View Full Version : My Abdominal Injury Status.. (AFTER-SURGERY PIC INCLUDED)

Black Widow
07-08-2009, 10:54 PM
Well guys and gals, since the news had broken already on the world wide web, I figured I should go ahead and address it truthfully-to guarantee everyone has the story straight. Yes, the rumors are true, I had major surgery a couple of days ago, July 2nd, 2009, to be exact. The triple threat match against MVP and Kofi in Green Bay was the straw that broke the camel's back. In a few days, I'm gonna post a tell-all blog on my WWE Universe page and fill everyone in on everything.

But here's a little taste of how tough and annoying the last 2 years of my life has been. For two years, I've been working with a slight abdominal tear, a genetic defect that I was actually born with. All of the WWE Superstars sacrifice ourselves every night in the ring for each of your guy's entertainment.. But don't get me wrong, we love it and we chose to do it. The abdominal tear hasn't been anything that has really over-affected me performance-wise until my appendectomy in 2007. From when I returned in April 2008, my abdominal tear became gradually worse. I was having a U.S. Title run that I was very proud of-and although something felt slightly strange within my abdomen, I worked hard. I became the ECW Heavyweight Champion, and was having one of the best runs of my career, and the abdominal injury really started bothering me. But being stubborn has always been one of my weaknesses.. I kept working, hoping everything would be fine and heal itself. I had the urge to have it examined and possibly fixed, but.. I had an issue with Jeff which would ultimately lead to us wrestling one another at THE show of all shows, Wrestlemania 25. So I sucked it up, dealt with the uncomfortableness, and got through it. Basically, in a nutshell, my intestines were slowly tearing through my abdomen-which affected my training greatly, my in-ring work, and my physical appearance. My intestines were slowly swelling because they were all outta wack and protruding through my abdominal wall. But I sucked it up and gave everything I had. Basically because I'm Matt Hardy, and that's what I do and how I live. I never wanna let anyone down-my fans, my friends, my family, and especially myself.
The night of June 22nd in Green Bay, when Kofi gave me a cross body from the top rope, my intestines basically exploded out of my abdominal wall. And not just in one spot, but in two spots. It was so excruciatingly painful it's almost hard to describe. It felt like someone took a hot knife and sliced it deeply into my lower abdomen. I did my best to try and get through the remainder of the match, but I knew I was hurt badly. I had to have it fixed, or face major health problems. Problems that could have possibly killed me. So I had do what was good for me, my career, my friends, and my loved ones. And that was get it corrected and fixed.

Warning.. Graphic photo ahead..

The first day after surgery, my new bruises and 5 inch scar..


I want to sincerely thank the WWE and everyone who had a hand in blazing my path back to being a 100% healthy Matt Hardy. Everyone at the WWE has been great to me in helping and supporting me through this tough procedure. I also want to thank Dr. Pappas and Duke Medical Center for doing an awesome job of putting my abdomen back together again. I also want to thank my good friend Shannon Moore for taking me to the hospital and staying with me the whole while until I was able to come home. I promise you guys and gals, I'll see you soon and be better than ever! Until then..

Matt Hardy

Shane McMahon's Ass
07-08-2009, 11:07 PM
Ouch! Hope he gets better quick

OMG...if he pulled his pants down anymore you could see his Hmm-hmm...lol

07-09-2009, 06:34 AM
wow thanks for this Ryan