View Full Version : Florida Championship Wrestling TV Tapings with WWE Stars from 7/2/2009

07-05-2009, 09:40 AM
Pre-taping match:

Wes Brisco pinned Aiden Frost with a roll-up. The match was so-so at best. The crowd was solidly behind Brisco. Frost has wrestled better before.

Taping results:

Episode 1:

Duke & Bo Rotundo defeated Mr. Tarver & Dylan Klein. The Rotundos are quite green in the ring and will take some time to develop. This match was really nothing special.

Gabriel pinned Vic Adams after a reverse Alabama Slam in a decent match. Adams is over with the FCW faithful. After the match Gabriel cut a promo talking about dropping the DJ persona and getting a second chance to win gold in FCW.

FCW General Manager Abraham Washington (w/Fletcher Chase) came out and announced he would make history with the “Grand Royale” (yes, that roy-ale like the way Vincent Vega describes the French version of the quarter-pounder with cheese in Pulp Fiction). He then introduced Alex Riley (w/Beverly) and announced that Riley was the number one contender for the FCW Heavyweight Championship. FCW Heavyweight Champion Tyler Reks and his attorney, Dawson Alexander, Esq, come out for a photo shoot. The camera flash blinded Reks and Riley attacked him. Riley ended up kicking the title belt out of the ring and into the guardrail, almost hitting a fan.

Joe Hennig pinned Lance Archer? (the former Lance Hoyt) after a Perfectplex while Archer was seated on the turnbuckle. The match itself was slow and seemed to plod along which is understandable since it was Hennig’s first match in several months. It picked up in the end right before Hennig crotched Archer on the top rope and hit the perfectplex while Archer was seated on the turnbuckle. The crowd was glad to see Joe back in action.

FCW Florida Tag Team Champions Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft defeated Kris Logan & Justin Angel when Beretta pinned Logan after a springboard DDT. This was probably the best match of the night for the second week in a row. All four of these guys really worked hard and set a really fast pace. If these guys were allowed to put on the same match on WWE television you might be looking at a promising tag division.

Episode 2:

Johnny Curtis pinned Krisotf Hertzog (Chris Raaber). This match saw Kristof get a busted nose which might have led them to have an average match, at best.

Kris Logan (w/Justin Angel) vs. Caylen Croft (w/Trent Beretta) was interrupted by Abraham Washington (w/Rosa Mendes) who added their respective tag partners into the fray to make a tag team non-title match. Logan pinned Beretta with a backslide. Another very good match but not quite as good as the match they had some 30 minutes earlier.

Sweet Papi Sanchez defeated Mr. Tarver following a splash in the corner and the big boot. Nothing stood out in this match. Tarver knocked Papi out following the match with a right hand.

Donny Marlo (the former Agent T) defeated Fred _______ with a Samoan Drop. The crowd was absolutely dead for this match. Fred, making his FCW debut, didn’t look too bad but since neither character is an established face/heel, no one knew for whom to cheer.

FCW Heavyweight Champion Tyler Reks defeated Alex Riley (w/Beverly) by DQ when Riley hit Reks with a chair. The match was quite good with all kinds of back and forth action. The crowd was all over Riley.

Episode 3:

This was a hot start with almost the entire FCW roster outside the ring. The rules of the TNA-eqsue Grand Royale were explained. Every wrestler had one minute to climb into the ring – those that did not make it into the ring were eliminated. Those who made it into the ring fought each other in a battle royal to determine the winner. The order of elimination for those who made it into the ring are as follows: 1) Bo Rotundo 2) Lance Archer 3) Gabriel 4) Dylan Klein 5) Sweet Papi Sanchez 6) Ricky Ortiz 7) Yoshi Tatsu 8) Justin Angel 9) Dawson Alexander Esq 10) Joe Hennig 11) Caylen Croft –The Winner—Johnny Curtis

FCW General Manager Abraham Washington came out to congratulate Curtis on the win, said that they have never seen eye-to-eye but he respects him for winning the first Grand Royale and was adding him to that night’s FCW Heavyweight Title Match between Tyler Reks and Alex Riley.

Grand Royale Notes: This match concept was straight out of TNA. Several tag teams fought each other out on the floor instead of both getting into the ring to battle it out later. The final 4 (Dawson, Hennig, Croft and Curtis) took forever – I am guessing there is going to be a commercial in there somewhere. Certainly not the greatest of battle royals – very little drama.

Brett DiBiase pinned Dylan Klein with a roll-up. This match was totally one-sided with Klein doing some damage to DiBiase’s ribs. After a barrage of forearms to the ribs, the ref threw up the “X” which brought a trainer from the back. DiBiase gutted it out and let Klein pound the crap out of him until he was able to roll-up Klein after a pin attempt. The crowd was solidly behind DiBiase but the booking in this match made little sense.

FCW Heavyweight Champion Tyler Reks pinned Johnny Curtis with a roll-up to win a triple threat match that also included Alex Riley (w/Beverly). This match was very good. Curtis dug deep into his arsenal of aerial moves, Riley played an excellent cowardly heel and Reks was the glue that kept the match together. Solid outing by all three – I would not mind having to see more of it.


FCW returns to Lakeland on 7/11 with Dusty Rhodes and Steve Keirn singing autographs

FCW debuts in Punta Gorda on 7/15

This week must have been “roll-up” week in training since several matches ended with one

Only two referees (Mahoney & Zapata) worked the entire the show

Angela Fong did the ring announcing

Dusty Rhodes & Bryon Saxton did commentary

Biggest Pops:

Brett DiBiase

Tyler Reks

Joe Hennig

Kris Logan & Justin Angel

Most Heat:

Alex Riley

Trent Beretta & Caylen Croft

Lance Archer

Dylan Klein