View Full Version : WWE Raw House Show Results (7/17/09) - Macon, Georgia

07-19-2009, 03:36 PM
Tonight I attended the Raw Summerslam tour they had at the Macon Centreplex. It was about three times better than the show they had here last time.

Exactly around 7:30 the lights went dark and the ref escorted the upcomming ring announcer Angela I believe to the ring. She didn't sing the National Anthem, however the music was played.

First up: Evan Bourne vs. The Brian Kendrick.
Good amount of action, Evan got the win with the shooting star press. Nice pop for Evan, and good heat on Kendrick.

Second Match: Diva's Tag Match - Maryse & Alica Fox vs. Mickie James & Gail Kim.
Gail is excellent in the ring, excellent moves, Maryse got the pin with a DDT on Mickie.
Before the Diva's match started Angela(the ring announcer) said our host Kelly Kelly had a prize. Kelly was revealed in the upper deck's, she said she had a WWE triva question and if the family got the question correct they would get a prize. The question: What is the next WWE pay-per-view. The family got it correct and they were awarded front row seats.
Next up, Match Three: Primo Vs. Carlito.
Primo comes out and cuts a promo on how Carlito betrayed him and gave him the backstabber almost two weeks ago. He told us he's calling Carlito out.
Carlito comes out to very little heat, and the match is underway.
Primo got the win with a roll up.
Next up, Match Four: Chavo Guerrero Vs Kofi Kingston. (United States Championship match)
Chavo out first to a decent amount of heat, Kofi out next to an excellent pop. Note: The title belt looked like on of the cheap plastic ones you would purchase at the gift stand.
Kofi got the win when Hornswoggle interuppted the match and Kofi gave him the trouble in paradise.
Match 5: Santino Marella Vs .Jack Swagger.
Jack out first, with Santino comming out next to a good pop. Santino cut a hilarious promo on Swagger about how he was a bully in school, and how people used to call him a "Swagasaurus". Santino got in some good offense, however after some goofing recieved the Gut Wrench powerbomb and Swagger picked up the win.
Match Six: Big Show Vs. MVP.
Big Show got the biggest pop of the night so far, and MVP got a smaller reaction. Show was having a hard time playing the heel, I saw him crack a smile due to the amount of cheers he was recieving. Horrible squash match, Big Show got the win with a chokeslam.
Main Event: Legacy & Randy Orton Vs Mark Henry & Triple H & John Cena.
Legacy out first to a good amount of heat, next out Randy Orton to a mixed reaction. Henry out next to a good face reaction. John Cena's pop was ENORMOUS. The amount of cheer's he recieved echoing in the colliseum made my left ear pop. Triple H out to a tad smaller pop than John Cena's it was still quite loud.
Good amount of wrestling, hottest match of the night easy. Hot tag by Triple H to Cena set the arena on fire. Orton fell out of the wring and Triple H and Cena gave a Pedigree & Attitude Adjustment to Rhodes & DiBiase at the same time.

This ended out the night.

Biggest Pops in Order:
Cena's - Deafening.
Triple H - A tad less Deafening.
Big Show - A bit smaller than Triple H's.
Mark Henry - In between Kofi and Mickie's.
Kofi Kingston - Good pop.
Mickie James
Evan Bourne
Maryse - Very little heat on the diva's.

Biggest Heat:
Randy Orton
Jack Swagger
Brian Kendrick