View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for July 3rd, 2009

07-04-2009, 12:46 PM
WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report
Airing July 3rd, 2009
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We are live on tape from Fresno, California and your announcers are Jim ‘Jerry Tarkanian’ Ross and Todd ‘It looked like Bakersfield’ Grisham.

We begin with the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk coming to the ring. The fans are not too happy with Punk being the champion. Punk says that everyone is talking about the big controversy coming out of The Bash and he says that he is sick and tired of it. Punk says that people are saying that he intentionally struck an official to retain his title. Punk says that he wants to show everyone what happened, step by step.

We go to highlights from Sunday. We see Punk falling victim to the Swanton but Punk had his leg under the rope. Punk says that the referee is human and he saw his mistake. Punk says the rules still mean something to him. Punk says that he was the one who was almost robbed because if the referee did not see it, he would have lost his title. Punk then shows us the eye injury that Punk suffered during the match. Punk says that it was as clear as day that he could not see and his vision was obstructed. He thought he was swinging at the referee and he accidentally hit the referee. Punk says that he is a man of honor and he does not take shortcuts in or out of the ring. Punk says that Hardy thought he was going to become the new champion, but nothing excuses Hardy’s behavior after the match. We see footage of Hardy attacking Punk.

Punk tells Hardy that he has no idea what type of person Punk is. He says that he has integrity and he will never take a short cut. What Punk did was an accident while what Hardy did was deliberate. Now Jeff is trying to get a rematch. Punk says that he wants an apology from Hardy.

Instead of an apology, Punk gets the fifty-third next best thing as Teddy Long comes to the ring. Teddy tells Punk that he wants to get to the point and he does not know if Punk took the cheap way out. Long says that it was a classic match so he is not going to let it end that way. Punk will face Hardy at Night of Champions in a rematch. Punk likes that, but he wants Hardy to apologize to him. Teddy says that Vince McMahon liked the way he shook things up. Long says that Vince wants controversy so the Unified Tag Champions will face Jeff Hardy and CM Punk.

Jeff Hardy finally decides to come out and the face paint is back on. Hardy gets in Punk’s face and he tells Punk that he does not want to hear his excuses any more. He says that Punk knew what he was doing when he kicked the referee. Hardy tells Punk that he can see right through him. Punk tells Hardy that he can shut up unless he is going to apologize. Hardy says that he will apologize for beating the holy hell out of him at Night of Champions. Hardy pushes Punk and Punk pushes back until Long separates them. Punk tells Hardy that they better be on the same page during their tag match tonight. Punk says that they are already at a disadvantage because of his eye. Punk reminds Hardy that he had to forfeit his match on Superstars, but he will not forfeit tonight. Punk tells Hardy that he knows that Jeff wants to punch him, but he tells Jeff to ‘just say no’.

Punk leaves the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and Ricky Ortiz is in the ring and he has his towel with him.

Match Number One: Ricky Ortiz versus Finlay

Before the match starts Ortiz asks Finlay if he is upset that he lost his little buddy. He tells Finlay to let go of the negative energy since he is on Smackdown. He tells Finlay to ‘rally up’ and he gives Finlay his towel. Finlay looks at the towel and he slaps Ortiz and then he throws the towel to the floor.

Finlay with a kick but Ortiz with a kick. Finlay with a head butt to the midsection and a clothesline that sends Ortiz over the top rope to the floor. Finlay goes to the apron and he kicks Ortiz but Ortiz trips Finlay on the apron. Ortiz with a power slam on the floor. Ortiz rolls Finlay back into the ring and he kicks Finlay. Ortiz with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Ortiz tries for the big splash but Finlay gets his knees up. Ortiz misses a charge into the corner and then Finlay with a rollup for a near fall. Finlay with a clothesline or three for Ortiz and then he gets Ortiz up for a fireman’s carry slam and then he hits a seated splash for a near fall. Finlay with a running shoulder into the corner. Ortiz with a forearm to the back and Ortiz tries for a gutwrench but Finlay stops him and Finlay hits the Celtic Cross for the three count.
Winner: Finlay

Dolph Ziggler is stretching in the back and he sees Maria walk by and she introduces herself to Dolph. She asks if he is getting ready for his match. Maria says that she has a match tonight and then she tells Dolph that she had fun last night. Dolph says that he had fun too and asks Maria to go out again. Maria wishes Dolph luck tonight and Dolph says that he might get lucky tonight.

We go to commercial.

Did you know that adults 18-34 love Smackdown.

We see footage from the Ziggler/Khali match from The Bash when Kane helped Ziggler get the win.

Match Number Two: Dolph Ziggler versus R Truth

Ziggler with a knee and punch and he asks what is up. Truth with a split to avoid Ziggler and then he hits a spinning kick. Truth with a hip toss for a near fall. Ziggler backs into the corner and the referee stops him. Ziggler with a flying forearm and then he hits a reverse Exploder suplex for a near fall. Ziggler with cross faces to Truth and then he applies a rear chin lock. Truth with elbows but Ziggler sends Truth back to the mat and he punches Truth while the referee admonishes him. Ziggler with a series of rapid fire elbow drops and then he takes his time for a final leaping elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Ziggler with a full nelson on Truth but Truth escapes and he punches Ziggler and kicks him. Truth with a back elbow and a clothesline. Ziggler with a kick to Truth but Truth with a power slam for a near fall. Truth with a bicycle kick and Ziggler is near the ropes and he holds on. Ziggler drops Truth on the top rope and Ziggler hits the leaping side Russian leg sweep for the three count.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

We go to commercial.

We are back with Word Up with Cryme Tyme. This week’s word is presented by Eve and it is ‘wanksta’. We see Layla talking to someone and we see a rear view. Then we see Jimmy Wang Yang and he is eating and not doing a good job of cleaning up. We see an example and we see Jesse.

Match Number Three: Rey Mysterio versus Kane

Rey with kicks and punches as he tries to avoid the bigger opponent. It lasts for a short period of time until Kane hits a clothesline. Kane with a kick to Rey’s back. Kane with punches in the corner. Kane with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Kane with a reverse chin lock and Rey with kicks to escape. Kane with punches and kicks in the corner. Kane catches Rey when he tries a float over. Rey with a drop kick to the knee and Kane falls into the ropes. Kane grabs Rey on the 619 attempt before Rey hits the ropes. Kane throws Rey into the turnbuckles and we go to commercial.

We are back and Kane with a big boot to Rey for a near fall. Kane with a hard Irish whip to Rey and Rey goes to the floor. Kane goes to the floor and he runs Rey’s back into the ring post. Kane returns to the ring while Rey is down on the floor. Rey returns to the ring before the ten count and then he punches Rey in the back. Kane with kicks to Rey’s back. Kane slams Rey emphatically to the mat. Rey kicks Kane out of the corner and then he kicks and punches Kane but Kane with a back elbow for a near fall. Kane with a belly-to-back suplex for another near fall. Kane with a back breaker as he continues to focus on the back. Rey escapes the hold and he sends Kane into the turnbuckles with a drop toe hold. Rey with a springboard seated splash and then Rey hits an inverted DDT for a near fall. Rey with a drop kick to Kane and he gets another near fall. Rey goes up top but Kane finds a way to connect with an uppercut when Rey comes off the turnbuckles and Kane gets a near fall. Kane signals for the choke slam. Rey with an enzuigiri and Kane staggers so Rey needs to hit a drop kick to the back to get Kane into the position. Rey hits the 619 but Kane catches Rey on the springboard splash and hits a choke slam for the three count.
Winner: Kane

After the match, Kane grabs Rey by the throat and he has some words for the champion. Great Khali’s music plays and he has a chair. Kane lets Rey go and Kane tries to plead his case to Khali and Kane goes into the crowd to escape Khali.

Chris Jericho is in the interview area with Josh Mathews. Chris says that it brings a smile to his face to see the ultimate hypocrite get what he deserves. Jericho says that he will win the title back next week to be a ten time champion. Edge says that tonight is not about Rey Mysterio, it is about showing that they are the dominant forces in WWE. Edge reminds Jericho who they beat on Sunday and they will be facing a fractured team tonight. Jericho says they are the best at what they do and he calls Punk a liar when it comes to his eye. They will beat the man with the injured eye and the man with the silly face paint to prove that they are the best.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that WWE is recycling their Did You Knows?

Match Number Four: David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd with Natalya versus Cryme Tyme

Kidd and JTG start things off and Kidd with a waist lock but JTG with a take down and front face lock. Kidd with shoulders in the corner. JTG with an Irish whip and then he drives Kidd’s face into the mat and Kidd goes to the floor. Smith tags in and JTG does not realize it and Smith hits him from behind. Smith kicks JTG in the corner and he punches JTG. Smith with an overhead belly-to-belly throw for a near fall. Smith with a reverse chin lock. JTG with elbows but Smith runs him into the corner and Kidd is tagged back in. They send JTG into the turnbuckles as they continue to work on the back. Kidd with a snap mare and kick to the back for a near fall. Kidd stretches JTG as he works on the back. Kidd with a knee to the back but he misses a charge into the corner and JTG with a rollup for a near fall. Kidd with kicks to the back and a snap mare as he returns to JTG’s back. Kidd with a knee but JTG with a sliding punch. JTG with a flying clothesline to take Kidd down. Shad and Smith tag in and Shad knocks Kidd off the apron and then he clotheslines Smith. Shad with an Irish whip and a flying elbow into the corner. Shad with a face first slam to Smith and then he hits the Money Money elbow for a near fall. JTG drops Smith into the rope and Shad hits an STO for the three count after the referee misses what happened due to his focus on Kidd.
Winners: Cryme Tyme

We have a Raw Rebound.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Michelle McCool and Layla versus Maria and Melina

Layla attacks Melina while Melina wants Michelle to start. Melina with a kick to Layla and she sends Layla into the turnbuckles. Melina with a front face lock and Maria tags in. Maria with knees to Layla followed by a snap mare and clothesline for a near fall. Maria with forearms but Layla blocks a kick and forces Maria into a split and then Michelle is tagged in and she works on the knee. Michelle continues to work on the knee and Layla is tagged in. Layla works on the knee before tagging back in. Michelle turns her focus to the ankle but Maria twists out of the hold. Maria with a kick and then Melina is tagged in. Michelle with a kick and Layla is tagged in. Melina with the matrix and she kicks Layla from the position. Melina knocks Michelle off the apron and then hits the Banshee Step Over Leg Lariat for the three count.
Winners: Melina and Maria

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Smack of the Night: John Morrison defeating CM Punk last week on Smackdown.

John Morrison is in Teddy Long’s office and Teddy is dancing around while John Morrison suggests that he face the winner of the CM Punk/Jeff Hardy match after Night of Champions. John and Teddy do a Michael Jackson medley.

Match Number Six: Edge and Chris Jericho versus CM Punk and Jeff Hardy

Edge and Punk start things off and they lock up but Edge works on Punk’s arm and applies an arm bar. Punk escapes and hits a drop kick. Hardy tags in and he connects with a forearm from the turnbuckles. Hardy with a punch and kick in the corner followed by a hard Irish whip but Edge has his foot on the ropes. Hardy sends Edge into the turnbuckles and then he tags Punk back in. Punk with a double sledge to the arm and he kicks Edge in the chest. Punk with an arm bar but Edge with a forearm and Jericho tags in but Punk with an arm drag into an arm bar. Punk with a slam to Jericho and Jericho favors his knee. Hardy tags in and hits the screaming leg drop from the second turnbuckle for a near fall. Jericho punches Hardy and kicks him in the head. Jericho with a kick but Hardy with a reverse atomic drop and leg drop. Punk tags in and he stays with the arm and snap mares Jericho to get a near fall. Punk with an arm bar. Edge is tagged in and he punches Punk in the head. Edge with a head butt as he starts to focus on the eye. Punk with a leg lariat and Hardy is tagged in. Hardy hits Poetry in Motion and Jericho takes some of the impact as well. Punk clotheslines Edge over the top rope to the floor as we see Punk and Hardy stare each other down as we go to commercial.

We are back and Edge punches Hardy but Hardy with an arm drag and arm bar. Punk is checking on his eye and he refuses to tag in. Hardy gets a near fall. Hardy with a suplex and a cover for a near fall. Hardy punches Edge and tries for a splash after an Irish whip but Edge moves. Jericho tags in and he hits a series of elbow drops followed by punches. Jericho draws Punk in to allow Edge to work over Hardy on the floor. Jericho goes to bring Hardy back into the ring but he sends him into the apron first. Hardy tries to make the tag but Punk is not looking because of his eye. Jericho with a chin lock with the arm isolated as he tries to wear down Hardy. Hardy with punches and he gets sent to the floor by Jericho when he tries to float over and Jericho catches him. Jericho goes to the floor and Hardy returns to the ring and he tries to make the tag but Punk is not in position. Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind and both men are down.

Edge tags in and he keeps Jeff from making the tag. Hardy with a Twist of Fate and an emphatic tag. Punk with a knee in the corner and a bulldog for a near fall. Punk gets Edge up for the Go To Sleep but Edge with an Edge-O-Matic to Punk for a near fall. Edge with a knee to the head. Edge works over Punk and then he talks to the referee to allow Jericho to work on Punk. Jericho tags in and he kicks Punk in the ribs. Punk with forearms to Jericho but both men hit clotheslines and they are both down. Punk tries to make his way to tag in Hardy but Hardy gets a sudden eye injury and he cannot make the tag. Hardy cannot see and Jericho gets a near fall with a rollup. Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho while Hardy is struggling to see again. Punk sends Jericho into the turnbuckles and Edge makes the blind tag while Punk sets for the Go To Sleep. Punk hits the Go To Sleep on Jericho but Edge with a spear for the three count.
Winners: Edge and Chris Jericho

After the match, Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Edge and then the tag champions go to the back. Hardy staggers around the ring holding his eye. He stands over Punk and Punk doesn’t appreciate the joke.

We go to credits.