View Full Version : WWE SmackDown/ECW Live Results, 7/3: San Diego, California

07-06-2009, 03:06 AM
SmackDown/ECW Live Results
July 3rd, 2009 - San Diego, CA
Report by ProWrestling.net, Jay Aquino

1. Evan Bourne defeated Shelton Benjamin with the shooting star press. Typical opening match material. Evan Bourne played the face in peril, while Benjamin stomped on him. Evan Bourne hit a flurry of offense and ended the match with his beautiful shooting star press.

2. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat defeated Drew McIntyre with a roll up. Prior to the match, Drew cut a promo about how he left the models and parties in ireland to compete in the US, but how he hated living in the US. He claimed that he will be the youngest future hall of famer. Some USA chants in this match. Match took too long, as McIntyre kept exiting the ring. McIntyre focused on submission moves on Steamboat's left leg, but Steamboat reversed one for the roll up.

3. The Great Khali defeated Dolph Ziggler with Khali Bomb. Sloppy match, and repetitive, as the same stalling techniques were used by Ziggler and McIntyre. Khali came out to a nice pop. Khali dominated the match, until Ziggler hit him his left legfrom behind. But Khali recovered and hit a few chops and the Khali Bomb. Khali really sloppy throughout match as his moves kept not connecting; luckily, Ziggler is great at selling.

4. Tommy Dreamer defeated Jack Swagger, Christian, and Mark Henry in a fatal four-way. Dreamer won with a Dreamer DDT on Swagger. Swagger and Henry teamed up in the early goings, knocking out Christian. Swagger turned on Henry. Henry was knocked out of the ring. Christian came back in. Swagger hit his gutwrench powerbomb, only to turn around for Dreamer's DDT. As he was exiting, Dreamer went through the wrong curtain and hit a wall.

5. Jeff Hardy defeated Edge by forfeit. Big pop for Hardy. Kids love this guy. Edge kept running around the ring. He taunted on the turnbuckle, but slipped. The match really never got up to pace, as Edge kept stalling. Hardy backed him into the corner, and Edge slipped, legitimately injuring his leg. Ref called the victory for Hardy. We weren't sure it was legitimate at first, but trainers came out and helped Edge. As he was walking out, Edge took the mic and said a very heatfelt "sorry" and exited to a mix of applause and cheers. As he was walking up the ramp, ref threw up the X to the trainers in the back.

Intermission. Justin Roberts appeared to be flustered by the injury.

6. Melina and Gail Kim defeated Michelle McCool and Alicia Fox with Maria special guest referee.. Melina pinned Fox inverted leg drop bull dog into a split pin. Michelle came out to absolutely no reaction. Melina received a good pop. Michelle does not know how to draw heat at all. That is her biggest problem. Gail played the face in peril, until Melina made a hot tag. Melina hit her finisher for the win.

7. Chris Jericho defeated John Morrison with a pin while grabbing the ropes. Jericho cut a promo about his hate for the hometown hero, and for the "manatees" in the audience. Good, competitive match. Jericho and Morrison went back and forth. Jericho used the ropes in his headlocks. Morrison went for the moonsault, but missed. Jericho got the pin with the surprise roll up and grabbed the ropes.

8. CM Punk defeated Rey Mysterio with the GTS to retain the World Hvt. Championship. Very good match. Gigantic ovation for Mysterio, with a mixed reaction for Punk. The entire match was a story of CM Punk's evolution as a character. Punk started out the match like a face, mingling with the crowd and hugging the fans. Punk and Mysterio shook hands before the match. Mysterio and Punk are evenly matched.

Punk was knocked out of the ring. Mysterio taunted Punk to get back into the ring, and they shook hands again. Mysterio was knocked out of the ring in the same manner, and Punk taunted him to get back into the ring. But as he went through the ropes, Punk hit one of his knees. Punk started acting more heel and smiled. Mysterio knocked Punk into the ropes and hit the 619.

Jericho came out, but Mysterio hit him before he could interfere. Unfortunately, this gave Punk time to recover and he hit the GTS for the win. After the match, Jericho assaulted Rey while he was on the ground. Punk paused for a second, but then proceeded to beat up Mysterio as well. Jeff Hardy came out for the save. Mysterio hit double 619. Hardy hit the Swanton and Mysterio hits the splash. Mysterio cut a promo afterwards talking about his pride and love for San Diego.

Biggest Pops:
1) Rey Mysterio
2) Jeff Hardy
3) The Great Khali
4) Melina

Biggest Heat:
1) Chris Jericho
2) Edge
3) Dolph Ziggler