View Full Version : Florida Championship Wrestling TV Report with WWE Stars from 7/5/2009

07-10-2009, 08:08 AM
Florida Championship Wrestling TV Report
Airdate: July 5th, 2009
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We start off this week’s show with a look back at last week’s title match between Tyler Reks and Drew McIntyre that saw a new champion crowned.

We are live on tape from Tampa, Florida and your announcers are Dusty ‘The Hundred Dollar Man’ Rhodes and Byron ‘Give Me a Talk Show’ Saxton.

Match Number One: Mr. Tarver versus El Sicodelico

They lock up and Tarver with a knee. Sicodelico with a bulldog and an arm drag. Tarver with a kick but Sicodelico with kicks of his own. Sicodelico with an arm drag into an arm bar. Tarver backs Sicodelico into the corner and then he hits a head butt in the corner. Tarver with punches to the head that stagger Sicodelico and then he sends Sicodelico to the floor. Tarver with a cobra clutch and then he drops Sicodelico to the mat for a near fall. Sicodelico with an inside cradle and a kick followed by a clothesline. Sicodelico with a flying forearm and a springboard cross body. Tarver with a powerslam for the three count.
Winner: Mr. Tarver

It is time for a look at Joe Hennig in the FCW Spotlight. Joe says that sustained a serious injury and it was frustrating to relinquish the title. He says that it was frustrating to watch the show from home but things happen. Hennig says that the strongest people overcome struggles and triumph over tragedy. Things happen for a reason. Joe says that he had to fight to accomplish everything and he will fight to get back to where he was.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Abraham Washington comes to the ring and he has some followers in the ring awaiting his entrance. Abraham says that as the new General Manager of FCW, he says that he needs help some time. He says that he is going to begin appointing members of his cabinet. He starts off with Troy Jackman, who is his Minister of Defense. Next is Alex Riley and Beverly. He then talks about his security and they been promoted. He brings out his new assistant general manager, Fletcher Chase.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we go to the General Manager’s office and he is getting his tie adjusted after Rosa Mendes falls off his lap. He tells Rosa that she will be crowned the Queen of FCW. Washington tells Fletcher that he needs to advise Tyler Reks about the lumberjack match with the lumberjacks being the cabinet. Tyler will face Agent T.

Match Number Two: Trent Beretta with Caylen Croft versus Justin Angel

Beretta with a double leg take down and side head lock. Beretta with a shoulder tackle but Angel with a drop kick. Angel with a splash into the corner and then he goes to the apron. Croft is able to delay Angel’s offense and Beretta drops Angel on the top rope. Beretta with a knee and then he puts Angel in the tree of woe. Beretta with a drop kick in the corner and then he slaps Angel off the turnbuckles. Angel with punches but Beretta with a kick and elbow to the head. Beretta with a seated abdominal stretch. Angel with knees but Beretta with a back elbow. Angel misses a spin kick but he does not miss a jumping spin kick. Angel with a kick and a jumping back kick followed by a side slam for a near fall. Angel with a forearm and Irish whip but Beretta with a gutbuster for a near fall. Beretta tries for the tornado DDT but Angel lands on his feet. Angel tries for a reverse rana and hits it followed by the 450 splash for the three count.
Winner: Justin Angel

Match Number Three: Rosa Mendes versus Angela in a Queen of FCW Match

Before the match starts, Abraham Washington comes out and he apologizes for interrupting things, but he does not mean it. He makes it a match for the crown. He tells Angela that she needs to win in less than a minute or she loses the crown

Angela with a backslide for a near fall. Angela with an inside cradle and rollup for a near fall. Rosa leaves the ring to stall. Sweet Papi Sanchez comes out and forces Rosa into the ring and Angela gets the three count with a rollup.
Winner: Angela

We have a video package for Eric Escobar and apparently he can do his own knee surgery.

Match Number Four: Kris Logan versus Johnny Curtis

They lock up and Logan with a waist lock into a head scissors and Curtis escapes. They lock up and Logan works on the arm but Curtis reverses. Curtis with a back elbow and arm bar. Curtis with a fireman’s carry and a knee to the arm in a hammer lock. Curtis with an arm bar. Logan runs into a boot but Logan sends Curtis over the top rope to the floor. Logan with a snap suplex on the floor. They return to the ring and Logan with a near fall. Logan with knees to the back and then he has Curtis in a cravate. Curtis with elbows but Logan with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Logan with an arm bar and cross face. Logan with a knee drop to the head for a near fall. Logan with a snap mare into a reverse chin lock. Curtis with punches and a clothesline. Logan with an Irish whip but Curtis with a float over and a side Russian leg sweep and a slingshot leg drop for a near fall. Curtis with a jumping spin kick and then he goes up top and he hits a leg drop for the three count.
Winner: Johnny Curtis

Match Number Five: Tyler Reks versus Agent T in a Lumberjack Match for the Florida Title

They lock up and Reks with an arm drag. They lock up again and T with a side head lock. Reks with a Japanese arm drag and T goes into the ropes. T with a kick and forearm to the back. Reks with a sunset flip and T rolls through and misses a kick. Reks with a rollup for a near fall. Reks with a running back elbow for a near fall. Reks with a punch and kick. Reks clotheslines T over the top rope to the floor. The lumberjacks check on T and then Reks with a pescado onto T. The lumberjacks try to attack Reks but it fails. Reks and T return to the ring and Reks goes to the turnbuckles. D distracts Reks and T hits an Electric Chair drop for a two count. T with chops to the neck and a nerve hold. T with a kick to Reks and then he tries to throw Reks out of the ring but Reks is on the apron. Reks is pulled from the apron and the lumberjacks attack Reks. T gets a near fall on Reks and then he connects with a leg drop to Reks. T with a hammer lock and cross face. Reks with a jawbreaker to escape the hold and then Reks with a flapjack and both men are down. Reks with a drop kick for a near fall. Reks with a punch to T and then he drives T to the mat. Reks with the high tide elbow drop for a two count. Reks with a slam and then he goes up top for the moonsault but the referee is pulled out of the ring.

Abraham Washington has made Fletcher Chase the new referee. Reks with a rollup but Chase does not make the count. Reks punches Chase but T hits Reks. Reks with the Burning Hammer but the lumberjacks enter the ring and attack Reks. The referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Tyler Reks by disqualification

Riley hits a belly-to-back into an uranage on Reks as the Cabinet stands over Reks.

We go to credits.