View Full Version : WWE SmackDown/ECW House Show Results (7/07/09) - Tokyo, Japan

07-07-2009, 06:30 PM
Wrestling News World reader Hiroaki Kawafuji sent the following:

Match 1:
John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler
- John Morrion came out first, Ziggler followed with booing. When Ziggler introduced myself, the crowd was booing. During the match, the crowds chant "Ziggler sucks", and Ziggler was angry it. Morrison hits kick, upper, neckbreaker. Ziggler hits elbow, headlock, closeline. Backslide by Morrison and get nearfall. After face kick and rolling kick, Morrison hits Starship Pain, Morriosn pinned Ziggler.

Match 2:
Evan Bourne vs. Mark Henry
- Bourne came out first with cheer, Henry fallowed. Bourne hits the plural low kick, but Mark Henry didn't fall down. Bourne hits stomping and jumped at Henry's back, but Henry shakes it off, hits closeline and one leg pin, but Bourne kicked out. Henry stamped Bourne and choked him. Henry did elbow drop, but Bourne evaded. Bourne hits the plural low kick, drop kick and missile kick. Bourne hits monnsalute and face kick, went to top rope, but Henry shaked the rope and Bourne was droped. Finally, Henry hits World's Strongest Slam, and Henry pinned Bourne.

Match 3:
Michelle McCool with Alicia Fox vs. Melina for WWE Women's Title
- Melina hits face buster and cover McCool, but Fox pulled her leg to prevent pinfall. Melina kicks Fox, but McCool hits Wings of Love and McCool win and defended the title. After the Match, Michelle and Fox continued to attack Melina. Maria came to the ring to save her, but she was attacked by them. Gail Kim came out to save Maria and Melina. Kim hits harricanerana Fox. McCool and Fox run away from the ring. Melina, Maria and Kim celebrated.

Match 4:
The Great Khali vs. Shelton Benjamin
- Khali came out first, Shelton followed. The crowd "Khali" chant. Shelton avoided Khali. Khali want Shelton to shake hands. But Shelton slapped him. Khali chopped. Benjamin hits DDT, Khali hits big boot. Khali hits Punjabi Plunge, and Khali wins.

Match 5:
Tommy Dreamer vs. Jack Swagger vs. Christian for ECW Title
- Christian came out first, Swagger folled and the crowd booing him. Swagger claimed "USA" written by his costume's mark. Dreamer came out with ECW chant. Dreamer and Christian made the offense and defense. Swagger was replaced Chritian. Swagger dropped Dremer to outside and hits atomic drop outside the ring. But Christian jumped to outside from ring. Swagger rammed Christian to the mat, but Chritian countered. Chritian hits Swing DDT to Swagger, and get count 2. Christian moved next attack, but Dreamer pulled his leg to outside. Dreamer locked reverse Boston crab to Swagger, Christian locked sleeper to Dreamer. Swagger hits brain buster to Christian. Swagger dropped Christian to outside, then Dreamer attacked Swagger. Dreamer hits DDT to Swagger, Dreamer wins and defend the title.

Match 6:
Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho for IC Title (Special Referee: Ricky Steamboat)
- Jericho came out first with cheer. However, when Jericho talked about the title he won so far, the crowd was booing. Rey Mysterio(wear Green Mask) came out with title. Ricky Steamboat came out as special guest referee. Ray went to 619 just after a match start. but Jericho evaded. Jericho tried to tear off the Rey's mask, but Rey jatted the mist(like Tajiri) to Jericho. Rey hits 619 and Springboard Sprash, and Rey wins and defend the tile. After the match, Chris Jericho provoked Japanese famous wrestler Yoshihiro Takayama sat down on the seat of ringside.

Main Event:
CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy for World Heavyweight Title
- The crowd cheered both. Jeff went head lock, they made offence and defense. Punk went GTS, Jeff went Twist of Fate, but both missed. Punk kick Jeff's back head, Jeff hits head scissors whip, Punk to outside. Jeff jumped to outside. Punk hits guillotine drop, elbow drop, and sleeper. Jeff missed counter, dropped to outside. Jeff into the ring, hits summer salute and neck breaker of three times, but Punk kicks, hits knee and face buster. Jeff hits deadly drive and drop kick. Jeff avoided GTS, went to Swanton Bomb, but Pun moved. Punk went GTS again, but Jeff resisted. Punk pinned Jeff, and Punk wins and defend the title.