View Full Version : Trish Stratus On MMA

Black Widow
06-25-2009, 03:28 PM
- Former WWE Diva Trish Stratus discussed her views on MMA, amongst other things with Toro Magazine:

“I think it’s an awesome sport,” she said. “And I think they are taking a few tips from the WWE to make it more entertaining as well, and that’s definitely the way they should go. And I’m enjoying it. And it’s the people who don’t actually watch it who say, ‘Oh, it’s so violent – why would you want to do that?’ And people asked me the same thing recently after I got into Muay Thai boxing – they’d say, ‘But wouldn’t you be afraid of messing up your face?’ And I reply, ‘Well, I’d be winning. So why would I mess up my face.’” She also talked about wanting to become a TV producer: “I like behind-the-scenes. I like the steps that are involved… WWE used to do home videos for their superstars every once in a while – and the home video for me was the very first time I ever produced. I wasn’t supposed to be producing, but I ended up being so hands-on that I wrote the outline and just everything. So I ended up getting a producing credit on that and it’s just how I do things.”