View Full Version : Referee speaks on being fired while he had cancer

07-20-2009, 08:06 PM
Many stories and/or rumors have been floating around about Mickie's health since departing the WWE, and Mickie wanted to take his first moments on "Your Home Of Wrestling Radio" to set the record straight: that he is currently living in Key West, FL and loving life. "I'm just living it up the best I can down here in Key West." The Mayhem's National Correspondent and former WCW announcer, Scott Hudson, along with Mosh and Blade, were especially thrilled to hear about Mickie's current health prospects after the initial diagnosis that he received last year.

"Back in September of last year, I was diagnosed with lymphoma, which is form of blood cancer and the lymph nodes. And long story short, the doctors here in Key West, which is pretty similar to 1840's medicine down here, basically gave me six months to live and told to get my affairs in order. A good buddy of mine from Cleveland got me move up there and got me hooked up with The Cleveland Clinic. I went through chemotherapy, and as of April, during my last round chemo, the doctor told me there was no sign of the disease in my body and that I was in complete remission."

Mickey hit the ground running after being hired by the WWE, refereeing some of the biggest matches in company history: including Kurt Angle vs. John Cena at the 2005 WWE Survivor Series and "The Rated-R Superstar" Edge vs. Mick Foley's Hardcore Match at WrestleMania 22. Trial by fire to say the least for a new referee. "It was complete thrill for me. When I started, I started in Florida, and to go from driving the ring truck and putting the ring up, and being the only referee and if lucky making 50 bucks a night, to being one of the top referees in the WWE. It was a fantastic experience. I learned a lot up there being able to work with some of the great talent."

Many inside and outside of the business were shocked (and even some appalled) by the way Mickie's employment situation was handled by the WWE and him being released from the company. Some have even used words such as "heartless" and "unsympathetic" in describing World Wrestling Entertainment after wishing him well in his future endeavors...especially while he was still battling cancer. Mosh asked Mickie if he was upset over the firing or if he took it in stride.

As a final parting shot to The Mayhem Nation, Mickey gave a message to not only his fans, but to fans of professional wrestling. "I'm just itching' to back in the ring, and to everybody out there that might have seen me in a ring in the last 23 years, I want to thank everybody because without the fans, wrestling isn't nothing. There wouldn't be wrestling."

07-21-2009, 12:48 PM