View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for June 26th, 2009

06-28-2009, 08:44 AM
Friday Night SmackDown Report - June 26th, 2009
Report by Marvin Hermanstyne, ProWrestling.net

[Q1] The opening montage was shown and the announcers hyped the Rage In the Cage main event for later tonight. Justin Roberts introduced Vince McMahon and he got a moderate ovation and some boos.

He said it was good to be back on Smackdown and the crowd was happy to see him. He asked what the smell and he ripped the Milwaukee crowd. He said that the smell was beer and the crowd was afraid of him. He said that they are afraid of him, their bosses and the crowd chanted “You Suck.” He said that the crowd was afraid to lose their jobs and continued to get heat. He said the vast majority of the crowd would be fired. He bragged about the Trump firing and the video was shown…

Vince introduced Teddy Long and he came to the ring. Long welcomed McMahon to Smackdown and Vince said to put his hand away and get his smile off his face. Vince then asked what does Long have in store for the crowd tonight. Long said he was excited and he said the main event was Edge and Jericho vs. Mysterio and Jeff Hardy. The crowd applauded and Vince said it wasn’t good for him. Long used slang and Vince corrected him. Long said the match would be a Rage in the Cage match and Vince said what else is in store or he will know the consequences. Long said that C.M. Punk would be the guest referee. Vince went on to put Long on probation.

R-Truth made his entrance and Long said what’s up with him. Truth put the microphone to Vince and he stared a Truth with a disgusted look. [C]

[Q2] The show returns with Shelton coming out and asking about wrestling each other again. He said that people like Truth who got their education on the streets is crap. He called Truth an underachiever and said that he went to college and got a real education. He said the only thing Truth got going for him is that he be skipping and jumping (a lyric from his song.) Shelton started to speak some crappy Ebonics to Truth. He said he can be skipping and jumping out of the WWE or out of his life.

1. R-Truth defeated Shelton Benjamin in 11:27. Truth started the match pissed by getting aggressive early. Shelton crawled out of the ring and Truth gave him a right hand to the face. Truth did his weak ass split moves and axe kick to Shelton. Shelton got the advantage with a Samoan Drop and a belly to belly overhead throw to a commercial. [C]

[Q3 The show returned with Shelton working on Truth’s back. Truth hit some punches but Shelton threw Truth for a near fall. Shelton hit Truth in the kidneys and threw him into the rope for a near fall. Shelton continued to work on Truth with punches and a backbreaker. Truth hit a jawbreaker on Shelton. Shelton hit a full nelson backbreaker and went for a suplex but Truth hit a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Truth got a scoop slam to Truth for a near fall. Shelton hit a belly to back suplex for a near fall. Shelton went for an insurghi but Truth hit the flying corkscrew aka the Lie Detector.

Mysterio and Vince were backstage and Vince started to rip Mysterio. Vince said good luck to Mysterio because he thinks that he will lose his mask and everyone will find out what he will look like. He said Jericho would be doing him a favor and Mysterio started to speak Spanish. Vince asked Long what did he said and Long said he didn’t speak Spanish. Vince said on Smackdown, only English is spoken. [C]

[Q4] 2. Michelle McCool and Alicia Fox defeated WWE Women’s Champion Melina and Gail Kim in 5:11. The heels make their way to the ring and McCool vs. Melina for the Women’s Title is at the Bash. Fox and Melina started the match. Melina flanged around Fox and Fox quickly tagged. McCool knocked Melina in her jaw and Melina was selling the shot. McCool hit a running knee to Melina while she continued to sell the jaw shot.

McCool got aggressive and Fox got a cheap shot in on the ropes. McCool hit a Russian Leg Sweep for a near fall. Fox got back in the match and attacked Melina while McCool grabbed her while the referee’s back was turned. Fox put Melina in a Cobra Clutch. Melina kicked Fox and tagged Kim in the match. Kim hit a flying cross body for a bear fall. Fox got a blind tag in to McCool. Kim hit a hurricarra on Fox but she wasn’t the legal person in the match and McCool hit the Faith Breaker on Kim for the win.

Backstage, Vince discussed with C.M. Punk about Punk winning MITB twice in the row and how he lives his straightedge life. Punk said he lives the straightedge lifestyle and he doesn’t need drugs or alcohol to get high. He said the best high is crushing the competition. Vince said Long thought was an act and he should take a lesson from that. The main event was hyped again. [C]

[Q5] WWE Rewind was the Khali and Ziggler feud and they will face each other at The Bash. Cryme Tyme’s “Word Up” debuts and the word of the day is “Jackin.” It means stealing something from someone. They said that anyone who interferes in their business is “Swagga Jackin.” They were going to explain more about the word and Jesse dressed up as a gangsta and calling himself Jeezy. Cryme Tyme took his chain and Eve came out like a puppet and said that he was a victim of jackin…

John Morrison made his ring entrance and JR put Morrison over…[C]

3. John Morrison pinned World Heavyweight Champion C.M. Punk in a non-title match in 16:09. They shook hands before they began the match. They lockup and Punk applies a body scissors to Morrison’s neck. Morrison hit a takeover to Punk and he put Punk in an arm bar. Morrison went for a cover for a near fall. Punk hit some knees to Morrison and Morrison countered with a kick for a one fall.

Morrison slingshotted Punk to corner ring and crossed Punks arm into an inverted clutch submission. Punk reversed the same move to Morrison but Morrison broke out of the move and went for a cover for a near fall. Morrison went for the Chuck Kick but he missed and Punk power slammed him for a near fall. Punk did his kicks and bulldog to Morrison for a near fall. Punk went for the GTS but Morrison broke out. Punk hit a belly to back suplex to Morrison for a near fall.

The show returned with Punk kicking Morrison in the back for a near fall. Punk put Morrison’s head in a figure four. Morrison tried to get back in the matchup but he ran into a clothesline for a near fall. Punk put the figure four back on Morrison’s neck. Morrison got out and Punk tried to Sunset Flip him but Morrison kicked him. Punk leg swept Morrison. Morrison hit a moonsault on Punk.

Morrison got momentum with numerous dropkicks and punches for a near fall. Morrison tried the knee to the head but Punk countered into a Boston Crab and Morrison crawled to the ropes. Morrison jumped into the GTS attempt but he countered with a Chuck Kick for a near fall. Morrison went for Starship Pain but Punk countered with a neck breaker off the rope for a near fall. The two competitors exchanged rollups and Morrison scored the win with a roll up for the victory. Punk offered his hand but he gave Morrison the GTS to officially begin his heel turn.

[Q6] Backstage, Josh Matthews interviewed Chris Jericho. Jericho basically was redundant about how he will unmask Mysterio and called the parasites, eh…you know the rest…[C]

The show returned with the announcers running down The Bash card. The cage music was played and the cage was lowered. Backstage, Long wished Jeff Hardy good luck. Vince said that he doesn’t want Jeff to represent Smackdown as champion and Jeff said it is what the crowd wants. Vince started to chastise Long because of what Jeff said…[C]

[Q7] 4. Edge and Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho defeated Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio in a Rage in the Cage match with C.M. Punk as the special referee in 20:00. Edge and Jeff started the match. Jeff and Mysterio worked together and Jeff hit Poetry in Motion. Rey got the tag into a commercial break. [C]

The show returned with Edge and Mysterio. Mysterio used Edge as a ladder to climb the cage because he couldn’t do a 619 because of the cage. Mysterio was grabbed by Edge and Mysterio countered with a roll up for a near fall. Edge threw Jeff into the ring and tagged Jericho in. Jericho kicked Jeff and placed him into a submission. Jeff came back with punches and a clothesline.

[Q8] Jeff tagged Mysterio he attacked Jericho with a kick for a near fall. Mysterio baseball slid into Jericho’s groin. Jericho got up and tried to climb the cage but Mysterio caught him with a hurricarana for a near fall. Mysterio tried to cross body on Jericho but Jericho caught him and threw him face first into the cage. [C]

Mysterio and Jericho were still in the ring after the commercial break. Mysterio went for a tag, but Jericho dragged him to Edge and he was tagged in. Edge worked on Mysterio’s neck and went for a cover for a near fall. Edge cornered Mysterio but Mysterio got out and tried to tag Jeff. Edge caught Mysterio and dragged him to Jericho to be tagged in., Mysterio tried to jump off the ropes but Jericho dropkicked him in the air. Jericho and Mysterio was laid out in the ring. Edge got tagged back in and attacked Mysterio but he countered with a DDT.

Jericho got tagged back in and talked smack to Mysterio about taking his mask off. Jericho threw Mysterio on the cage and he tried to escape but Jericho pulled him down. Edge and Jeff was tagged in and Jeff got instant offense in for a near fall. Edge tried to spear Jeff but he speared Punk by mistake. Jeff hit a Whisper in the Wind. Edge hit a big boot to Mysterio. Jeff botched a Twist of Fate on Edge and Jeff went in front of Punk and Edge hit a spear on Jeff for the win.

Punk put over Jeff after the match and Jeff was selling the spear. Backstage, Vince said he is expecting big things out of the match on Sunday. He said that Long should expect it like his job is on the line.

06-28-2009, 10:41 AM
Looks like a good show, From what I saw, Morrison and Punk was a great match and I always thought these two could put on great 5 star matches and *marks for Punks heel turn*