View Full Version : WWE SmackDown/ECW House Show Results (7/08/09) - Tokyo, Japan

07-08-2009, 06:19 PM
Match One:
John Morrison vs. Shelton Benjamin
-Morrison came out first, Shelton followed. The crowd chant "Let's go Morrison". Shelton went arm lock and Morrison striked back. Benjamin lifted Morrion up, but Morrison jumped to the corner and hits flying body attack. When Benjamin ramed Morrion to the ringpost, the crowd chant "You Suck". Benjamin went arm lock and shoulder buster, but Morrion hits counter kick. Benjamin went sleeper, Morrison hits knuckle, Neel kick and face kick. Shelton went powerbomb to outside, but Morrion countered. Morrion climbed top rope, but Shelton hits front suplex and get nearfall. Morrison hits Tornade DDT, and Morrison hits Starship Pain to Shelton. Morrison wins.

Match Two:
Gail Kim and Melina vs. Michelle McCool and Alicia Fox(Special Guest Referee Maria)
-Maria came out first as special guest referee. McCool and Fox came out, Kim and Melina followed. Melina wants to fight against McCool, but McCool refused it. However, Michelle was in the ring, this match starts in Melina vs. Michelle. Melina hits headscissors whip, elbow, and mount punch, but McCool run away to outside of the ring. Kim hits flying body attack to Fox, and flying attack to McCool, but McCool lift Kim up, hits whip to top rope. When Maria din't see anything, McCool and Fox attacked Kim. Alicia hits backbreaker to Kim and get nearfall.Kim changed to Melina. Melina hits face kick. Melina hits axe kick to McCool. Melina and Kim win.

Match Three:
The Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler
-Ziggler came out first. When Ziggler started to introduce myself, but the crowd chant "What?". Khali's music hit and came out. Khali hits brain chop twice and hits Punjabi Plunge. Khali wins.

Match Four:
Rey Mysterio vs. Evan Bourne(High Flyer Match)
-Bourne came out first, Mysterio followed. Bourne and Mysterio shake hands. Both hit low kick and elbow each other, Mysterio dropped Bourne to outside. When Bourne was back into the ring, Mysterio hits guillotine drop from corner, surfboard strench. Mysterio jumped from corneer, but Bourne kicked him. Bourne tryed to drop Mysterio to outside, but Mysterio evaded it and Bourne dropped himself to outside. Mysterio hits sentone bomb and get nearfall. Bourne hits slide kick to Mysterio, and Mysterio was dropped to outside. Bourne jumped Mysterio who was outside of ring. Bourne returned Mysterio to the ring. Bourne get nearfall. Mysterio hits cross body from second rope. Bourne evaded 619 and hits shooting star press, but Mysterio moved. Mysterio hits 619 and diving body press to Bourne. Mysterio wins. After the match, Mysterio and Bourne shake hands and raise their hands.

Match Five:
Tommy Dreamer and Christian vs. Jack Swagger and Mark Henry
-Jack Swagger came out first, Henry followed and took "ECW" signboard and tears it up. Christian came out, Dreamer followed and the crowd chant "ECW". This match started Christian vs. Swagger. Christian hits shoulder and Swagger dropped to outside. Dreamer attacked Swagger at outside. Henry lifted Christian up and dropped to the mat. Henry stamped on Chisitan's body, Swagger was stomping and hits brain buster, but Christian dropped Swagger to the mat and hits diving head putt. Dreamer hits brain buster, but Swagger ramed Dreamer's head to turnbuckle. Swagger hits attack to Dreamer. Dreamer evaded Henry's guillotine drop. Dreamer changed to Christian. Swagger roll up to Christian, but referee didn't see it. Dreamer hits DDT to Henry. Christian hits killswitch to Swagger. Christian and Dreamer win.

Match Six:
Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat(Special Challenge Match)
-Chris Jericho came out first, Steamboat followed. The crowd chant "Let's go Ricky". Ricky hits back hand chop. Jericho hits Full Nelson, but Ricky get rope escape. Jericho went roll up and get count 2. Jericho hits face kick. Ricky hits backhand chop, nuckle, and backdrop. Jericho hits face buster and went Wall of Jericho, but Ricky countered and hits DDT. Ricky hits flying cross body from corner top, get count 2. Jericho blocked double knee, went Wall of Jericho and Ricky tapped out. Jericho wins.

Main Event:
CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy(Extreme Rules Match)
-Jeff came out first, Punk followed. both shake hands. Jeff hits nuckle. Punk get chair at outside, but Jeff hits slidekick, throwed chair to Punk's face, kicked from chair. Punk blocked Jeff's chair attack, put chair to the corner. Punk rammed Jeff to ring steps and get the cane. Punk throwed trash can to Jeff, but Jeff catched it and throwed it to punk. Jeff covered up Punk with trash can and Punk hit Punk with cane. Punk hits body slam to jeff on trash can, backdrop, and sleeper. Punk took table under the ring. Jeff hits body to Punk and broke the table. Jeff hits axe kick and summersault from corner. Punk hits Anaconda buster and Anaconda Vice. Jeff hits GTS, and Punk run away to outside. Punk tryed to go GTS, but Jeff hits Twist of Fate and Swantone bomb through the table, count 2. Jeff took lader under the ring, hits Twist of Fate and climbed the lader. Punk run away, Jeff knocked over the ladder. There was the ladder on middle of ring, Jeff climbbed the ladder. Punk climbed and knocked over the ladder. Punk hits GTS to Jeff. Punk wins.