View Full Version : SmackDown House Results - 8th Jul 2006 (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)

07-09-2006, 05:32 PM
SmackDown House Results - 8th Jul 2006
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Report by: Tyler

Opens with the Miz as ring announcer, introduces local radio personality as ring announcer but he is booed and isnt seen again. Many Hoorahs later the first match begins.

Tag Team Title Match: Paul London & Brian Kendrick def. the Pitbulls, with twin super kicks to Nobles face. Kash played up his heel act great.
Divas Match: Jillian Hall def. Kristal with a cartwheel legdrop. Kristal attacks her after the match, but ends up with her shirt stripped off.

Sylvan comes out and talks about the wonder of Quebec, Scotty 2 Hotty comes out, and after a lot of taunting and not much wrestling Sylvan finishes him off with a devastating F-5/stone cold stunner type move.

Sylvester Terkay def. Funaki with a mucsle buster, couldnt really tell whether he was going for heel or not.

Vito def. Simon Dean with a Code of Silence DDT, then putting his dress over Dean's head and making him tap.

U.S. Championship Match: Bobby Lashley def. William Regal, Regal untied one of the top turnbuckles before the match but didnt get to use it as Lashley finished it in under a minute with a power slam.

Ken Kennedy comes out and trash talks Winnipeg, mistaking it for Toronto and then calling it Winter-peg. Matt Hardy def. Kennedy with a Twist of Fate off a botched Kenton Bomb.

Super Crazy def. Psicosis by reversing a small package pin into his own.
Main Event. Batista & Rey Mysterio def. Mark Henry & the Great Khali with a 619 on Henry, with him falling right into batistas hands for a spinbuster. Great Khali barely in the match at all.

Afterwards, Batista holds onto Rey's titles for a long time, refusing to give it back, but after a couple minutes plays it off as a joke. Rey does an Eddie Tribute, signs autographs for a bit, then with only about a few people left to receive autographs, decides he is done and leaves without saying anything, high-fiving, or even so much as holding up his title.