View Full Version : Tommy ~ An Original Thought

07-25-2009, 03:13 PM
I will try my best to put into words just how much returning to Philadelphia as ECW Champion means to me. I was born and raised in New York, but Tommy Dreamer's career was born in Philly. I remember the first time trying to find the ECW Arena driving around Philly for about an hour lost with Taz. We saw the old Vet,the Rocky Statue, the Spectrum. Where the hell was this ECW Arena it had to be some huge building was are thoughts. Well after asking a police officer he pointed out that the bingo hall next to Forman mills store,may be it. Sure enough it was and my love for Philadelphia began.

My career grew week to week and the fans embraced me and the ride has been awesome. I feel like a modern day Rocky Balboa( Philadelphia's other favorite son haha) Hell my greatest accomplishment in my life is my children and I met their mother in Philadelphia

My greatest memories and acts of fulfillment in my lfe occurred there. Being the first man to kick out of Jimmy Snuka's splash,The Sandman blinding and later the ten lashes Singapore canning Thank You Sir May I have Another, piledriving Beulah, pinning Raven, Brian Lee chokeslamming me from every highest point in the ECW building, throwing Brian Lee off the scaffold in the only ever High Incident Match, the first ever wrestling pregnancy angle as well as the first ever girl kissing girl on tv ever and I took them both cause I was hardcore, winning my first ECW title, having a ten bell salute for my grandfathers passing. The emotion of Barley Legal were all staples in my career.

As a wrestling fan I witnessed so many amazing moments in Philadelphia and things that were before there time. Eddie Guerreros matches with anyone, Rey Misterio vs Physcosis, Too Cold Scorpios amazing moves, any RVD match, Sabu, Terry Funk, Flaming Tables, and the list goes on and on.

I am gonna combine all of those emotions and thoughts and try to put them into perspective this Sunday at the Night of Champions. As a fan I am gonna try my hardest to put on a great match for all to enjoy. As for my career I am gonna lace up my same pair of boots that I wore when Original ECW was at the ECW arena and represent the old and the new ECW with pride and honor. I hopefully will leave the arena as Champion and say "Yo Beulah we did it" and yes I will celebrate with a cheesesteak at Tony Lukes thanks for the reminder Lego head Washington.

Thanks for reading

Tommy Dreamer

ECW Champion

PS. I will be signing autographs on Sat between 12 -3 at Bally's in Atlantic City. It is free so please come out and get a picture and say hi

07-25-2009, 08:36 PM
thanks for the post John