View Full Version : The 'Pretty Ricky' Gimmick/Storyline

07-30-2009, 10:10 PM
» R-Truth came up with the idea to do the "Pretty Ricky" character. He was apparently messing around doing the character on the road and some WWE people saw it, so now it's on national television. SmackDown creative writer Chris DeJosephs (a/k/a Big Dick Johnson) is in charge of producing the skits and Vince McMahon "absolutely loves them." Quite like the movie Bruno, most of the stuff you see are legitimate reactions, such as the initial skit in which he tried to go over the merchandise seller's table to take stuff with security dragging him away.

07-31-2009, 06:49 AM
thanks for the post john

08-01-2009, 09:16 AM
still not seen the skit