View Full Version : JR - Lesnar...Seth Green...Smackdown Chaos...Allied Powers DVD...Edge..

07-16-2009, 07:12 PM
Good to be home...hitting the road every week is getting more challenging...business at J.R.'s Family BBQ is steady and our business on the site has been growing especially since we got our new Chipolte Ketchup and Hot BBQ Sauce in stock. We are still addressing shipping issues and I hope to have some good news on international shipping in a few days. I need more hours in the day to get all my projects completed. Here are a few random thoughts.

I did a radio interview yesterday on KREF here in Norman which is a sports talk station AM1400 and Brock Lesnar and UFC 100 still seemed to be the topic of the day. I find it unwise for those to think that UFC officials don't love Lesnar for a variety of reasons but specifically for the income he is and will produce. Every great promoter wants and needs a great villain as, especially in today's world, fans are more likely to pay their hard earned cash to see someone get their ass whipped that the fans detest than they will to see their favorite competitor roll over someone. Lesnar is a natural born predator, an avid big game hunter, who loves isolation and individualism, as do most successful amateur wrestlers, and who feels threatened by his prey and will always fight as if he were cornered. That's simply Lesnar's human instincts but without question when someone does finally beat Lesnar, and they will, that person will be the new UFC Messiah for finally overcoming the former WWE Champion and natural born, defiant badass.

I enjoyed Seth Green's appearance on Raw Monday night and am still waiting for my check for my "likeness" appearing on WWE's Flagship Broadcast. That's likely as close as yours truly is going to come to returning to Monday night's variety/ sports/entertainment juggernaut to answer a question that many keep asking on our Q&A section of this site.

Someone recently sent me a quote from an internet scribe that "J.R. is now the #2 guy on the #2 show" which is one way to look at it I suppose. I don't feel that way personally but everyone has the right to their own opinion.

The end of Friday Night Smackdown this week is one of the most chaotic last few moments of any WWE TV show in quite some time. Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho and Dolph Ziggler is the main event.

Ziggler is a smart kid with an athlete's mentality and I hope that he fully grasps the opportunity that has landed at the former Kent State star's feet.

John Morrison and C.M. Punk have a really solid bout on SD this week as well. Morrison is going to be big sooner than later while Punk's days of being a highly, disliked villain lie ahead. There is no reason that both these men can't headline WWE PPV's in the near future.

Check out the Allied Powers DVD from WWE regarding the many great tag teams that used to commonly dot the wrestling landscape. This is a well produced DVD and, as always, provides plenty of subjective debate regarding who should or should not be included on the list. I certainly feel some teams got a "pass" with their inclusion on the DVD but all in all it is a really fun one to watch. If you are a fan of tag team wrestling and also like the old school approach to wrestling then I feel you will enjoy this DVD just released this week.

I did think that Miz and Morrison were unique choices to host the DVD and that someone like an Arn Anderson amd/or a WWE HOF'er might have offered more of a historical slant to the production but as is often said, "This is a young man's game."

I talked to Edge mere minutes after his Achilles tendon surgery last week and he had a more positive attitude about returning to the ring than most would. Edge has been faced with many challenges over his career and if any one can return and be as good as they were before they were hurt then it will be him. However, we should all be realistic about this situation as Achilles tendon injuries can be devastating for an athlete that maintains a schedule like Edge. My money is on Edge to return ready to rock, be more popular than ever and perhaps even possibly having a one on one match with Chris Jericho at WM26 which could be a show stealer. Yes, that's all speculation but a guy can dream, can't he?

Hard to believe that Bruiser Brody was senselessly killed today in 1988 at the age of 42. The wrestler who stabbed Brody to death in a Puerto Rican shower at an arena was tried and found innocent. The judicial system works in mysterious ways. Brody was arguably the best all around brawler I ever saw and was also one of the most fiercely independent individuals who ever laced up a pair of boots. Insiders either hated Brody or they liked and respected him. I have friends who still can't stand the late Frank Goodish and his free spirit but I miss the guy and always enjoyed being around him.

Also on this date in 2001 Terry Gordy died at 40 years of age. The former Freebird was the greatest in ring performer I ever saw when Terry was a teen. Gordy never lifted weights or participated in organized athletics or likely even graduated high school but his in ring timing and natural abilities were amazing. I have yet to see any one 16-17 years of age that even remotely compares to Terry Gordy nor any one in any developmental program or indy circuit.

Thanks for stopping by and we'll have more blogs and updated Q&A's ASAP.

Boomer Sooner!


07-17-2009, 05:29 AM

07-17-2009, 06:38 AM
thanks for the post John