreamer’s head into the turnbuckles. Dreamer with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow. Dreamer catches Swagger in a sit out spinebuster and both men are down.

Henry and Christian tag in and Christian with punches and a clothesline that slightly staggers Henry. Christian tries another and he gets the same results. Christian hits a missile drop kick but Henry stays on his feet, but he takes Henry down with a second one. Christian clotheslines Swagger over the top rope to the floor. Henry tries for the power slam but Christian escapes. Christian tries for the sunset flip out of the corner but Swagger makes the blind tag. Swagger tries for the Doctor Bomb but Christian escapes and gets a near fall with a rollup. Christian hits the Killswitch on Swagger but Atlas puts Swagger’s leg under the rope. Dreamer takes care of Atlas while Christian tries to take out Henry but Henry catches Christian and runs him into the ring post. Swagger hits the Doctor Bomb for the three count.
Winners: Jack Swagger and Mark Henry

After the match, Henry with a power slam to Dreamer and then he gives one to his tag team partner.

We go to credits.