View Full Version : WWE Raw House Show Results (7/04/09) - Sydney, Australia

07-04-2009, 06:55 PM
Wrestling News World reader Mat Morris sent in the following:

Event - WWE Raw Live
Location - Acer Arena, Sydney, Australia
Date - July 4, 2009

The show began with a recap of Wrestlemania 25 and promoted this release on DVD and Blu-Ray.

The Raw Theme plays out and we are brought into the show with a fireworks display (a fairly new addition to Australian shows).

Tony Chimel is the ring announcer and introduces out first match.

Match 1 - Goldust vs Chavo Guerrero
It was a huge surprise to see Goldust on this tour. He came out to a fair ovation followed by Chavo who got some cheap heat by threatening fans. There were numerous 'Chavo's a wanker!' and 'Chavo's a p$%@#' chants as well as some 'Goldust' chants.
The match ended with Hornswoggle appearing from under the ring and helping out Goldust. Hornswoggle even hit Chavo with the 'Tadpole Splash' (Frog Splash)
A pretty cool way to start the show.

Tony Chimmel then throws to Micke James who is up in the nose-bleed sections with a family of 4. They are asked a trivia question - 'What is the next WWE PPV?'. The family answers correctly and is moved to front row seats. (A fair few boo's from the crowd)

Match 2 - Sheamus Vs Jamie Noble.
Sheamus comes out and talks trash about Australia. He teases NSW for their lost against Queensland in the State Of Origin (NRL/ Football) 2 weeks ago and gets a bit of heat.
A very boring match and I cannot even remember the winner.

Match 3 - 'The Brian Kendrick' Vs Santino Marella
Santino comes out to a HUGE pop! A lot of slapstick humour during the match and no high-flying moves at all from Kendrick. Santino takes the win.

Match 4 - The Miz Vs MVP
The Miz comes out to a lot of heat. He talks about it being the 4th of July in America and how Australian's should respect him for being in our country on that day. He then calls Australian men 'Chubby Chasers' saying we all have brought our fat girlfriends and wives along. When he takes his shirt off to bgin the match, he throws it in the face of the ring girl.
The Miz wins the match with a roll-up after throwing MVP into the exposed turnbuckle.

Match 5 - United States Championship Match - William Regal Vs (C) Kofi Kingston
Regal receives a lot of heat. 'You Suck' chants get his attention and he grabs for the mic. He responds with - 'I can't possibly suck. I'm not an Australian!' (The exact same line he used in 2007.)

As this is a house show you can guarantee Kofi will retain his title. And he does after a high kick to the face!
After the match Regal gets up close to the fans. He stands yelling at the same person for about 2 minutes before finally making his way up the ramp.


Match 6 - Legacy (Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase) vs - Carlito and Primo
Before the match Cody argues with a fan and jumps the railing. They really got under his skin!
The match is fairly entertaining and Legacy win with Cody covering Carlito.

Match 7 - WWE Divas Championship - Kelly Kelly Vs (C) Maryse
The most boring match of the night. Maryse didn't even seem interested or like she wanted to be there. The match ends with Maryse hitting a big DDT on Kelly to retain.

Tony Chimmel is back once again to promote Night Of Champions on PPV and John Cena's 12 Runds on DVD. He then tells the crowd that they have set a new record for a WWE Event in Acer Arena, Sydney with an attendance of 18,543 fans.

Now it is time for the main event for the evening.

Match 8 - The Big Show and Randy Orton Vs Triple H and John Cena
A very entertaining match. John Cena spent most of the match in the ring, only tagging in Triple H twice. Triple H hit his patented high knee, facebuster and spinebuster while John Cena hit the Five-Knuckle Shuffle and even an STFU on the Big Show! The match ended with Triple H and Cena reversing Big Shows double chokeslam into a double suplex. Then cena hit Big Show with the FU (Attitude Adjustment) which was followed by a Pedigree for the win.

Randy took off up the ramp pretty quick while Big Show slowly made it back to his feet. Big Show stood dazed while Triple H waved his hand in front of his face and claimed 'You Can't See Me'. Cena then did the same. Cena and Triple H then looked at each other, then looked at big show and did a double 'You Can't See Me!'

Big Show (still dazed) was swaying around and looked to be out on his feet. Triple H gave Big Show a Finger Poke Of Death and Big Show hit the ground.
Cena and Triple H then got the crowd going with a Hulk Hogan style Cheer-Off. Cena then left the arena while Triple H spent another 10 minutes walking around the ring shaking fans hands.

Final Verdict - The show was not the best Live WWE event I have seen. The whole show was saved by the main event.

Biggest Pops -

1. Triple H
2. John Cena
3. Randy Orton
4. Santino Marella
5. Kelly Kelly

Biggest Heat -

1. The Miz
2. Chavo
3. William Regal
4. Sheamus
5. Legacy